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BROOMHEAD, J.W: Round the Rand. Present Position and Prospects of the Rand Mines
KASSNER, Theo: Gold Seeking in South Africa
FLEMMING, Leonard: Getting About in London
EDWARDS, John: Reminiscences of the Early Life and Missionary Labours of the Rev John Edwards, Fifty Years a Wesleyan Missionary in South Africa
DUGMORE, H.H: The Reminiscences of an Albany Settler. a Lecture Delivered in Graham's Town at the British Settlers' Jubilee May 1870
CAMPBELL- JOHNSTON, A.R: South Africa. Its Difficulties & Present State Suggested By a Recent Visit to That Country
MACDONALD, J. Ramsay: What I Saw in South Africa September and October 1902
ANON: Memoir of the Life and Work of Rev John Brebner, M A., LL>D>
STORER, F>H>: Agriculture in Some of Its Regulations with Chemistry
CALDECOTT, A: The Church in the West Indies
KNIGHTS OF ST JOHN: The Centenary of the Revival of the Order of St. John in England 1931
NORRIS-NEWMAN, Charles L: With the Boers in the Transvaal and Orange Free State in 1880 - 1
KNOPFLI, Rui and Others: Mocambique a Preto e Branco
DUNCAN, Henry: Doors of Perception:Essays in Book Typography
POLLARD, John: African Zoo Man
MOYSE-BARTLETT, H: The Pirates of Trucial Oman
KENSLEY, Brian: Sea Shells of Southern Africa. Gastropods
LOVECRAFT, H.P. (ed. DERLETH, August): The Haunter of the Dark and Other Tales of Horror
BRANDT: Treatment of Uterine Disease and Prolapsis By the Movement Cure. Notes Collected Since 1861. Edited and Translated, with an Introduction By Dr. Roth
AINSWORTH, W.Harrison: Windsor Castle. An Historical Romance
REITLINGER, Gerald: The Final Solution. The Attempt to Exterminate the Jews of Europe 1939 to 1945
BRITTENDEN, R.T: New Zealand Cricketers
ANON. (TRANSVAAL REPUBLIC): Financieele Mededeelingen Van De Deputatie Der Zuid-Afrikaanische Republiek
CARNEGIE, D.P: Poems to a Great Naval Hero
TAYLOR, W. Thomas: Printer's Choice: A Selection of American Press Books, 1968-1978. Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at the Grolier club, New York December 19, 1978-February 3, 1979. Selction of Books and Press Histories by Ruth E. Fine and William Matheson. Bibliographic
AYLIFF, John and WHITESIDE, Joseph: History of the Abambo (Fingos)
JURITZ, Charles S: The Chemical Constitution of Some Colonial Fodder Plants & Woods
BOTHA, Paul M: Van Boer Tot Boer En Engelschman
VAN DUYL, A.G.G: Een Afrikaander Naar Het Oorspronkelijk Handschrift
G. ROSS ("A Refugee"): The All-Absorbing South African Sham and a Remedy
DU TOIT, S.J: Looverkransen Voor Transvaal Gevlochten En Der Transvaalsche Deputatie Aangeboden, Tijdens Haar Besoek in Europa Ten Jare 1883 En 1884
BOSENBERG, C.H: Beschrijving Der Gebruikelijkste Geneesmiddelen En Aanwending Derselve
PRELLER, Gustav S., Ed: Hoe Ons Aan Dingaansdag Kom (jan Bantjes Se Dagverhaal Van Die winkommando)
FAURE, P.E: De Waarheid. Detail of Some Proceedings of the Consistory and Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church at Wynberg. With an Appendix Containing a Few Remarks By the Same on the "Wynberg Mission" or "De Echte Waarheid"
CAMPBELL, S.G. (Cicatrix): Natal Legislators 1907. A Satire
(FIRST UNION ELECTION): Who is Who in Politics. a Biographical Sketch of the Candidates for Parliament and Provincial Council Honours in the Witwatersrand and Pretoria. A Guide to Voters
SHIPPARD, The Hon. Mr. Justice: Imperial Union. An Address Delivered Before the Eastern Province Literary and Scientific Society (grahamstown Cape colony)
SCHWEITZER, Albert: J.S.Bach
LANE, A.H: The Alien Menace. a Statement of the Case
REEVES, William Pember: The Long White Cloud. Ao Tea Roa
WELLESLEY, F.A. Ed: The Diary and Correspondence of Henry Wellesley First Lord Cowley 1790 - 1846
PENNELL, E.R. & J: The Life of James McNeill Whistler
MAZRUI, Ali A: The Africans. A Triple Heritage
ELLIS, William: The Christian Keepsake 1837
ELLIS, A,B: South African Sketches
McCARTER, John: The Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa. With Notices of the Other Denominations. An Historical Sketch
At Home and Abroad. a Magazine of Home and Foreign Missions Form Youn Helpers in the Work
BURNET, Amos: A Mission to the Transvaal
BAXTER, Richard (Translated By A. FAURE): Roepstem Tot De Onbekeerden of De Weg Ten Hemel Aangewezen
HAY, Sereld: History of the R.N.V.R. South African Division
MACFADYEN, W.A. Transl: The Political Laws of the South African Republic, with an Appendix Containing the Constitution of the Orange Free State
PHILIP, W. B: Views of Cape Town
DA COSTA, J.R: The Deafening Silence: a Sermon Preached Bty the Dean, the Very Rev J R Da Costa in the Cathedral of St. Mary and All Saints in Salisbury, Rhodesia, on Friday 8th September 1978 at the Service for Those Who Died the Viscount Air Disaster
MORRIS, Keith: A Great Soldier of The Empire. Botha's Wonderful Conquests
ANGLO-AFRICANDER: Africanderism the Old and the Young. Letters to John Bull, Esquire
HARVEY, William Henry: The Genera of South African Plants Arranged According to the Natural System
FITZSIMONS, F.W: The House Fly a Slayer of Men
WLAST, Peter: Sudafrika. Entwicklungsgeschichte Und Gegenwartsbilder
MORRIS, Edward: The Life of Henry Bell. The Practical Introducer of the Steam Boat Into Great Britain and Ireland
BROOKS, Henry (edited By R.J.MANN): Natal a History and Description of the Colony Including Its Natural Features, Productions, Industrial Condition and Prospects
BURTON, A.R.E: Cape Colony for the Settler. Its Urban and Rural Industries, Their Development and Extension
WILMOT, A: History of the Cape Colony for Use in Schools
CRAFFORD, F.S: Jan Smuts. A Biography
DOUGLAS, W.S: Regimental History of the Cape Town Highlanders. A Short History .... Sept 1939 - Feb 1943
COWIN, J.N: The Story of the Ninth. a Record of the 9th Field Company South African Engineer Corps July 1939 - July 1943
JABAVU, D.D.T: The Segregation Fallacy and Other Papers
FLEMING, Francis: Kaffraria and Its Inhabitants
ROBERT, Eric & BERGEROT, Sylvie: Lemuriens Primates De Madagascar
TRAUB, Hamilton P. & MOLDENKE, Harold N: Amaryllidaceae: Tribe Amarylleae
LATHAM, R.G: The Ethnology of the British Colonies
BOYCE, W.B: Notes on South-African Affairs
KRATZENSTEIN, Ed: Kurze Geschichte Der Berliner Mission in Sud Und Ostafrika
CRAWFORS, E. May: By the Equator's Snowy Peak. a Record of Medical Missionary Work and Travel in British East Africa
PRIEST, Capt. (revised J.M.WINTERBOTTOM): Priest's Eggs of Southern African Birds