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Dickens, Charles: THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT [Crown edition] Baker, Hannah Newton [H.N.B.]: WYTHA WYTHA Kenrick, Donald; Puxon, Grattan: Destiny of Europe's Gypsies (Columbus Centre)
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Squibbs, Philip J: Bridgwater Victorian Days Crossley-Holland, Kevin: FOLK TALES OF THE BRITISH ISLES Bergess, Wyn: KENT Maps & Plans : In the libraries of Kent and the adjoining London Boroughs : a finding list
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Montesquieu [Charles de Secondat de-]: LETTRES PERSANES Nouvelle édition Accompagnee de Notes LHANCARVAN, Caradoc of: THE HISTORY OF WALES Written Originally in British, By Caradoc of Lhancarvan MacGregor, J: The Rob Roy on the Baltic. a Canoe Cruise Through Norway, Sweden, Denmark Etc
Timbs, John and Gunn, Alexander: Abbeys, Castles And Ancient Halls Of England And Wales. Three Volume Set Their Legendary Lore and Popular History. Volume I. the South Bradley, E.T: ANNALS OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY Preface by the Dean or Westminster, Abbey Buildings by J T Micklethwaite Lucanus, M. Annaei: M. Annaei Lucani Cordubensis Pharsalia
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BEETON, Isabella: Mrs Beeton's Household Management A Complete Cookery Book [1949] Rose, Susan [ed]: THE NAVAL MISCELLANY VOLUME VII Kipling, Rudyard: THE SECOND JUNGLE BOOK
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Grant, Liz: Somerset Light Infantry ( Prince Albert's ) 1685-1959 Holme, Charles [ed]: THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS Spufford, Peter: Power and Profit: The Merchant in Medieval Europe
Sawyer, Charles J.; Darton, F. J. Harvey: ENGLISH BOOKS 1475-1900 : A Signpost for Collectors. 2 Volumes Wilkins-Jones, Clive [ed.]: Norwich City Library 1608-1737. The Minute, Becchis, Mario: MARIO BECCHIS Opere 1933-1988
Bailey, Mark; Jurkowski, Maureen; Rawcliffe, Carole: SHEEP, TAXATION AND CHARITY IN LATE MEDIEVAL NORFOLK Volume LXXI for 2007 Aldoph, Anthony: TRACING YOUR FAMILY HISTORY Meeres, Frank: Volume LXXVIII for 2014
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Allan, Mea: THE TRANESCANTSTheir Plants, Gardens and Museum 1570-1662 Barber Richard. [editor]: THE PASTONS A FAMILY IN THE WAR OF THE ROSES Villon, Francoys: LES OEVVRES de PARIS Contenant : Les Lais, Le Testament, Les Ballades et les Poésies
Cutler, B.D.; Stiles, Villa: MODERN BRITISH AUTHORS Their First Editions Fossier, Robert (Editor)/ Airlie, Stuart (Translator)/ Marsack, Robyn (Translator): The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages 950-1250: Volume 2 Friar, Stephen: THE LOCAL HISTORY COMPANION
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Pinero, Arthur W: HIS HOUSE IN ORDER Booth, Lawrence [ed]: WISDEN CRICKETERS ALMANACK 2012 149th edition LEESON, Edward (intro): THE FOLIO BOOK OF HUMOROUS VERSE
Sander, August: August Sander: Menschen des 20 Jahrhunderts - Die Gesamtausgabe William Windham: William Windham's Green Book: 1673-1688 [NORFOLK RECORDS SOCIETY Volume LXVI for 2002] Engel, Matthew [ed]: WISDEN CRICKETERS ALMANACK 2006 143nd edition
Paterson, John: The Great Tour of John Patteson: 1778-1779 (Norfolk Record Society LXVII] Wilson, John ; Howard, Philip ; Hickley, Andrew: COUNTRY AND CITY : The Wymondham Town Book, 1585-1620 Fossier, Robert: The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages: Volume III
Churchill, Winston: THE WINSTON CHURCHILL MEMORIAL STATUE APPEAL Greene, Dr. Maurice: FORTY ANTHEMS IN SCORE Composed for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8 Voices Rathbone, Hannah May: SO MUCH OF THE DIARY OF LADY WILLOUGHBY As Relates To Her Domestic History et al..