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Thomson, William: A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Liver and Biliary Passages
Berry, George A., et al, eds: Transaction of the Eight International Ophthalmological Congress Held in Edinburgh August 1894
Cornet, G.; J. E. Bullock, trans: Scrofulosis
Leutrum, Countess Olga: Court and Diplomacy in Austria and Germany. What I Know
Crosley, Pauline S: Intimate Letters from Petrograd
Helfand, William H. and Sergio Rocchietta: Medicina e farmacia nelle caricature politiche italiane 1848-1914
Judson, Emily Chubbuck (Fanny Forester); George H. Tooze, ed: The Life and Letters of Emily Chubbuck Judson (Fanny Forester). Seven Volumes (complete)
Ronch, Juddah L. and Audrey S. Weiner: Culture Change in Elder Care
Rayburn, Charles R: Epidemic Encephalitis. Fiske Fund Prize Essay, No. LXIII
Chapin, Charles V: What Changes Has the Acceptance of the Germ Theory Made in Measure for the Prevention and Treatment of Consumption? Fiske Fund Prize Dissertation, No. XXXVIII
Bradley, Jr., William G. and Lawrence R. Muroff, eds: MRI of the Spine
Murray, John Watts: Examination of the Patient and Symptomatic Diagnosis. Second Edition
Knapp, Hermann, Henry D. Noyes, et al: Report of the Fifth International Ophthalmological Congress, Held in New York, September, 1876
Sadove, Max S. and James H. Cross: The Recovery Room. Immediate Postoperative Management
Wood, James C: Text-Book Gynecology
Insall, John H.; W. Norman Scott and Giles R. Scuderi, eds: Current Concepts in Primary and Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty
Chapin, Charles V: The Methods and Practical Result of Treatment of the Malarial Diseases Now Prevalent in New England. Fiske Fund Prize Dissertation, No. XXXV
Roche, Alex F. and Shumei S. Sun: Human Growth: Assessment and Interpretation
Dallenbach-Hellweg, Gisela and Hemming Poulsen: Atlas of Endometrial Histopathology
Fletcher, Gilbert H: Textbook of Radiotherapy. Third Edition
Knopf, S. A: Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Its Modern Prophylaxis and the Treatment in Special Institutions and at Home
Hofmann, K. B. and R. Ultzmann: Analysis of the Urine, With Special Reference to the Disease of the Genito-Urinary Organs
Miller, Maurice N: Practical Microscopy. A Course of Normal Histology For Students And Practitioners Of Medicine
Williams, Henry L: Report of Committee on Standardization of Definitions, Terms, Symbols in Rhinometry of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. A Handbook and Glossary
Pyle, Walter L.; E. Treacher Collins and M. Stephen Mayou: An International System of Ophthalmic Practice. [with] Pathology and Bacteriology
Davis, Aubrey B. and Mark S. Dreyfuss: The Finest Instruments Ever Made. A Bibliography of Medical, Dental, Optical, and Pharmaceutical Company Trade Literature; 1700-1939
Asken, Saul: Liposuction Surgery and Autologous Fat Transplantation
Woodward, Theodore E: The Armed Forces Epidemiological Board. Its First Fifty Years. 1940-1990
Lyle, A. P. [Sir Alexander Park Lyle]: Gleanings
Piorry, M.; M. Frederic Duriau, recueillies: De la Scrofule
Briggs, L. Vernon: Two Years' Service on the Reorganized State Board of Insanity in Massachusetts August, 1914, to August, 1916
Reid, John; Professor Ehrenberg; Professor Stromeyer, et al: Essays on Physiology and Hygiene
Chapin, Geo. H. (publisher): Health Resorts of the South. Containing Numerous Engravings Descriptive of the Most Desirable Health and Pleasure Resorts of the Southern States
Lyle, A. P. [Sir Alexander Park Lyle]: Last Gleanings
Lyle, A. P. [Sir Alexander Park Lyle]: My Gathering
Lyle, A. P. [Sir Alexander Park Lyle]: A Mixed Grill
