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Gibney, V. P: The Paralysis of Pott s Disease: being A Clinical Study of Fifty- Eight Cases. Reprinted from Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, April,1878 Sayre, Lewis A: Spinal Anaemia with Partial Paralysis and Want of Co-ordination, from Irritation of the Genital Organs. Extracted from The Transactions of the American Medical Association Sayre, Lewis A: The Pathology and Treatment of Morbus Coxarius. Extracted from the Transactions of the International Medical Congress, Philadelphia, September, 1876
Hammond, William A: A Statement of the Causes Which Led to the Dismissal of Surgeon-General William A. Hammond from the Army: with a Review of the Evidence Adduced Before the Court Thomas, Hugh Owen: A New Lithotomy Operation. Reprinted from the Provincial Medical Journal, April, 1888 Thomas, Hugh Owen: Fractures, Dislocations, Diseases and Deformities of the Bones of the Trunk and Upper Extremities. Contributions to Surgery and Medicine. Part III, December 1887
Thomas, Hugh Owen: The Principles of the Treatment of Fractures and Dislocations. Contributions to Surgery and Medicine. Part VI. June 1886 Taylor, Charles Fayette: "Spinal Irritation;" or, the Causes of Back-Ache Among American Women. From the Transactions of the Medical Society of the Staate of New York for 1864 Swinburne, John: Treatment of Fractures of Long Bones, by Simple Extension
Yandell, David W: Poneer Surgery in Kentucky: A Sketch Watts, John: Dissertatio medica inauguralis, De morbo coxario : quam annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird SS. T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae praefecti . ; pro gradu doctoris Shands, A. R: Treatment of Lateral Curvature of the Spine. Read before the Medical and Surgical Society of the District of Columbia, January 4, 1906
Shands, A. R: Prognosis and Treatment of Lateral Spinal Curvature. Read before the Medical Society of the District of Columiba, April 14th, 1898. Reprinted from Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly, April 8, 1898 Shands, A. R: Treatment of Flexion Deformities of the Knee Joint. Read before the Medical Society of Virginia, Hot Springs, August 31-September 2, 1897. Reprinted from Medical Register, October 15, 1897 Shands, A. R: Coccygodynia: Case and Specimen. Transactions of the American Orthopedic Association, 1901
Shands, A. R: Report of Cases of Unusual Derangement of the Knee Joint. Read before the thirty-eighth Annual Session of the Medical Society of Virginia at Chase City, Va, November 12-14, 1907. From the Va. Medical Semi-Monthly, November 22, 1907 Shands, A. R: The Technique of Making Celluloid Splints. Reprinted from The International Journal of Surgery. February, 1918 Shands, A. R: Atrophic Arthritis. Read before the Washington Surgical Society, October 20, 1911. Reprint from Surgery Gynecology and Obstetrics, February, 1912
Shands, A. R: The Treatment of Supra-Condyloid Fracture of the Humerus. Read before the Medical Society of Virginia, thirty-first annual session, held at Charlottesville, October 23, 24, and 25t, 1900. Reprinted for the New York Medical Journal for December 22, 1900 Shands, A. R: Excision of the Shoulder-Joint. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association. 1899 Shands, A. R: Fracture of the Neck of the Femur and the Treatment. Fracture of the Neck of the Femur and the Treatment. 9pp. Pr. wrs. Read before the annual meeting of the Association of Surgeons of the Southern Railway System, Savannah, Ga., May 12-14, 1925. Reprinted from International Journal of Medicine and Surgery, October, 1925
Shands, A. R: Gant's Femoral Osteotomy. Read before the State Medical Society of Virginia, September 24, 1902. Reprinted from The International Journal of Surgery, Nov. 1902 Sayre, Lewis A: Report on Pott's Disease, or Caries of the Spine, Treated by Extension, and Plaster of Paris Bandage. Extracted from the Transactions of the American Medical Association Taylor, Charles Fayette: The Mechanical Treatment of Angular Curvature, or, Pott's Disease of the Spine. Read before the New York State Medical Society, at its Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting, at Albany, Feb. 3d, 4thj, and 5th, 1863
Taylor, Charles Fayette: The Uses and Abuses of Tenotomy in Case of Muscular Atrophy, with the True Indications of its Employment. From Trans. of the Medical Society of New York, 1865 White, Joseph: Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, for the Year 1817. Together with the Annual Address By Joseph White President of the Society February 4, 1817 Weitbrecht, Josias: Syndesmologia, sive historia ligamentorum corpiris humani
