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Charaka Club: The Proceedings of the Charaka Club. Volume I
Dreyer, Georges and A. Jex-Blake: On the Agglutination of Bacteria
Brock, Sir Russell: The Anatomy of Congenital Pulmonary Stenosis
Dupouy, Edmond: Le Moyen Age médical. Les médecins au moyen âge.- Les grandes épidémies.- Démonomanie.- Sorcellerie.- Spiritisme.- La médecine dans la littérature du moyen âge.- Historiens.- Poètes.- Auteurs dramatiques
Williams, J. W.; Taylor, .J W.; Roebuck, W. Denison: Land & Freshwater Shells. An Introduction to the Study of Conchology. Fourth and Revised Edition
Waite, Herbert T: Compendium of Natal Atrology and Universal Ephemeris
Behrens, Wilhelm: Remarques et Observations sur la Degenerescence graisseuse du coeur
Robinson, William J: Psycho-Analysis or The Freudian Philosophy. A Popular Exposition of Its Truths and Errors
Leubuscher, Rud: Uber die Entstehung der Sinnestauschung. Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie
Schaefer, Rom. Joh: Wilhelm Fabricius von Hilden. Sein Leben und seine Verdienste um die Chirurgie
McLachlan, Gordon, ed: Medical Education and Medical Care: A Scottish-American Symposium Arranged by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust and the Josiah Macy Jr Foundation to Commemorate the 250th Anniversary of the Founding of the University of Edinburgh Medical School. .
Wolff, Etienne, Christian Fouchet, et al: Philosophie et Methodologie Scientifiques de Claude Bernard
Fischer, Martin H: Nephritis. An Experimental and Critical Study of its Nature, Cause and the Principles of its Relief
Woodhall, Barnes and Beebe, Gilbert W., eds: Peripheral Nerve Regeneration. A Follow-up Study of 3,656 World War II Injuries
College of Physicians of Philadelphia: Annual Report of the Library Committee of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia for the Year 1923
Green, Samuel Abbott: A Centennial Address Delivered in the Sanders Theatre, at Cambridge, June 7, 1881, Before the Massachusetts Medical Society
Donders, F[ranciscus]. C[ornelius]: On The Anomalies Of Accommodation And Refraction Of The Eye With A Preliminary Essay On Physiological Dioptrics
Fenn, Wallace O: History of the American Physiological Society: The Third Quarter Century, 1937-1962
Best, C. H: Diabetes and Insulin and the Lipotropic Factors
Hunt, Thomas, ed: The Medical Society of London 1773-1973
Ward, James: Heredity and Memory. Being the Henry Sidgwick Memorial Lecture Delivered at Newnham College, 9 November 1912
[Commission on Medical Education]: Medical Education and Related Problems in Europe
De Moulin, Daniel: A Short History of Breast Cancer
Michel, Julius: Über Sehnerven-Degeneration und Sehnerven-Kreuzung. Fest-Schift Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Würzburg zur feier des LXX. Geburtstages des Herrn Geh.-Rat Professor Dr. Albert von Kölliker
Arlt, Ferd. [Ferdinand]: Die Krankheiten des Auges, für praktische Ärzte. 3 Teile in 1 Bd. (3 Volumes in 1): Vol 1: Die Krankheiten der Binde- und Hornhaut; Vol. 2: Die Krankheiten der Sclera, Iris, Chorioidea und Linse; Volume 3: Die Krankheiten des Glaskörpers,. der Netzhaut, der Augenmuskeln, der Augenlider, der Thränenorgane und der Orbita
Holland, Sir Henry: Medical Notes and Reflections. From the third London edition
Targ, William (edited with and introduction and notes by): Bibliophile in the Nursery. A Bookman's Treasury of Collectors' Lore on Old and Rare Children's Books
Young, Franklin K: The Major Tactics of Chess
Hartley, Walter Noel: Air and Its Relations to Life. Being with Some Additions the Substance of a Course of Lectures Delivered in the Summer of 1874 at the Royal Institution of Great Britian
Wilde, Oscar: La Tragédie finale. Suivi de Episodes et Souvenirs et des Apocryphes
Thoma, Kurt H: Clinical Pathology of the Jaws with a Histologic and Roentgen Study of Practical Cases
Hardwicke, Herbert Junius: Alpine Climates from Consumption
Mann, R. D: Modern Drug Use. An Enquiry on Historical Principles
Laennec, R. T. H: Traite De L'Ausculation Mediate et Des Maladies Des Poumons et Du Coeur. 2 Volumes
Blumenbach, J. F: Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. Dritte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage
[Ontario, Chief Superintendent of Education]: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NORMAL, MODEL, GRAMMAR, And COMMON SCHOOLS, In Upper Canada, For the Year 1852, With An Appendix: By the Chief Super- intendent of Education. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly
Meier, A. G: The Practical Orthodontist
Lendon, A. A: Clinical Lectures on the Hydatid Disease of the Lungs
Huxham, John: An Essay on Fevers. To which is added a Dissertation on the Malignant, Ulcerous Sore-Throat
Meigs, Charles D: Observations on Certain of the Diseases of Young Children
Lee, Edwin and Edward Warren: Fisk Fund Prize Essays. The Effects of Climate on Tuberculous Disease. The Influence of Pregnancy on the Development of Tubercles
Cushing, Harvey: Laboratories: Then and Now. An address given October 5th, 1922, at the dedication of the New Biological Laboratories of McGill University, Montreal
Stopes, Marie C: Oriri
Hudson, W. H: Birds in Town & Village
Watson, John: The Medical Profession in Ancient Times. An Anniversary Discourse Delivered Before the New York Academy of Medicine, November 7, 1855
Andre, Emmanuel-Auguste: Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 8 mai 1857. Du traitment des cas de croup. Observes a l'hospital des enfants en 1856
Millard, Auguste: Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 13 aout 1858. De la tracheotomie dans le cas de croup
Fischer, Paul: Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 21 novembre 1863. Des soins consecutifs a la tracheotomie
Callandreau-Dufresse, Jules: Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 30 Janvier 1873. Contribution a l'etude du croup
Davy, M. J. B: Interpretive History of Flight. A Survey of the History and Development of Aeronautics with Particular Reference to Contemporary Influences and Conditions
Smith, W. D. A: Under the Influence. A History of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Anaesthesia
Halsey, Alan: In Sight of Carnllidi
Fulton, John Farquhar: Logan Clendening Lectures on the History and Philosophy of Medicine. First Series: I - Vesalius Four Centuries Later. II - Medicine in the Eighteenth Century
Withrow, William H: A Canadian In Europe; Being Sketches of Travel in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and Belgium, Great Britian and Ireland
Osler, William: THE "PHTHISIOLOGIA" OF RICHARD MORTON, M.D. Reprinted from the Medical Library and Historical Journal, January, 1904. Galenical Pamphlet No. 1
Trent, Josiah C: Thumbnail Sketches of Eminenet Physicians. Offprint from the North Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 6 1945
Power, Sir D'Arcy: Selected Writings 1877-1930
(Jackson, Dr. Edward): Contributions to Ophthalmic Science Dedicted to Dr. Edward jacksdon in Honor of His Seventieth Birthday March 30, 1926. By His Pupils and Colleagues in the United States
Keen, William Williams: Selected Papers and Addresses
Abbott, Maude E: History of Medicine in the Province of Quebec
Thompson, Lawrence S: Books in Our Time. Essays
Cushing, Harvey: Resolutions and Appreciations. Offprint from Yale J. Biol. & Med., 1940, 12
Toner, Joseph M: Contributions to the Annals of Medical Progress and Medical Education in the United States Before and During the War of Independence
Hinterberger, A: Gedanken uber die Wiener Krankenhausfrage. im Separatabdruck aus der Wiener klinischen Wochenschrift. Jahrgang 1899. Nr. 7 & Nr. 8
Fracastoro, Hieronymus: Drei Bücher von den Kontagien, den kontagiösen Krankheiten und deren Behandlung (1546)
Vaughan, Victor C: Infection and Immunity
Illingworth, Sir Charles: The Story of William Hunter
His, Wilhelm: Die anatomische Nomenclatur. Nomina anatomica, Verzeichnis der von der Anatomischen Gesellschaft auf ihrer IX. Versammlung in Basel angenommenen Namen
The American Journal of The Medical Science. Vol. IV
Moorat, S. A. J: Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. Vol 2 (only): MSS written after 1650: A - Z. in 2 Volumes
Davidson, Archibaldi: Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Pleuritide Vera
Edinburgh Pathological Club: Inquiry Into the Medical Curriculum By the Edinburgh Pathological Club, Papers Contributed to the Inquiry and Report By the Pathological Club
Jensen, Hans F: Insulin. Its Chemistry and Physiology
Dogbolt, Barnaby (pseud. Herbert Silvette): The Testament of Barnaby. A Mock-Heroic Epic. In Fifteen Cantos, Five Ballads, and One Rondel; Together With an Appendix. (All but the Last in the Manner of Francois Villon)