Lyle, A. P. [Sir Alexander Park Lyle]: More Mixed Grill
Day, Albert M: In Memoriam Fanny Pynchon Day 1845-1926
Lyle, A. P. [Sir Alexander Park Lyle]: More Gleanings
Arkell, A. J: Wanyanga and an Archaeological Reconnaissance of the South-west Libyan Desert. The British Ennedi Expedition, 1957
Highton, Hugh P: Shooting Trips in Europe and Algeria. Being a Record of Sport in the Alps, Pyrenees, Norway, Sweden, Corsica, and Algeria
Bryden, H. A: Gun and Camera in Southern Africa. A Year of Wanderings in Bechuanaland, the Kalahari Desert, and the Lake River Country, Ngamiland. With Notes on Colonisation, Nnatives, Natural History and Sport
Nicolls, James A. and William Eglington: The Sportsman in South Africa
Riling, Ray: The Powder Flask Book
Sudan Government: A Guide to Hunting in the Sudan
Fitch, R. F: Hangchow Itineraries. Describing The Chief Places of Interest With a Note On The Famous Bore
Petrides, G. A.; U. de V. Pienaar; G. H. Bryan: Report of the Wild Life Commission 1969. Presented to The President on the 11th May, 1970
Davenport, Francis O: On a Man-of-War. Naval Sketches Military American Marines Navy
Prudhomme, E. C: Gun Engraving Review
Deraniyagala, P. E. P: Some Extinct Elephants, Their Relatives and the Two Living Species
Whelen, Townsend: American Big Game Shooting
Murphree, M. W: The Study of Race and Ethnic Relations in South Africa. An Inaugural Lecture Given in the University of Rhodesia on Thursday, 4th November, 1971
Lyell, Dennis: The Hunting and Spoor of Central African Game
Puxley, Frank Lavallin: In African Game Tracks. Wanderings with a Rifle Through Eastern Africa
Ker, Donald I: African Adventure
Pollard, Hugh B. C: The Gun Room Guide
Seligman, C. G. and Brenda Z. Seligman: Pagan Tribes of the Nicoltic Sudan. With an Introduction by Sir Harold M. Mackmichael
Gaier, Claude: Four Centuries of Liege Gunmaking
Tremearne, A. J. N: The Tailed Head-Hunters of Nigeria, an Account of an Official's Seven Years' Experiences in the Northern Nigerian Pagan Belt, and a Description of the Manners, Habits, and Customs of the Native Tribes
Siggins, A. J: Shooting with Rifle and Camera. Filming the Four Feathers. A Big-Game Thriller
Beadnell, H. J. Llewellyn: An Egyptian Oasis. An Account of the Oasis of Kharga in the Libyan Desert with Special Reference to its History, Physical Geography and Water-Supply
Kirkman, James: Ungwana on the Tana
Gordon-Brown, A., ed: The Year Book and Guide to Southern Africa Union of South Africa, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyassaland. 1960 edition
Courtney, Roger: Experiences of a Professional Big-game Hunter
W. B. S: How to Preserve Skins for Tanning. Extract from "The Pioneer" 21st, October 1907
Atkin, Grant & Lang, Ltd: Atkin, Grant & Lang, Ltd. Catalog
Wallace, Harold Frank: Stalks Abroad. Being Some Account of the Sport Obtained During a Two Years' Tour of the World
Adams, Robert: The Narrative of Robert Adams, A Sailor, who was wrecked on the Western coast of Africa, in the Year of 1810, was detained three years in slavery by The Arabs of the Great Desert, and resided several months in the city of Tombuctoo
The Earl of Mayo, Lieutenent, Grenadier Guards: Sport in Abyssinia; or, The Mareb and Tackazzee
Curtis Jr, Charles P. and Richard C. Curtis: Hunting in Africa East and West
Jernigan, T. R: Shooting in China
Moore, E. D: Ivory Scourge of Africa
Bryden, H. A: Kloof and Karroo: Sport, Legend and Natural History in Kenya Colony, with a Notice of the Game Birds and of the Present Distribution of the Antelopes and Larger Game
Niedieck, Paul: With Rifle in Five Continents
Arlington, L. C: Le Theatre Chinois Depuis Les Origines Jusqu'a Nos Jours