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Tait, John: Whither Physiology?
Sitwell, Osbert: Out of the Flame
Lallemand, F: Recherches anatomico-pathologiques sur l'encéphale et de ses dépendances
Portal, M. Le Baron: Observations sur la nature et le traitement de l'épilepsie
Massachusetts Medical Society: Library of Practical Medicine. Volume 1. Containing a Treatise on Fever, by S. Smith, M. D. and Clinical Illustrtions of Fever by A. Tweedie, M. D
Richet, Charles: L'OEuvre de Pasteur. Leçons professées à la Faculté de Médecine de Paris
BILLARD, C. [Charles]: De la Membrane Muqueuse Gastro-Intestinale, dans l'Etat Sain ou dans l'Etat Inflammatoire, ou Recherches d'Anatomie Pathologique sur les divers aspects sains et morbides que peuvent présenter l'estomac et les intestins. Ouvrage couronné par l'Athénée de Médecine de Paris
[Soddy, Frederick] Howorth, Muriel: Atomic Transmutation. The Greatest Discovery Ever Made. From Memoirs of Professor Frederick Soddy by Muriel Howorth
Holland, Philemon, (and) John Speed: A Learned, Elegant and Religious Speech Delivered By Philemon Holland of Coventry, Doctor of Physicke, Together with the Ground Plot of the City of Coventry, Performed By John Speed
Lewis, George Cornewall: Remarks on the Use and Abuse of some Political Terms
Dogbolt, Barnaby (pseudonym Henry Silvette): Lydwardine: A Fable
Hartmann, Henri: Chirurgie des voies biliaires
Boyer, A: The Royal Dictionary, French and English, and English and French: Extracted From the Writings of the Best Authors, in Both Languages. Tome Second
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: The Byrth of Mankynd: An exhibition of books illustrating the history of obstetrics selected from the Jason A. Hannah Collection in the History of Medical and Related Sciences.Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, May-June 1981
Bernard, Claude: La science expérimentale
Cabanès (Docteur): Le mal héréditaire, Les descendants de Charles-Quint
Keen, William W: The Surgical Complications and Sequels of Typhoid Fever Based Upon Tables of 1700 Cases, with a Chapter on the Ocular Complications of Typhoid Fever, and as an Appendix, The Toner Lecture, No. V
Ash, Lee, Comp: Serial Publications Containing Medical Classics. An Indes to Citations in Garrison-Morton
Stopes, Marie Carmichael: Some New Concepts and Laws in Human Biology. 3rd Edition
Silvette, Herbert: Catalogue of the Works of Philemon Holland of Coventry, Doctor of Physicke, 1600-1640
Schall, Hermann und August Heisler: Nahrungsmitteltabelle zur Aufstellung und Berechnung von Diätverordnungen für Krankenhaus, Sanatorium ud Praxis
Bankoff, George: The Conquest of Brain Mysteries. Story and Secrets of the Human Mind
Keys, Thomas E: The "Salmonia" of Sir Humphrey Davy. Offprint from Bulletin of the Medical Library Assn., Vol. 44, No. 4, October, 1956
Freeburg, Victor O., ed: William Henry Welch at Eighty. A Memorial Record of Celebrations Around the World in his Honor
Gillett, Margaret: Dear Grace, A Romance of History
Taylor, Howard C: The Recruitment of Talent for a Medical Specialty
Schmitt, Charles B: Survey of Some of the Manuscripts of the Biblioteca Lancisiana in Rome. Offprint from "Medical History," Volume XIV, No. 3 (July 1970)
LeFanu, W. R: A Bio-Bibliography of Edward Jenner, 1749-1823
Edward H. Bradford And Robert W. Lovett: Orthopedic Surgery
Freres, Leon & Jules Rainal: Le Bandage Herniaire. Autrefois - Aujourd'hui
Menz, Gerhard: Der deutsche Buchhandel der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellungen
Richet, Charles: The Impotence of Man. (L'Homme Impuissant Translated by Lloyd Harvey)
Nacht, S: Le Masochisme. Etude historique, clinique, psychogénétique et thérapeutique
Reichert, Edward T: Atropin as a Physiological Antidote in Morphin Poising. Offprint from The Therapeutic Monthly, 1901
[Freud, Sigmund]: Sigmund Freud 1856-1939. Contributions To Contemporary Science And Practice. Offprint from The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. X, No. 4, October, 1940
Schönbauer, Leopold: Das Medizinische Wien. Geschichte, Werden, Würdigung
Hertwig, Oscar: Der Staat als Organismus. Gedanken zur Entwicklung der Menschheit
Albee, Fred H: Bone-Graft Surgery
Kelly, Howard A: Some American Medical Botanists. Offprint from The Journal of the American Medical Association, July, 1911, Vol. LVII
Freud, Sigmund: On Dreams
[American College of Surgeons]: A Catalogue of the H. Winnett Orr Historial Collection and Other Rare Books in the Library of the American College of Surgeons
Kelly, Emerson Crosby: Encyclopedia Of Medical Sources
Mercier, Charles A: Psychology. Normal and Morbid
Clark, Paul F. and Alice Schiedt Clark: Memorable Days in Medicine. A Calendar of Biology and Medicine
Smillie, Wilson G: Public Health Administration in the United States
Stokes, Dr., Dr. Acland, et al: Medicine in Modern Times
James, William: Pragmatism. A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking. Popular Lectures on Philosophy
Silvette, Herbert: Medical Life. July 1937. Philemon Holland Number. "On Looking into Holland's Pliny."
Stimson, Lewis A: A Practical Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations. Eighth edition
Crile, George W. and William E. Lower: Anoci-Association
Diday, P: A Treatise on Syphilis in New-Born Children and Infants at the Breast
Rolleston, H. D: Clinical Lectures and Essays on Abdominal and Other Subjects
Rossi, Ettore: Herzkrankheiten im Säuglingsalter
Bernard, Claude: Introduction à L'étude De La Médecine Expérimentale
Paget, Stephen: Experiments on Animals. With an Introduction by Lord Lister
Roberts, Nigel K and Henry Gelband, eds: Cardiac Arrhythmias in the Neonate, Infant, and Child
Senator, H., Stewart, Alexander P., & Landau, Leopold: Selected Monographs Comprising Albuminuria in Health and Disease; Some Considerations on the Nature and Pathology of Typhus and Typhoid Fever; Moveable Kidney in Women
Singer, Charles: Technology and History. L.T. Hobhouse Memorial Trust Lecture, No.21. Delivered on 23 October 1951 at The London School of Economics and Political Science
Schulte, Bento P. M. ; Endtz, Lambertus J: A Short History of Neurology in the Netherlands. Published on the occasion of the Eleventh International Congress of Neurology, September 1977
Whittier College: Acropolis 1939. Whittier College Annual Yearbook
Czermak; Dusch; Schroeder Van Der Kolk; Radicke; Esmarch: Selected Monographs : Practical Uses of the Laryngoscope; Thrombosis of the Cerebral Sinuses; Atrophy of the Brain; Application of Statistics to Medical Enquiries; Uses of Cold in Surgical Practice
Roberts, Lydia J: From Danger Valley to Safety Hill. A Health Play for Children
Vandermonde, M: Recueil périodique d'observations de médecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Juillet 1756. Tome V
Harley, H.R.S: Subphrenic Abscess
Hays, Isaac, ed: The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. New Series. Vol. XIV
Fordyce, George: Elements of Agriculture and Vegetation. To Which Is Added An Appendix for the Use of Practical Farmers. Third edition
Witkowski, G. -J: Les Droleries Medicales. Anecdotes, Bons Mots Penses, Chansons, Epigrammes, etc
Mangin, Arthur: Les Savants Illustres de la France
Onderdonk, John: An Inaugural Address Delivered before The Medical Society of the County of New York on the 8th Day of August, 1825
Harvey, William: The Works of William Harvey
Bayliss, W. M: The Nature of Enzyme Action
Bignall, J. R., ed: Carcinoma of the Lung. Neoplastic Disease at Various Sites. Volume 1
Walsh, S. Zoe; Meyer, W. W.; Lind, John: The Human Fetal and Neonatal Circulation. Function and Structure
Hosack, David: An Inaugural Address Delivered before The Medical Society of the County of New York on the 12th Day of July, 1824
Various: Selected Essays and Monographs. (From Foreign Sources)