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Martin, Robert Sidney (ed.): Carnegie Denied: Communities Rejecting Carnegie Library Construction Grants, 1898-1925
McIlwaine, John and Whiffrin, Jean: Collecting and Safeguarding the Oral Traditions
Gerlach-Spriggs, Nancy; Warner, Sam Bass Jr.; Kaufman, Richard Enoch: Restorative Gardens: The Healing Landscape
Bulo: Why
Roth, Beulah; Huxley, Aldous (intro.): Portraits Annees 50: Photographies De Sanford Roth
Agay, Denes: Teaching Piano: A Comprehensive Guide and Reference Book for the Instructor Volume II
Hooke, J. M: Geomorphology in Environmental Planning
Loesser, Frank and Lane, Burton: The Lady's in Love with You (Bob Hope, Shirley Ross, Gene Krupa and His Orchestra "Some Like it Hot")
Anderson, Ed and Grouya, Ted: Flamingo Successfully Introduced By Duke Ellington and His Orchestra
Tooley, M.J: Sea-Level Changes: North-West England during the Flandrian Stage
Taylor, J. C: Gauge Theories of Weak Interactions
Consroe, T.J.; Glaser, F.M.; And Shaw, R.W: Potential Environmental Impacts of Solar Heating and Cooling Systems
Sinclair, Alison: Valle Inclan's Rudeo Iberico: A Popular View of Revolution
Coates, Kenneth; McGuinness, Fred: Pride of the Land: An Affectionate History of Brandon's Agricultural Exhibitions
Lo, C. P: Geographical Applications of Aerial Photography
Shaw, S. Bernard: Photographing Canada from Flying Canoes
Taiwan's Treasures: Western Art from Private Collections
Appleton, Jay: Poetry of Habitat, the
Farhar, Barbara (ed.): Hail Suppression: Society and Environment: Selected Contributions to the Technology Assesment of Hail Suppression
Pearce, Jon: Twelve Voices: Interviews with Canadian Poets: Interviews and Introduction
Proskauer, E.S.; Immergut, E.H.; Overberger, C.G: Perspectives in Polymer Science
Jakucs, Laszlo: Morphogenetics of Karst Regions: Variants of Karst Evolution
Catania, Peter J. (ed.): Food, Fuel, Fertilizer: Proceedings Symposim Uses of Agricultural Wastes
Brice, William Charles: The Environmental History of the Near and Middle East since the Last Ice Age
Parry, M.L: Impact of Climatic Variations on Agriculture, Vol. I: Assessments in Cool Temperate and Cold Regions
Scalfari, Simonetta: Dopo Il Terremoto - Verso la Ricostruzione/ After the Earthquake - Towards Reconstruction/Danach Das Erdbeben - Auf dem Weg zum Wiederaufbau/ Apres le Tremblement de terre - Vers la Reconstruction
Uchida, Tokio: Tokio Acoustic Blues: Fingerstyle Guitar Music Vol. 3
The Beautiful Sculpture of Jade
Kain, Karen: Karen Kain Movement Never Lies: An Autobiography
Hill, Carol A: Cave Minerals
Hiroshi, Fuji: Arts Over Doubts: Artist in Fukuoka in the 21st Century Vol. 6
Brazil: Body Nostalgia
Banwell, C.N: Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy
Bouma, Arnold H: Methods for the Study of Sedimentary Structures
McGinnies, William G. And Haase, Edward F: Guayule: A Rubber-Producing Shrub for Arid and Semiarid Regions
Moriarty, F: Organochlorine Insecticides: Persistent Organic Pollutants
Leitch, Evan C: Terrane Accretion and Orogenic Belts
Pimentel, David / Department Of Entomology And Limnology / Executive Office Of The President Office Of Science And Technology: Ecological Effects of Pesticides on Non-Target Species
Means, W.D: Stress and Strain: Basic Concepts of Continuum Mechanics for Geologists
Bunnell, Fred and Johnson, Jacklyn (eds.): Policy and Practices for Biodiversity in Managed Forests: The Living Dance
Sider, Gerald M: Lumbee Indian Histories: Race, Ethnicity, and Indian Identity in the Southern United States
Voight, Barry: Mechanics of Thrust Faults and Decollement
Manuel Mantero; Craige, Betty J. (transl.): Manuel Mantero: New Songs for the Ruins of Spain
Beauty of Spiritual Awakening
Shah, S.P. & G. B. Batson (eds.): Fiber Reinforced Concrete Properties and Applications
Stone, John F. (ed.): Plant Modification for More Efficient Water Use
Boitani, Piero: The Tragic and the Sublime in Medieval Literature
Rider, Bertha Carr: The Greek House: Its History and Development from the Neolithic Period to the Hellenistic Age
Kennedy, Maurice V: Disposal and Decontamination of Pesticides
Satchwell, C.J: Windship Technology: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Windship Technology (Windtech '85), Southampton, U.K., April 24-25, 1985 Part A
Bentley, Nelson: Collected Shorter Poems
Chernov, Iurii Ivanovich: The Living Tundra
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner: Samtliche Stucke
Acosta, Leonardo: From the Drum to the Synthesizer
Hanley, Michael: Owyhee Graffiti Volume 1
Dizionario Consiso Cinese - Italiano
Ives, M.B. (ed.): Materials Engineering in the Arctic
Masubuchi, Koichi; Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Materials for Ocean Engineering
Armitage, F.B: Irrigated Forestry in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands: A Synthesis/Idrc234
Ouellette, Fernand: En La Nuit, La Mer: Poemes 1972-1980
ICOLD Symposium, Santbergen, Leo et. Al. (eds.): Reservoirs in River Basin Development Proceedings Vol 2
Brown, Gordon S: To No Nameless End
Jackson Davis and the Lost World of Jim Crow Education
Hendry, A.W: Structural Brickwork
Blank Journal (Danny Dunn and the Fossil Cave) / Blank Book / Diary / Sketch Book
Gladwell, John S. And Warnick, Calvin C: Low-Head Hydro: An Examination of an Alternative Energy Source
Tectonic History and Mineral Deposits of the Western Cordillera
Vache, Warren W: Jazz Gentry: Aristocrats of the Music World
McMurtry, Robert Y. , Barry A. McLellan (eds.): Management of Blunt Trauma
Dietz, A.G.H. ; E.L. Schaffer; D.S. Gromala: Wood as a Structural Material; Vol. II, A Compilation of Educational Modules Especially Prepared for Engineers and Architects at the Second Clark C. Heritage Memorial Workshop on Wood, Madison Wis, August 1980
Freas, Alan D.; Russell C. Moody, Lawrence A. Soltis (eds.): Wood: Engineering Design Concepts; Volume IV; Clark C. Heritage Memorial Series on Wood
Miki, Roy (ed.): Meanwhile: The Critical Writings of B P Nichol
Utinomi, Huzio: Coloured Illustrations of Sea Shore Animals of Japan
Fracture Mechanics: Fifteenth Symposium
Sand, George: A Pequena Fadette