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Johannes van Keulen: Nieuwe Pascaert Van al de Carnarisse Eylande Met al hunne diepten en drooghte Dus ver Naeukeurig op gestelt. / De Noord Oost hoeck Van Tenerifa en de Havens van Gerrachica en S. Cruz. / Pascaert vande Noord Oost hoeck van Groot Canarien E. Sturtevant: E. Sturtevant. Auf schneeiger Hohe Georges Scott: G. Scott: Wettreiten in Bosnien
E. Cucuel: E. Cucuel. Taubenschiessen in Monte Carlo J. Gillray: Tentanda via est qua me quoque possim Tollere humo / Virgil, Geor. / He steers his flight Aloft, incumbent on the dusky air That felt unusual weight Joshua Reynolds: Muscipula. / Grave a Londres par Jean Jones d'apres le Tableau de Monsr. le Chevalier Reynolds, qui se trouve dans le cabinet de son Excellence Monsr. le Comte d'Adhemar-Ambassadeur de France en Angleterre. / From a Painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the
Joshua Reynolds: Robinetta. From a Painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds in the Collection of the Honble. Wm. Tollemache To whom this Plate is respectfully Inscribed by his most obliged and obedient Servant the Engraver J. Jones Cajetanus Bosa: Tabula XLVII Leon de Laborde: Guiera vue du Grand Temple Prise du Pronaos
Leon de Laborde: Guiera Vue Generale de la Ville Moderne et des Ruines d'Aphrodisias Louis-Leopold Boilly: La Famiglia Africana Thomas Ernst van Goor: Beschryving der Stadt en Lande van Breda: Behelzende de Oudheid van het Graafschap Stryen, deszelfs eerfte Bewoonderen, en oude Gestalte, met een Historisch Verhael van het Leven der Graven van Stryen, en daar op gevolgde Heeren van Breda; Mitsgaders De Opkomst en eerste Beginselen der Stadt Breda, deszelfs Benaming, eerste Omwalling, en verdere Vergrootingen en Versterckingen, met de voornaemste, zoo Wereldlycke als Geestelycke Gebouwen, de wyze der Regeering, Hoogheden, Voorrechten, enz. Als Mede Eene naeukeurige en beknopte Beschryving van het Landt van Breda, deszelfs Dorpen, Vryheden en Heerlykheden, met der zelver Oudheden, Regeeringen, Aanhangzelen en gemeene Gebouwen: Uyt veele Oude en Nieuwe Schryvers byeen verzamelt, en met een aanmerckelyck getal van tans noch onuytgegevene echte Stucken, Brieven, enz. Bevestigt door Thomas Ernst van Goor, met Kopere Plaaten
Georg Andreas Bockler: Architectura Curiosa Nova William Thornton; George Smith; Alexander Townshend: The New, Complete, and Universal History, Description, and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, The Borough of Southwark, And the Parts adjacent. Including Not only all the Parishes within the Bills of Mortality, but likewise the Towns, Villages, Palaces, Seats, and Country, To the Extent of above Twenty Miles round; With all the late Improvements and Alterations…. / Written and Compiled from Authentic Records and other genuine Information, By a Society of Gentlemen, the Whole Revised, Corrected, and Improved, By William Thornton, Esq. Assisted by George Smith, L.L.D.—the Rev. Alex. Townshend, M.A. And Other Gentlemen T. G. Bonney; Elijah Walton, illus: Peaks and Valleys of the Alps from Water-Colour Drawings by Elijah Walton. Chromo-Lithographed by J.H. Lowes. With Descriptive Text by Revd. T. G. Bonney M.A., F.G.S
Charles F. Irons; Charles A. Russell: Solid Gold Society Emblems / Pins, Buttons, Charms / 1899 / Rolled Gold Plate Society Emblems / Pins, Buttons and Charms. / 1899 George Smith: Smith’s Cabinet-Maker’s & Upholsterer’s Guide, Drawing Book, and Repository of New and Original Designs for Household Furniture and Interior Decoration in the Most Approved and Modern Taste; Including Specimens of the Egyptian, Grecian, Gothic, Arabesque, French, English, and Other Schools of the Art; by George Smith. Upholsterer and Furniture Draughtsman to His Majesty. / The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide: Being a Complete Drawing Book; in which Will Be Comprised Treatises on Geometry and Perspective… Numerous Engravings. To Which is Added, a Complete Series of New and Original Designs for Household Furniture, and Interior Decoration David Roberts; George Croly; Louis Haghe: The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, & Nubia. From Drawings Made on the Spot by David Roberts, R.A. with Historical Descriptions by the Revd. George Croly, L.L.D. Lithographed by Louis Haghe. [VOLUMES 2 AND 3]
Felix Clement: Les Musiciens celebres depuis le seizième siècle jusqu’à nos jours par Félix Clément / Ouvrage illustré de quarante-cinq portraits graves a l’eau-forte par Masson, Deblois et Massard et de trois reproductions héliographiques d’anciennes gravures par A. Durand Lancellotto Politi (pseud. Ambrosius Catharinus): Commentaria R.P.F. Ambrosii Catharini Politi Senensis, Episcopi Minoriensis, in Omnes Diui Pauli, et alias Septem Canonicas Epistolas, ad Sanctiss. D. N. Julium. III. Pont. Max. … Cum summi Pontificis, & Illustriss, Senatus Veneti Privilegio, ad Decennium Abbe Barthelemy; J.B.B. D’Anville & B. du Bocage, illus: Recueil de Cartes Géographiques, plans, vues, et médailles de l Ancienne Grèce, relatifs au Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis, precede d une Analyse Critique des Cartes
Israel Sylvestre: [A collection of 17th century engravings by Sylestre.] Rudyard Kipling; William Nicholson: An Almanac of twelve Sports By William Nicholson / With Words by Rudyard Kipling Walter Harris: The History and Antiquities of the City of Dublin..
