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L.R. Voligny: Georgian Bay
F.A. Brockhaus: Afrika
Tosh: Ottoman Empire Map of the English Isles
J. Arrowsmith: Central Asia; comprising Bokhara, Cabool, Persia, The River Indus, & Countries Eastward of it
Phil. Buache; Dezauche: Carte De La Mer Noire Comprenant la plus Grande partie De L\\\\\\\'Empire Otoman, Parie des Etats De L\\\\\\\'autriche, De La Russie, & Dresse par Dezauche Geographe; Theatre do La Guerre Entre Les Turcs..
William Bryce: Bryce\\\\\\\'s New Index Map of Toronto
A.G. Burrows; W.R. Rogers: Map of the Porcupine Gold Area
Willet G. Miller; A.P. Coleman; W.R. Rogers; H.L.Kerr; F.B. Taylor: Bureau of Mines Map of Toronto and Vicinity
M. Bonne: Carte De La Nouvelle Zeelande
Sanson: Royaume Du Iapon Designe Par le Pere Ph Briet de la Compagnie de Iefus Sure les Memoire des Pere de la meme compagnie
A.St.Laurent; C.R.Coutlee; S.J.Chapleau: City of North Bay and Vicinity, Georgian Bay Ship Canal Lake Huron to Montreal
F. de Chalot: Talon Lake, Nasbonsing Lake, and Vicinity
Bellin: Carte Reduite De L\\\\\\\'Isle de Cube. Dressee au Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine Pour le Service Des Vaissaeax du Roy Par ordre de MLe Duc de Choisaul Colonel general des Suisses et Grisons Ministre de la Guerre et de la Marine
James Wylde: Nouveau Plan de Londre Wyld\\\\\\\'s New Plan of London Neuer Plan von London
John E. Belcher: Map of the County of Peterborough
Mauthaus Seutter: Regnum Hiberniae, tam feeundum IV Provincias Principales Ultoniam, Connaciam, Lageniam, Momoniam
Mercator; H. Hondius: Hassia landtgrauiatus
Francois Valentijn; Ottens: Island of Ambon; Caart van het Eyland Amboina in\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t bijfonder
Francois Valentijn; F. Ottens: Island of Bouro; Archipelago di St. Lazaro
Victor Levasseur: Ile De La Reunion Colonie Francaise (Ocean Indien)
Mercator; H. Hondius: Bavaria Dvcatvs
Mercator; H. Hondius: Palatina Tvs Bavariae
Mercator; H. Hondius: Argow
Hornyansky: Windmills of Lower Quebec
Van Dyck: Royal Children
Eugene Flandin: Meidan-i-Chah Place Rayale a Teheran
David Roberts: Great Hall at Karnac Thebes
S. Begg: The Canadian Contingent
Joseph John: Farm Yard
Sandmann: Venedig
B.Wiear: Pie VII. Souverain Pontiff
Eugene Flandin: Porte de Ville
Eugene Flandin: Imam Zadeh (Tombeau) a Kachan
Eugene Flandin: Ruines D\\\\\\\'Un Palais Sassanide A Firouzabad
Eugene Flandin: Palais De Kasr-e-Kadjar Pres Teheran
Eugene Flandin: Barout - Khaneh ou Poudriere (Pres de Teheran)
Eugene Flandin: Palais De Hapht - Dest. Ispahan
Eugene Flandin: Enceinte Fortifiee De Zenguian
Eugene Flandin: Restes Du Palais De Zobeideh Tabriz
Eugene Flandin: Habitation D\\\\\\\'un Khan
Eugene Flandin: Imam Zadeh & Cimetiere Zenguian
Eugene Flandin: Kazeroun
W.H. Bartlett: Fish Market Toronto
W.H. Bartlett: Toronto
Lemercier: Nasser-Ed-Din
J.C. Savigny; Barraband: Egyptian Birds of Prey; H.N. Zoologie Oiseaux par J.C. Savigny Pl. 2
Sampson: Two Champions Neilson\\\\\\\'s Jersey Milk Chocolate
A.H. Hider: The Allen Line New Steamers Quadruple Alsatian and Calgarian Turbine Engines Largest - Fastest- Finest on the Canadian Route
C.E. Turner: Cunard R.M.S. \\\"Queen Mary\\\"
Stanley Berkeley: The Heavy Brigade, The Crimean War
Eduard Hildebrandt (1818-1865): Manila / Indisches Dorf auf den Philippinen
David Roberts: Sidon, Looking Towards Lebanon
Volkoff: Alexander the First, Emperor of the Russias
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Golfo de Trieste
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Pesaro Nella marca di Ancoa
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Isolade palmosa Patmos
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Arcipelago
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Aegyptvs
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Italia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Piacenza Citta Antichiss in Lomobard di quandalPo
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Isola Del Negroponte Evboea
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Graecia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Roterdam
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Isole Selandie
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Belgivm Sev Germania Inferior
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Lativm Sev Territorivm Romae
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Isola Di Cerigo Cythera
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Roan
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Hertogenbosch
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Bopart
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Padoa
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Patavia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Amsterodamum
Nicolas Sanson: Partie de L\\\'inde au delà du gange; Presqv-Isle de L\\\'inde au delà du gange
Jansonius; G Valk and P. Schenk: Insularum Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio