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Frederick Engels: Frederick Engels Dialectics of Nature
Shakespeare; W.J. Craig, M.A: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities
James M. Garnett: Selections in English Prose from Elizabeth to Victoria (1580- 1880) Chosen and Arranged by James M. Garnett, M.A., LL.D., Professor of the English Language and Literature in the University of Virginia
Kenneth Grahame: The Golden Age by Kenneth Grahame With Illustrations and Decorations by Ernest H. Shepard
Arthur Bryant: Samuel Pepys The Man in the Making
Omar Khayyam; Edward Fitzgerald: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Rendered into English by Edward Fitzgerald Edited by George F. Maine Illustrated by Robert Stewart Sherriffs
Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Wonder Book by Nathaniel Hawthorne Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
Winston Churchill: The Second World War Series: The Gathering Storm / Their Finest Hour / The Grand Alliance / The Hinge of Fate / Closing the Ring / Triumph and Tragedy
Theophile Gautier; Mademoiselle de Maupin: Oeuvre de Theophile Gautier
Thomas De Quincey; James Hogg: De Quincey and His Friends Personal Recollections, Souvenirs and Anecdotes of Thomas De Quincey His Friends and Associates
John Bowdler, Jun, ESQ: Select Pieces in Verses and Prose by John Bowdler
Ivan Turgenieff: Ivan Turgenieff’s Spring Floods Translated from the Russian by Mrs. Sophie Michell Butts A Lear of the Steppe Translated from the French by William Hand Browne
Joseph Nash: Views of the Interior and Exterior of Windsor Castle Forming a Supplemental Volume to The Mansions of England
Raphael: Pictvrae Raphaelis Sanctij Vrbinatis Ex Avla Et Conclavibvs Palatij Vaticani Ad Pvblicvm Terrarvm Orbis Ornamentvm In Aereas Tabvlas Nvnc Primvm Omnes Dedvctae Explicationibvs Illustratae Typsique Editae Svb Avspicijs Ter Magnis Ac Felicissimis Innocentij XIII. P.O.M
Johann Christoph Georg Bodenschatzens: Kirchliche Verfassung der heutigen Juden
Goad, Charles Edward: Atlas City of Toronto Plate 118 (North of St. Clair Ave and West of Mount Pleasant Road)
G. Woolworth: Map of Port Royal, Beaufort and Vicinity, with a Plan of the Southern Atlantic Coast from Bull\\\\\\\'s Bay, South Carolina, to Brunswick, Georgia, Showing the Means of Communication with Savannah, Charleston and Beaufort, the Theater of the Present Naval and Military Operations of the U.S. Great Naval Expedition Under the Command of Commodore Dupont and General Sherman.;Part of the Coast of S. Carolina Showing the Relative Positions of Charleston, Beauforti & Savannah
G. Woolworth: Map of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, Embracing Portions of Virginia and North Carolina, with Their Strategic Points and Railway Connections
John Speed: A Map of New England and New York
John Speed: A New Mappe of the Romane Empire..
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Isola Dicandia Creta
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Quefta Tauola E L\\\'Antica Siria ch\\\'Cra deftinta in dodici tribu hora si chiama la Soria et terra Santa pofedutal Turco
Jan Jansson: Tabvla Anemogra Phica feu Pyxis Navtica ventorum nomina fex lin: guis repraefentans
Harpal; Meena Art Studio: Tibetan Mythical Deities
Harpal; Meena Art Studio: Tibetan Religious Ceremony
E. Walsh: A View of the City of Montreal & the River St. Lawrence from the Mountain
B. Beaufoy: View of Quebec
W.H. Russel LLD: The Atlantic Telegraph by W.H Russell LLD Illustrated by Robert Dudley
Jacques Francois de Chastenet De Puysegur: Art De La Guerre, Par Principes Et Par Règles. Ouvrage De Mr. Le Marechal De Puysegur, Mis Au Jour Par Mr. Le Marquis de Puységur, Son Fils Brigadier D\\\\\\\\\\\'Infanterie, Colonel Du Régiment De Vexin
James Merigot: A Select Collection of Views and Ruins in Rome and its Vicinity. Recently Executed from Drawings Made Upon the Spot
George P. Ure: The Handbook of Toronto Containing its Climate, Geology, Natural History, Educational Institutions, Courts of Law, Municipal Arrangements
W.C. Cheweet & Co: Toronto City Directory 1868-9
Fairplay, Francis: Canadas As They Are Now. Comprehending a View of Their Climate, Rivers, …with a Description of the Soil and Advantages or Disadvantages of Every Township in Each Province
Nathaniel Parker Willis: Canadian Scenery, Illustrated From Drawings by W. H. Bartlett (Hand Coloured)
Nathaniel Parker Willis: Canadian Scenery, Illustrated From Drawings by W.H. Bartlett (2 Volume Set)
Reynold A. Nicholson: A Literary History of the Arabs by Reynold A. Nicholson
Rev. Joseph Spence: Anecdotes, Observations and Characters of Books and Men Collected From the Conversation of Mr. Pope, and Other Eminent Persons of His Time. By the Rev. Joseph Spence. Now First Published from the Original Papers, with Notes, and a Life of the Author by Samuel Weller Singer
Thomas Carlyle; James Anthony Froude: A History of the First Forty Years of His Life 1795-1835 by James Anthony Froude, M.A.
