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Giuseppe Puliti: Pianta della Citta di Siena Giuseppe Puliti: Pianta della Citta di Pisa Le Breton: Navire Baleinier en Panne pour Secourir ses Embarcations Chavirees par une Baleine. / Navio Ballenero que Va Secorrer sus Embarcaciones que son Atacadas por una Ballena
Remi Parr: A North View of Westminster Bridge / Vue du Pont de Westminster du Cote du Nord Deroy: Palestine / Jerusalem Vue prise de la Montagne des Oliviers / Jerusalem Vista tomada del Monte de las Olivas Lebreton: Vera-Cruz prise de St. Jean d'Ulloa. / Vera-Cruz tomada desde Sn. Juan de Ulloa
Fichot: Vue Generale de Paris prise du Rond-Pont des Champs-Elysees Nord-Ouest LePere: Ile de Philae / Vue Perspective Interieure Coloriee, prise sous le Portique du Grand Temple Garnerey: Jean Jacques Rousseau
Garnerey: Dedie a Belle et Bonne fille adoptive de Voltaire Antonio Terreni: Veduta Generale della Citta e Porto di Livorno Antonio Terreni: Veduta Generale della Citta di Pisa
Antonio Terreni: Veduta Generale della Citta di Siena Ed. Willman: Panorama de la Habana / Vista tomada desde Regla Chrissoy: Visit Finland for Wintersports / Finnish State Railways / Suomalaisen Kirjallsuuden Seuran Kirjapainon OY :n Kivipaino
Arn. Eyck: Grand Aperitif Tonique Depuratif / Radis A. A. Milne: Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne with Decorations by Ernest H. Shepard Jean Zuallart: Le Tres Devot Voyage de Jerusalem, Avecq les Figures des lieux saincts, & plusieurs autres, tirees au naturel. Faict & descript par Jean Zvallart, Chevalier du Sainct Sepulchre de nostre Seigneur, Mayeur de la Ville d Ath en Haynnaut, etc
John Hersey: Hiroshima Hendrik Willem van Loon: The Arts Agapito Franzetti: Raccolta di N. 60 Vedute o Antiche, e Moderne della Citta di Roma e sue vicinanze con la giunta delle Sale appartementi al Museo Pio Clementino
Edward Granville Browne: A Literary History of Persia / From the Earliest Times until Firdawsi / By Edward G. Browne, M.A., M.B., / Sir Thomas Adams’ Professor of Arabic, Fellow of Pembroke, College, and sometime Lecturer in Persian in the University of Cambridge W.J. Chadwick: The Magic Lantern Manual Emanuel Bowen: An Improved Map of Iceland
Emanuel Bowen: A Draught of New York and Perthamboy Harbour A.D. Bache: Preliminary Sketch of Mobile Bay A.D. Bache: Preliminary sketch of Beaufort Harbor North Carolina
Blaeu: Dinant. / Charlemont. / Walcourt Lotter, Tobias Conrad: Africa, Concinnata secundum Observationes Membror Lotter, Tobias Conrad: Novissima et Accuratissima Helvetiae Rhaetiae, Valesiae et Partis Sabaudiae Tabula
Homann: Helvetia Tredecim Statibus Liberis quos Cantone Pinkerton: Western Africa Pinkerton: Northern Africa
Janvier: LAfrique divisee en ses principaux Etats Lotter, Tobias Conrad: Asia Concinnata Secundum Observationes Academiae Regalis. Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume: Iles Sandwich No. 3
Mallet: Cercle D'Autriche Porcacchi, Tommaso: XXV Universal Descrittione Dell Asia. Asia Guer, Jean-Antoine: Vue de la Ville et du Port de Constantinople du cote de L'Asie
G. Baillairge; R.Hausermann: Le Canada Catholique / Canada Carte Indiquant les Limites Homann Heirs: Mare Mediterraneum unacum suis Insulis et vicinis Maribus minoribus itemque adjacentibus Regnis Regionibusque.. Homann Heirs: Charte uber die XIII vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America, Entworsen durch..
