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Sifakis, Stewart: Compendium of the Confederate Armies: North Carolina Adams, Charles Francis: Lee's Centennial: An Address by Charles Francis Adams Kennedy, Mary L: The Esther Thomas Hoblitzelle Collection of English Silver
Lander, Hugh: The House Restorer's Guide Smith, Samuel: A Sermon Preach'd before the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Geeorgia in America. . Herzberger, M: Strahlenoptik (Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen, Band XXXV)
Diaz Ordaz, Gustavo: A Political Handbook Woodward, Kathleen: Queen Mary of England. A Life and Intimate Study Fowler-Salamini, Heather & Vaughan, Mary Kay; editors: Women of the Mexican Countryside, 1850-1990: Creating Spaces, Shaping Transitions
Justice, Donald: The Summer Anniversaries Naipaul, V. S: The Overcrowded Barracoon and Other Articles Kay, Terry: The Year the Lights Came On. INSCRIBED
Cornwell, Patricia: From Potter's Field. PROOF Butler, Robert Olen: Wabash. SIGNED Mann, Thomas: This War
Moyer, Forrest T, G. D. Jones, and V. E. Wrenn: Injury Experience in Coal Mining, 1948: Detailed Analysis of Factors Influencing Mine Safety and Related Employment, and Productivity Data Grimes, John: Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English Addison Clarke & bro: Handbook of Iron and Steel Products
Heizer, R.F.; Whipple, M.A. (eds): Life and Distinguished Services of William. McKinley Our Martyr President [Faulkner, William]: The Faulkner Newsletter & Yoknapatawpha Review. Volume 1, Number 1 thru Volume 16, Number 4 Mandlebaum, Maurice: The Problem of Historical Knowledge: An Answer to Relativism
Rohmer, Sax: Moon of Madness Stenhouse, Fanny: The Tyranny of Mormonism or, An Englishwoman in Utah. An autobiography. With introductory preface by Mrs. Beecher Stowe Mudge, Rev. Z. A: NORTH - POLE VOYAGES. EMBRACING SKETCHES OF THE IMPORTANT FACTS AND INCIDENTS IN THE LATEST AMERICAN EFFORTS TO REACH THE NORTH POLE. FROM THE SECOND GRINNELL EXPEDITION TO THAT OF THE POLARIS
Young, Stephen Flinn, ed. [Smith, Lee]: The Southern Quarterly. Volume XXII, #2. Special Feature: Lee Smith Cachin, Francoise: Gaugin Ricke, Helmut and Eva Schmitt: Italienisches Glas. Murano Mailand. 1930 - 1970
Gould, Cora Smith: Winged Journeys. Gilt edges Chappell, Fred: Farewell, I'm Bound to Leave You. Advance Reading Copy. SIGNED Goodman, Paul: The Facts of Life
Butler, Robert Olen: Coffee, Cigarettes, and a Run in the Park. SIGNED/LTD Gibbons, Kaye: Family Life. LTD. SIGNED Ondaatje, Michael: Claude Glass. First Draft
Lane, Margaret: A Smell of Burning. INSCRIBED Bowles, Paul: Yallah. INSCRIBED Nemerov, Howard: The Melodramatists. INSCRIBED
Douglas, Ellen: The Rock Cried Out. SIGNED Hood, Mary: How Far She Went Gurganus, Allan: White People. PROOF. SIGNED
Haynes, David: Right by My Side. SIGNED James, Henry: Letters. Volume II, 1875-1883 de Montherlant, Henry: Pity for Women
White, Jr., Elliott P: Miasma Caldwell, Erskine: Poor Fool. Pictures by Alexander Couard Patterson, Tom: The Phantom Sheik
Parker, Michael: Hello Down There. SIGNED Brown, Larry: Joe. Promotional Pamphlet Malouf, David: Bicycle and Other Poems
Pavese, Cesare: Festival Night and Other Stories Glover, David: The Lost Village Dawson, Fielding: Announcement for a Lecture and Reading at Duke University
Masefield, John: Easter: A Play for Singers. LTD ed Lopez, Barry Holstun: River Notes: The Dance of Herons. PROOF Puig, Manuel: Heartbreak Tango. SIGNED
Gibbons, Kaye: Sights Unseen. ARC. SIGNED Pinget, Robert: Between Fantoine and Agapa Boyle, T. Coraghessan: Descent of Man. SIGNED
Clampitt, Amy: The Kingfisher. Review Copy Wilkins, W. R., ed.; Charles Bukowski: Nitty Gritty. (A Survival Tool Chest) Birth. Vol. 1, No. 1. [Charles Bukowski Broadside, 86'd Laid in] Aiken, Conrad: A Reviewer's ABC. INSCRIBED
Sanford, John: The $300 Man Sarton, May: The Bridge of Years Benedict, Pinckney: The Wrecking Yard. Excerpt. SIGNED
Still, James: The Wolfpen Rusties. Appalachian Riddles & Gee-Haw Whimmy-Diddles Hearn, Lafcadio: Insect-Musicians and Other Stories & Sketches Miller, John A: Jackson Street and Other Soldier Stories. SIGNED
Humphreys, Josephine: Dreams of Sleep. Association Copy Montgomery, Marion: Would You Like to Try for (symbol for infinity) Years. SIGNED Brown, Larry: Billy Ray's Farm. Signed/LTD (True 1st ed.)
Priestley, J. B: Laburnum Grove : An Immoral Comedy in Three Acts DeVries, Peter: The Vale of Laughter. SIGNED Guerard, Albert J: The Bystander. INSCRIBED
Cotter, Joseph S: Sequel to the Pied Piper of Hamelin and Other Poems Himes, Chester: La Troisieme Generation. INSCRIBED Johnston, Velda: Along a Dark Path