Henry Murger: Propos de Ville et Propos de Theatre; Le Pays Latin
M. De Voltaire: Candide or All for the Best Translated from the French of M. De. Voltaire with 10 Etchings by Clara Tice
Thomas Anburey: Travels Through the Interior Parts Of America In a Series of Letters by An Officer
Houston Stewart Chamberlain: Richard Wagner translated from the German by G. Ainslie Hight
Girolamo Ruscelli: Le imprese Illvstri Del S.or Ieronimo Rvscelli Aggivntovi Nvovam. Il Qvarto Libro Da Vincenzo Rvscelli Da Viterbo. Al serenissimo Principe Gvglielmo Gonzaga Dvca Di Mantova et Monferato
Germain Brice: Description de la ville de Paris, et de tout ce qu elle contient de plus remarquable. Nouvelle edition. Enrichie d un nouveau Plan & de nouvelles Figures dessinees & gravees correctement
Robert Ker Porter: Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden During the Years 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808
Lieut. Phillpotts: Plan of York Surveyed and Drawn by Lieut. Phillpotts Royal Engineers
James Cane: Topographical Plan of the City and Liberties Toronto In the Province of Canada
Jan Jansson: Situs Terrae Promissionis .S.S. Bibliorum intelligentiam exacte aperiens per Chr. Adrichom
Jan Jansson: Iudaeae feu Terrae Israelis Tabula geographica…
Frederick de Wit: Magnum Mare del Zur cum insula California; De Groote Zuyd-Zee en`t Eylandt California
Lorenz Janscha: Ansicht des Kurfürstlichen Lust- und Jagdschlosses Herzogfreude bey Bonné / Vue du Chateau électoral de Chasse nommé Herzogsfreude près de Bonne (No 38) Ansicht von Braubach mit dem Schlosse Marksburg; Vue de Braubach avec le château de Marsksbourg (No 18
Auguste Leroux: Comptoir National D\\\\\\\'escompte de Paris, Emprunt National 1918
Erskine Nicol: Renewal Of The Lease Refused
Walter Dendy Sadler: The Right of Way
William Henry Fisk: The Trial of Earl Strafford In Westminster Hall 1641
John Charles Bromley: The Trial Of William Lord Russel In The Old Bailey 1683
Vincent Brooks: Vanity Fair Legal Caricatures
Walter Dendy Sadler: Marriage By Registrar
Abbe D. Francesco Saverio Clavigero; Charles Cullen, tr: The History of Mexico. Collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manuscripts, and Ancient Paintings of the Indians. Illustrated by Charts, and other Copper Plates. To Which are Added, Critical Dissertations on the Land, the Animals, and Inhabitants of Mexico. By Abbé D. Francesco Saverio Clavigero. Translated from the Original Italian, By Charles Cullen, Esq. In Two Volumes
Mr. Dryden: The Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals Georgics, and Aeneis
Canniff Haight: Life in Canada 50 Years Ago: Personal Recollections and Reminiscences of a Sexagenarian
H.F. Walling; Ruth McKenzie: Illlustrated Historical Atlas of The Counties of Leeds and Grenville Canada West From actual Surveys under the Direction of H.F. Walling
Gerhard Mercator: Anglia Regnum
Jan Jansson (Janssonius): Ægyptvs Antiqva Divifa in Nomos..
Robert Bruce Bell; D. Miller: Plan of the Harbour of Montreal Shewing Improvements Designed by the Board of Engineers Plate 2
Gerhard Mercator: Bolonia & Gvines Comitatus
Jan Jansson (Janssonius); Abraham Ortelius: Creta Iovis magni, medio iacet insula ponto
Jan Huygen Van Linschoten: A cidade de Angra. Na Iesv Xpo Da Tercera Qve Esta Em 39. Graos
Jan Jansson (Janssonius): Italia Gallica, Sive Gallia Cisalpina, Ex conatibus Geographicis Abrah. Ortelij
Jan Jansson (Janssonius): Descriptio Peregrinationis D. Pauli, Apostoli
Jan Jansson (Janssonius): Aeneae Troiani Navigatio Ad Virgilij sex priores Aeneidos
Jan Jansson (Janssonius): Cambriae Typus auctore Humfredo Lluydo Denbigiense Cambro britanno
Jan Jansson (Janssonius): Tabula Itineris Decies Mille Graecorum sub Cyro contra fratrem Suum Ataxerxem Regem Persarum
Jan Jansson (Janssonius): Imperium Romanum Auth Phil. Briet e Societ Iesu