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Shinskey, F. Greg: Distillation Control: For Productivity and Energy Conservation Simpson and Day: The Princeton Field Guide to the Birds of Australia Backhouse, Frances: Hiking With Ghosts: The Chilkoot Trail, Then and Now
Berkhout, A. J: Seismic Migration: Imaging of Acoustic Energy by Wave Field Extrapolation Huang, Parker Po-fei & Gerard P. Kok: Speak Cantonese Book #1 Magara, Kinji: Compaction and Fluid Migration: Practical Petroleum Geology Fundamentals of Numerical Reservoir Simulation (Developments in Petroleum Science 9)
Mayall, James: The Fallacies of Hope: The Post-Colonial Record of the Commonwealth Third World Quignard, Pascal: Sur Le Jadis Chalmers, Graeme & Frances Moorcroft: British Columbia Houses; a Guide to the Styles of Domestic Architecture in British Columbia; a Workbook for Secondary Art & Home Economics Students
Slater, Peter: A Field Guide to Australian Birds: Passerines Sternberg, Wolfgang; Smith, Turner: The Theory of Potential and Spherical Harmonics Makela, Hannu: Ukko Lumi: Kertomus Lumiukosta Ja Pienesta Tytosta
Heinonen, Sirkka-Liisa: Het Trollenkind Marha, Karel; Musil, Jan; Tuha, Hana: Electromagnetic Fields and The Life Environment Saul'yev, V.K: Integration of Equations of Parabolic Type By the Method of Nets
Scott, Melvin R: Invariant Imbedding and Its Applications to Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction No Author: Turk Sanati Ve Anadolu Kulturu; Sadberk Hanim Muzesi Eserlerinden Prevert, Jacques; Kroupovi, Helena (transl.): Pohadky Pro Nehodne Deti
Petiska, Eduard: Olin a Lisky Riha, Bohumil: Hochzeit Im Teich Feldek, L'Ubomir: Zelena Kniha Rozpravok
Lukesova, Milena: Klara a Skorodum Back, William;Rosenshein, Joseph S: Hydrogeology: The Geology of North America Volume 0-2 Ficus, Andre; Walser, Martin: Die Amerikareise : Versuch, ein Gefühl zu verstehen
Chus Pato and Erin Moure (trans.): M - Tala Castlebury, John: White Clouds Downie, Glen; Tranfield, Pam (eds.): More Than Our Jobs: An Anthology
Rice, Bruce: Life in the Canopy Willoughby, Ralph A. (ed.): Stiff Differential Systems Raina, Vinod; Chowdhury, Aditi; Chowdhury, Sumit: The Disposessed: Victims of Development in Asia
Wan-so Pak ; Young-nan Yu (trans.): Naked Tree, the Shen, Hsieh Wen: Modeling of Rivers Fulton, R.J. (ed.): Quaternary Geology of Canada and Greenland
Barbier, Monique: De main de Maitre: les métiers d'art au grand palais à Paris Artes De Mexico: Los Jesuitas y La Ciencia: Los Limites De La Razon Linders, Joke; Sterck, Marita De: Nice to Meet You: A Companion to Dutch & Flemish Children's Literature
Feldek, L'ubomir: 5x Botafogo Lindgrenova, Astrid: Ronja, Dcera Loupeznika Smylie, D.E.; Mansinha, L.; Beck, A.E: Earthquake Displacement Fields and the Rotation of the Earth
Pagel-Theisen, Verena: Handbook of Diamond Grading, German Standards Baumgart, Silvia: Denkraume Zwischen Kunst Und Wissenschaft: 5. Kunsthistorikerinnentagung in Hamburg Coleman, Jill: Wateryoga: Water Assisted Postures & Stretches for Flexibility & Wellbeing
Corin, James: Mating, Marriage, and the Status of Women Drance, Stephen M: International Symposium on Glaucoma, Ocular Bloodflow, and Drug Treatment Bogorodskii, V.V.; Bentley, C.R.; Gudmandsen, P.E: Radioglaciology
Yuanzhong, Xu. trans: Unexpurgated Translation of Book of Songs, An Starck, J. L.; Murtagh, Fionn; Bijaoui, A: Image Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach Johnson, Arvid M.; Fletcher, Raymond C: Folding of Viscous Layers: Mechanical Analysis and Interpretation of Structures in Deformed Rock
Benenso, Itzhak; Torrens, Paul: Geosimulation: Automata-Based Modeling of Urban Phenomena Hrubin, Frantisek; Trnka, Jiri; Spisovatel, Ceskoslovensky: Maly Spalicek Pohadek Embleton, Clifford;King, Cuchlaine A.M: Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology
Lussier, A.S. (ed.): Louis Riel and the Metis Stangoe, Irene: History and Happenings in the Cariboo-Chilcotin: Pioneer Memories Godfrey, Eshin; Martin, Guren; Tak, Sik Yin; Kong, Susan S.H: Bodhidharma's Teaching
Chiang Kai-shek: Madame Chiang Kai-shek: Selected Speeches and Messages 1940-1950 Hambley, John A.S: London Transport Buses and Coaches 1958 Hambley, John A.S: London Transport Buses and Coaches 1954
Hambley, John A.S: London Transport Buses and Coaches 1955 Hambley, John A.S: London Transport Buses and Coaches 1959 Hambley, John A.S: London Transport Buses and Coaches 1960
Sousa: Sousa's Favorite March Book for Modern Band Bumsted, J.M: Winnipeg General Strike of 1919: An Illustrated History Deutsche Lieder
Wanderoogel-Lieder Slater, Peter; Calaby, John Henry: A Field Guide to Australian Birds: Non-Passerines Alfano, Michelle: Made Up of Arias
Hoefle, Harold: Mountain Clinic West, James R: New Uses of Sulfur: A Symposium Sponsored by the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry at the 167th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., April 2-3, 1974 Dumas, T.; Bulani, W: Oxidation of Petrochemicals : Chemistry and Technology
Schlundt, Christena L: Professional Appearances of Ruth St. Denis & Ted Shawn; a Chronolgy and an Index of Dances 1906 -- 1932 Hershey, Daniel: Transport Analysis Roed, Murray A: Okanagan Geology British Columbia
Matich, Olga;Heim, Michael Henry: The Third Wave: Russian Literature in Emigration Soviet Engines for Civil Aircraft Avions et Helicopteres Civiles De L'URSS