Rodi, Frithjof: Erkenntnis des Erkannten: Zur Hermeneutik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts Riedel, Manfred: Für eine zweite Philosophie. Vorträge und Abhandlungen Rodi, Frithjof und Hans-Ulrich Lessing, Hrsg: Materialien zur Philosophie Wilhelm Diltheys
Lessing, Hans-Ulrich: Wilhelm Diltheys 'Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften' Meyer, Michel, ed: Revue Internationale de Philosophie. Dilthey. No. 4, December 2003 Kögler, Hans Herbert and Karseten R. Stueber, eds: Empathy and Agency. The Problem of Understanding in the Human Sciences
Johach, Helmut: Handelnder Mensch und objektiver Geist. Zur Theorie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften bei Wilhelm Dilthey Rickman, H. P: Dilthey Today. A Critical Appraisal of the Contemporary Relevance of His Work Misch, Georg: Vom Lebens- und Gedankenkreis Wilhelm Diltheys
Jung, Matthias: Wilhelm Dilthey zur Einführung Bollnow, Otto Friedrich: Zwischen Philosophie und Pädagogik. Vorträge und Aufsätze Rodi, Frithjof: Morphologie und Hermeneutik. Zur Methode von Diltheys Ästhetik
Matteucci, Giovanni: Dilthey: Das Ästhetische als Relation Rodi, Frithjof: Provokation - Affirmation. Das Dilemma des kitischen Humanismus Mager, Kurt: Philosophie als Funktion. Studien zu Diltheys Schrift "Das Wesen der Philosophie"
D'Anna, Giuseppe, Helmut Joch und Eric S. Nelson, Hrsg: Anthropologie und Geschichte. Studien zu Wilhelm Dilthey aus Anlass seines 100. Todestages Owensby, Jacob: Dilthey and the Narrative of History Jung, Matthias: Der Bewusste Ausdruck Anthropologie der Artikulation
Leinkauf, Thomas, Hrsg: Dilthey und Cassirer. Die Deutung der Neuzeit als Muster von Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte. Kassierer-Forschungen. Band 10 Truzzi, Marcello, ed: Verstehen: Subjective Understanding in the Social Sciences Lawson, E. Thomas and Robert N. McCauley: Rethinking Religion. Connecting Cognition and Culture
Mercer, Walter: Orthopaedic Surgery Beck, R. Theodore: The Cutting Edge. Early History of the Surgeons of Londo Johnson, Lanny L: Comprehensive Arthroscopic Examination of the Knee
Inglis, Allan E., ed: The Review of the Hospital for Special Surgery. Vol II. No 1 Bigg, Heather: Caries of the Spine, being an advance chapter of The Spine, Its Deformities, Debilities, and Deficiencies Knox, Robert; Charles Bell: A Manual of Artistic Anatomy. Together with The Hand, Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as Evincing Design by Sir Chaarles Bell
Rolleston, Sir Humphrey and Alan Moncrieff, eds: Fractures and Dislocations, by Various Authors Shaffer, Newton Melman: Selected Essays on Orthopaedic Surgery Bampfield, R. W: An Essay on Curvatures and Diseases of the Spine, Including All the Forms of Spinal Distorsion: to which The Fothergillian Gold Medal was Awarded by the Medical Society of London
Otto, Stephan: Rekonstruktion der Geschichte. Zur Kritik der historischen Vernunft. Erster Tiel: Historisch - kritische Bestandsaufnahme Tormey, Alan: The Concept of Expression. A Study in Philosophical Psychology and Aesthetics Kaufman, Alexander: Welfare in the Kantian State
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: Die Bestimmung des Menschen Sallis, John: The Gathering of Reason Baum, Manfred: Deduktion und Beweis in Kants Transzendentalphilosophie. Untersuchungen zu Kritik der reinen Vernunft
Grenberg, Jeanine: Kant and the Ethics of Humility. A Story of Dependence, Corruption and Virtue Henrich, Dieter; Richard Velkley, ed. and intro: The Unity of Reason. Essays on Kant's Philosophy Rauscher, Frederick and Daniel Omar Perez, eds: Kant in Brazil. North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy. Volume 10.)
Sommer, Manfred: Die Selbsterhaltung der Vernunft Sommer, Manfred: Identität im Übergang: Kant Carnois, Bernard; David Booth, trans: The Coherence of Kant's Doctrine of Freedom
Malgaigne, J. F. [Joseph Francois]: Traite des Fractures et des Luxations Kulenkampff, Jens, Hrsg: Materialien zu Kants "Kritik der Urteilskraft" Guyer, Paul: Kant and the Experience of Freedom. Essays on Aesthetics and Morality
Seebohm, Thomas and Joseph Kockelmans, eds: Kant and Phenomenology. 1984 Beck, Lewis White; Hoke Robinson, ed: Selected Essays on Kant. Volume 6. North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy Schaper, Eva and Wilhelm Vossenkuhl, eds: Reading Kant. New Perspectives on Transcendental Arguments and Critical Philosophy