Chardain, John Sir (1643-1713): Voyages du Chevalier Chardin, en Perse, et autres Lieux de L’Orient, Robert Orme: A History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan Major Dixon Denham; Captain Hugh Clapperton and Doctor Oudney: Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa
James Imray: Pouynipete (Carolines) James Imray: Socorro Id James Imray: Cocos Id
James Imray: Chabrol Harbour (Carolines) James Imray: Borodino Ids James Imray: Midway Is
James Imray: Rouk Isles (Carolines) James Imray: Kittie Harbour (Pouynipete, Carolines) James Imray: Port Lloyd (Bonin Is)
James Imray: Sta. Rosa or Clarion Id. (Revillagigedo Isles) James Imray: Guadalupe I James Imray: Umata Bay (Mariana or Laurone Is.)
James Imray: Duperrey Is. (Carolines) James Imray: Louasap Is. (Carolines) James Imray: Magicienne Bay (Mariana or Ladrone Is.)
James Imray: Alamagan (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) James Imray: Port Lottin (Carolines) James Imray: Farallon de Medinilla (Mariana or Ladrone Is.)
James Imray: Fitton Bay (Bonin Isles) James Imray: Tarofofo Harbour (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) James Imray: Guguan (Mariana or Ladrone Is.)
James Imray: Roca Partida James Imray: Clipperton I James Imray: McAskill Is. (Carolines)
James Imray: Gouap (Carolines) James Imray: Rota (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) James Imray: San Luis d'Apra (Mariana or Ladrone Is.)
James Imray: Avatcha Bay James Imray: Oualan (Carolines) James Imray: St. Lawrence Bay
James Imray: Guajan Island (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) Ptolemy; Giovanni Magini; Girolamo Porro: Tavola Dell' Universale descrittione del mondo, secondo tolomeo N. de Fer: Quebec, Ville de l'Amerique Septentrionale dans la Nouvelle France avec Titre d'Eveche. Situee sur le Fleuve de St. Laurent ... elle fut assiegee par les Anglois sur les Francois par qui elle est encore possedee l'an 1670 depuis le 16e Octobre Jusqu'a 22 du meme mois. Monsr. de Frontenac estant pour lors Gouverneur du Pays qui leur fit honteusement lever le Siege
G. De L'Isle: Hispania ex Archetypo Roderici Mendez Sylvae et variis Relationibus et Chartis manuscriptis et impressis lurjus Regni rectificatis per Observationes Sociorum Academiae Scientiarum quae est Parisiis G. Blaeu: Navarra Regnum J. M. Atwood: Map of the Western States
Johann Ulrich Muller: Canada Halt In Fich G. B. Piranesi: Tab. XIV / Reliquiae Basilicae Caii et Lucii... G.B. Piranesi: Tab. XXXV. / 1. Posticum earundem reliquiarum templi psudodipteri Antonini Pii, quae in praecedente Tabula sunt expositae
G. B. Piranesi: Vestiggi d'antichi Edifici fra i quali evvi l'Urna Sepolcrale tutta d'un prezzo di porfido di Marco Agrippa che oggi serve per il Sepolcro di Clemente XII. Si vede anche un pezzo di Guglia con caratteri Egizi, ed in lontano un Vestibulo di antico Tempio R. Wimmer: R. Wimmer: Fraunhofer erklart seinen Freunden den Spektrometer G.B. Piranesi: Tav X. / Dimostrazione in grande di quella parte di sustruzioni che nella Tav. IX. si accenna con la lettera A
G. B. Piranesi: Tav XI. / Dimostrazione in grande di quella parte di sustruzioni che nella Tav. IX. si accenna con la lettera B Mark Catesby: 91. [Caryophyllis spurius inodorus / Convolvulus minor Pentaphyllos / Phalaena ingens ... The Great Moth] Mark Catesby: T. 85. / Haematopus
Mark Catesby: T. 96 / Anas &c Mark Catesby: 90 [Ketmia ... The Maho-Tree / Phalaena fusca] Mark Catesby: T. 12 / Turdus &c / Alburnus