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White, Bailey: Mama Makes Up Her Mind and other Dangers of Southern Living Collection Récamier.Monnaies Romaines Monnaies Françaises. Jetons-Médailles-Sceaux. Séries Lyonnaises Congrès international du IXe centenaire de l'arrivée d'Anselme au Bec. Spicilegium Beccense I
Stein, Gertrude: An Elucidation by Gertrude Stein. Printed in Transition April, 1927 Kellert, Stephen H: In the Wake of Chaos. Unpredictable Order in Dynamical Systems Ballard, Paul H. and Erastus Jones, eds: The Valleys Call. A Self Examination By People Of The South Wales Valleys During The 'Year Of The Valleys' 1974
Clancy, Tom: Armored Cav. A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment. Signed/LTD Rigden, John S: Einstein 1905. The Standard of Greatness Krementz, Jill; Joyce Carol Oates: Photograph of Joyce Carol Oates
Coxe, Wallace H. and Edgar Beugless: Exterior Ballistic Charts Giffen, J. Kelly: The Egyptian Sudan Blech, Gustavus M: Practical Suggestions in Borderland Surgery. For the Use of Students and Practitioners
Rennie, Richard, ed: The Facts on File Dictionary of Atomic and Nuclear Physics Botwinick, Rita Steinhardt, ed: A Holocaust Reader. From Ideology to Annihilation Tottingham, William Edward and Joseph Waite Ince: Chemistry of the Farm and Home
Young, John Howard and Suzanne Halstead Young: Terracotta Figurines from Kourion in Cyprus Cavendish, Margaret; Anne Shaver, ed: The Convent of Pleasure and Other Plays Harris, Jonathan Gil: Untimely Matter in the Time of Shakespeare
Green, Galen and Kate Greens, eds: Fireweed. Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 1975. Charles Bukowski poem: "Full Moon" Dougherty, Jay; Charles Bukowski: Clock Radio 6/7. [Four Charles Bukowski poems: "sometimes you go a bit crazy and you don't know why," "drunk with the Buddha," "from #47695," and "SIZZLER backup"] Fulton, Len and Tony Quagliano, eds: Small Press Review. Volume 4, Number 4, May, 1973. Bukowski Issue
Packard, William, ed.; Charles Bukowski: The New York Quarterly. Summer 1973, Number 15. [Charles Bukowski. Four poems: "Contributors," "Laugh Literary," "Woman in the Supermarket," and "200 Yards From the Surf"] Packard, William, ed.; Charles Bukowski: The New York Quarterly. 1978, Number 20. [Charles Bukowski. One letter and one poem: "Hello Wm. Packard" and "Love"] Packard, William, ed.; Charles Bukowski: The New York Quarterly. 1978, Number 22. [Charles Bukowski. One letter and one poem: "Letter to Wm. Packard" and "This One"]
Packard, William, ed.; Charles Bukowski: The New York Quarterly. Spring 1987, Number 32. [Charles Bukowski. One poem: "Immortal Wino"] Weinberg, Jeffrey H.; Charles Bukowski: Water Row Review. Number 3. [Charles Bukowski. One poem: "A Little Beam of Sunshine. . ."] Bukowski, Charles: Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit. Broadside
Jones, Madison: Forest of the Night Grosvenor, Edwin A: Constantinople. Two Volumes Dickey, James; Donald J. Greiner, ed.; Pat Conroy, Foreword: Classes on Modern Poets and the Art of Poetry
Mann, Thomas: Der Tod ernährt die Kunst. Nobel-Schriftsteller Thomas Mann. IN: Der Spiegel. Das deutsche Nachrichten-Magazin. Heft 52. 22. Dezember 1954 Homer; Maurice Hewlett, trans: The Iliad of Homer. The First Twelve Staves Velpeau, A: Traité des maladies du sein et de la région mammaire
Stevens, Audrey D: America's Pioneers in Abdominal Surgery Timme, Walter; Angus M. Frantz and Clarence C. Hare, eds: The Pituitary Gland. An Investigation of the Most Recent Advances. The Proceedings of the Association, New York, December 28th and 29th, 1936 Parent-Duchatelet, A. -J. -B: De la Prostitution dans la Ville de Paris, Consideree Sous le Rapport de L'Hygiene Publique, de la Morale et de L'Administration; Ouvrage Appuye de Documents Statistiques. Puises dans les Archivesde la Prefecture de Police; avec Cartes et Tableaux. Tome Premier et Tome Second. Two Volumes
Walker, Alexander: Documents and Dates of Modern Discoveries in the Nervous System. A Facsimile of the Original Edition, London, 1839, with an Introduction by Paul F. Cranefield Shepherd, John A: Simpson and Syme of Edinburgh Eldridge, Margaret: A History of the Treatment of Speech Disorders
Gemmill, Chalmers L. and Mary Jeanne Jones: Pharmacology at The University of Virginia School of Medicine Stewart, Alexander P. and Edward Jenkins: The Medical and Legal Aspects of Sanitary Reform Townsend, Howard; Winthrop, Bronson; Gallatin, R. Horace: The Society of the New York Hospital 1771-1921. A Commemoration of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Granting of its Charter Held in Trinity Church October 26, 1921
Georget, Etienne-Jean: De La Folie. Considerations Sur Cette Maladie Paetel, Karl O: Ernst Jünger in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten Petrarca, Francesco; James Wyatt Cook, ed: Petrarch's Songbook. Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta. A Verse Translation
Gray, Alexander: Four-and-Forty. A Selection of Danish Ballads Presented in Scots Petrarca, Francesco: Una lettera di Francesco Petrarca. Lettera a Giovanni Anchiseo (lo incarica di procurargli libri) Ziegler, Konrad und Walther Sontheimer: Der kleine Pauly. Lexikon der Antike. Auf der Grundlage von Pauly's Realenencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Bd. 1-5
Flavio, Biondo; Jeffrey A. White, ed. and trans: Italy Illuminated. Volume 2. Books V-VIII Davenport, Guy: Thasos and Ohio. Poems and Translations 1950-1980 Taylor, Bernard A., et al., ed: Biblical Greek Language and Lexicography. Essays in Honor of Frederick W. Danker
Vaughan, Henry; Leonard Cyril Martin, ed: The Works of Henry Vaughan. Volume 1 Garioch, Robert; Robin Fulton, ed: Complete Poetical Works Daiches, David: A Wee Dram. Drinking Scenes from Scottish Literature
Valéry, Paul: Littérature Boccaccio, Giovanni; Virginia Brown, ed. and trans: Famous Women White, Eric Marshall: Heresy and Error. The Ecclesiastical Censorship of Books 1400-1800
D'Ancona, Alessandro and Orazio Bacci, eds: Manuale della Letteratura Italiana. Nuovo edizione interamente rifatta Maloy, Robert: Fifteenth-Century Renaissance: The Greek Connection Boas, George: Essays on Primitivism and Related Ideas in the Middle Ages
Casson, Lionel: Travel in the Ancient World Harrison, F. E: Millenium. A Latin Reader. A.D. 374-1374 Campion, Thomas; Percival Vivian, ed: The Works of Thomas Campion
Gasiglia-Laster, Danièle: Paris Prévert Goodich, Michael E: From Birth to Old Age. The Human Life Cycle in Medieval Thought, 1250-1350 Auden, W. H.; Edward Mendelson, ed: Prose and Travel Books in Prose Verse. Volume I. 1926-1938
Ariosto, Ludovico; Marco Dorigatti in collaboration with Gerarda Stimato, eds: Orlando Furioso. Secondo la princeps del 1516 Erasmus Roterodamus, Desiderius, ed: Adagia Id est Proverbiorum Paroemiarum et Parabolarum Omnium Quae Apud Graecos, Latinos, Hebraeos Gloag, John: Men and Buildings
Ward, Geoffrey C.; Ken Burns: The Roosevelts. An Intimate History The Doctor. A Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Therapeutics. Vol. XIII, January, 1903, No. 1 Roberts, John B: Modern Medicine and Homoeopathy. Two Addresses
Third Edition of the Directory of Homeopathic Physicians 1923 Wells, Brooks H., ed: The American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. Volume LXVI, Whole No. 415, 1912 Fleming, Pam, ed: Kirksville Magazine. Volume 16, Number 4. Winter 1987