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Sorensen, Virginaia: WHERE NOTHING IS LONG AGO: Memories of a Mormon Childhood lliott, Sumner Locke: the man who got away Simon, Herbert: SONG AND WORDS: A history of the Curwen Press
Toghill, Jeff: THE JAMES CRAIG STORY : The History, Recovery and Restoration of a 19th Century Barque Stubbs, George: GEORGE STUBBS 1724-1806 Lees-Milne, James: A Mingled Measure Diaries, 1953-1972
Drabble, Margaret,: Angus Wilson : A Biography Cook, Graeme: NONE BUT THE VALIANT: stories of war at sea Salzman, Mark: True Notebooks : A Writer's Year at Juvenile Hall
Raven, Simon: New Seed for Old: A Novel; The First Born of Egypt, Vol. IV Thubron, Colin: IN SIBERIA Radzinowicz, L; J.W.C. Turner. (Eds.): THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL SCIENCE Vols. 1+2
James, P. D: Time to Be in Earnest : A Fragment of Autobiography Deacon, Richard; West, Nigel: SPY! Ramaswamy, P: NEW DELHI AND SRI LANKA
Pevsner, Nikolaus; Cherry, Bridget: THE BUILDINGS OF ENGLAND; LONDON 1 The Cities of London and Westminster Hurlimann, Bettina: THREE CENTURIES OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS IN EUROPE Webb, Kaye: Lilliput Goes to War
Murphy, David E.; Kondrashev, Sergi A.; Bailey, George: Battleground Berlin : CIA vs. KGB in the Cold War Fielding, Helen: BRIDGET JONES The Edge of Reason Aldous, Tony: Illustrated London News Book of London's Villages
Drabble, Margaret: THE PATTERN IN THE CARPET : A Personal History with Jigsaws Bailey, George: Germans:the Biography of an Obsession: The Biography of an Obsession Young, John: A Dictionary of Ships of the Royal Navy of the Second World War
de Haas, W., Knorr, F., DeHaas, W: THE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO MARINE LIFE Crane, David: Lord Byron's Jackal : the Life of Edward John Trelawny Jones, T.H: THE ENEMY IN MY HEART 1946 - 1956
Page, Bruce with Potter, Elaine: The Murdoch Archipelago Baggio, Elena: A WALK IN THE VILLA Italy's Book of Days Murdoch, Iris: THE GOOD APPRENTICE
Ovid: OVID'S ELERGIES together with the EPIGRAMS of Sir John DAVIES Auden, W. H. And Garrett, John (Chosen by): City Without Walls, and Other Poems Hewett, R.P: POEMS
Fyvel, T.R: AND THERE MY TROUBLE BEGAN : Uncollected Writings 1945-85 Roberts, Michèle: Daughters of the House VAN DER KEERE: Map of DORCETSHIRE
VAN DER KEERE: Map of Huntingtonshire VAN DER KEERE: Map of Mounster [Munster] VAN DER KEERE: Map of SOMERSETSHIRE
Williams, Hywel: CASSELL'S CHRONOLOGY OF WORLD HISTROY Mackay, Mercedes: The Indomitable Servant Skynner, Robin; Cleese, John: Life and How to Survive it
Guinness, Alec: My Name Escapes Me : The Diary of a Retiring Actor Baynham, Henry: Before the Mast : Naval Ratings of the Nineteenth Century Chant, Roy H: SPANISH TIGER The Life and Times of Ramon Cabrera
Moorhead, Alan: THE FATAL IMPACT An account of the Invasion of the South Pacific 1767-1840 Adams, Richard; Lockley, Ronald: Voyage Through the Antarctic Oldroyd, Harold: Elements of Entomology: An Introduction to the Study of Insects
Green, Julian: THE STARS OF THE SOUTH The Civil War Commences Annan, Jobst: A TRUE DESCRIPTION OF ALL TRADES Published in Frankfurt in the Year 1568 Hibbert, Christopher: THE ENGLISH: A Social History 1066-1945
Ginsburg, Henry: THAI ART AND CULTURE: Historic Manuscripts from Western Collections Drago Zdunic: IVAN GENERALIC BBC: BBC LUNCH-TIME LECTURES Sixth Series October 1967-February 1968 Lectures 1-5
Harrison, Barbera: THEO Symons, Julian: OSCAR WILDE: A Problem in Biography Renier, Olive; Rubinstein, Vladimir: Assigned to Listen: The Evesham Experience, 1939-43
French, Philip: THE THIRD DIMENSION Voices from Radio Three Home, William Douglas: OLD MEN REMEMBER De Bray, Lys: The Art of Botanical Illustration. The Classic Illustrators and Their Achievement from 1550 to 1900
Carr, Dawson W.; Bray, Xavier; Elliott, John H.; Keith, Larry; Portus, Javier: VELAZQUEZ Pitt Rivers, Michael: DORSET A Shell Guide Jackson, Michael: THE WORLD GUIDE TO WHISKEY
Norwich, John Julius: Shakespeare's Kings : The Great Plays and the History of England in the Middle Ages: 1337-1485 Robertson, Kevin: BULLEID: Man, Myth and Machines Duncan, David Ewing: The Calendar : The 5000-Year Struggle to Align the Clock and the Heavens
Lawrence, Louis: THE SEASONS Poucher, W.A.,: IRELAND Kennedy, Ludovic: On My Way to the Club: The Memoirs of Ludovic Kennedy
Marshall. Mrs A.B: MRS. A. B. MARSHALL'S LARGER COOKERY BOOK of EXTRA RECIPES Tchehov, Anton (Anton Chekhov): THE DUEL and other stories Baumann, Arthur A: THE LAST VICTORIANS