La Perouse; Cook: Carte Des Parties Des Iles Sandwich.../ Carte Des Iles Sandwich.. Henry Popple: The Grand Fishing Bank of [New-Found Land] / The Harbour of Placentia / The Harbour of Anapolis [sic] Royal / Boston Harbour / [from: A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto.] Ptolemy; Melchior & Gaspar Trechsel: Tabula V. Asiae. / De Assyria / De Babyloniorum / De Hyrcania / De Media [Map of Ancient Persia]
Hans Lufft: Der Prophet Daniel [\'Daniel\'s Dream Map\'] P.M. Coronelli: Xantung, e Peking Provincie della China divise nelle sue Regioni, e dedicate a Severoli, Referendario dell\\\'una e laltra Signatura dal P.M. Coronelli M.C. Cosmografio della Republica di Venetia Rom. de Hoog [Romein de Hooghe]; J. v. Latdenberg: Orbis Per Creationem Institutus. Adam en Syne Scheppinge. / Orbis Per Diluvium. Noah en Syne Danksegginge. / Per Legem Constitutus. Moses en Syrie Wetgevinge. / Per Christum Restitutus. Christus en Syne Vertossinge
Laurent Fries; Ptolemy: Tabula nova Poloniae, Ungariae, & Russiae Coronelli: Isola di Corfu / Posseduta dalla Serenesima Republica di Venetia George Louis le Rouge: Carte du Japon et de la Coree
Bayot; Sabatier: Danses et Costumes de Grenade / Grenade Pl. 27
Girault de Prangey: Place Neuve a Grenade / Grenade Pl. 23 Girault de Prangey: Cote des Moulins. / Grenade Pl. 24
Girault de Prangey; Sabatier; Bayot: Entree de la Cour de l'Alberca Girault de Prangey; Bayot: Alhambra / Entree de la Cour de l'Alberca / Fenetre Nord, Salle des Ambassadeurs Girault de Prangey; Bayot: Salle de la Tour des Infantes
Girault de Prangey; Bayot: Cour des Lions. Alhambra Girault de Prangey; Bayot: Promenade et Tours d'Enceinte de l'Alhambra Girault de Prangey: Cour de la Maison de Chapie, a l'Albaysin
J.D. Kelly: Canada Sixty Years After. [And:] The First Harvest in Canada G. Bourdin: Woolworth Building on Broadway NYC J.Simpson: Admiral Sir Charles Napier
Cornelius Krieghoff: Indian Wigwam in Lower Canada Stephen Pearce: Rear Admiral Sir James Clark Ross, D.C.L:F.R.S. / From the Original Portrait placed in the Royal Hospital Greenwich by several Nabal Officers & Scientific Men, in honour of his great Discoveries & Achievements in the Arctic, and the Antarctic Regions John Lucas: Admiral, Sir George Francis Seymour, G.C.B., and G.C.H
J. Kuyper: Zaal der Natuurkunde in Het Gebouw der Maatschappye Felix Meritis binnen Amsterdam / Salle de Phijsique dans l'Edifice de la Societe Felix Meritis a Amsterdam Thomas Lawrence: The Right Honorable Robert Viscount Melville K.J. / First Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty &c. &c. &c C. Spooner: The Hon.ble Sr. Edw.d Hawke, Kn.t of the Bath. Admiral of the Blue
H.W. Pickersgill: [Admiral Sir Edward William Campbell Rich Owen] Richard Buckner: The Right Hon..ble Admiral Lord Lyons, G.C.B., &c. &c T. Hoppner: The Right Hon. Lord Nelson K.B. Vice Admiral of the Blue, Duke of Bronti &c
Hervey Smyth: A View of Cape Rouge or Carouge, Nine Miles above the City of Quebec or the North Shore of the River St. Laurence. From this place 1500 chosen Troops at the break of Day fell down the River on the Ebb of Tide to the place of Landing 13 Sept. 1759. / Vue W. Adlam: The Situation of His Majesty's Ship Ambuscade, off the Island of Jersey, the 15th of November 1779. To the Inhabitants of the said Island This Plate is most humbly Dedicated by their Obedient Servant Henry Singleton: Battle of the Nile. Aug. 1. 1798