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Gail Mahan / Marilyn Conklin: The Gold of Friendship : Seeking and Sharing the World's Greatest Treasure [ Anecdotes , Poetry , Prose , Verse , Personal Recollections, Poetic Rhetoric and Rhyming Story / Stories , Enjoyable Reading ]
Ursula Monroe: The Manitou Cliff Dwellings Museum [Travel Guide, Touring Highlights, Places to See, Sourvenir Biography, History, Folklore, Legend, culture]
Barbara Smoker: Humanism [Educational, critical review, in depth study, biographical data, higher learning]
Holly Sklar: Reagan Trilateralism and the Neoliberals: Containment and Intervention in the 1980s
Rebecca N. Porter / Author of the Girl from Four Corners ; Resthollow ; Open House ; Raisin Valley: Afterglow [novel, Fiction, Ranching, Charles Clark, Ruby Lovelace, Migrant Workers, Memories, Collection of Short Stories, Vignettes, Funny, ironic]
E. M. Almedingen / Victor Ambrus: Katia [juvenile Fiction, Novel, Period Drama 1840s]
Katz, Bobbi: The Manifesto and Me Meg [Juvenile Fiction, Literature, boys and Girls and Their Issues with Daily Life, 6th Grade Drama, Women's Liberation issues]
Elizabeth Coatsworth: The Cat Who Went to Heaven [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Francis John Moore: Prayers for All Occasions [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
Intervarsity Pres / Inter Varsity Press / the Spiritual Counterfeits Project Inc: Spiritual Warfare [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
Charles R. Swindoll / Hugh Silvester / 4 Books on Christianity / Grouped By Subject: God's Will : Biblical Direction for Living / Anger / Stress / Arguing with God [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
A. W. Tozer / Shirley C. Guthrie Jr. / 3 Books on Christianity ; Group of 3 Books: The Pursuit of God / That Incredible Christian / Christian Doctrine [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
Donald C. Frisk: The New Life of Christ [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
Vergilius Ferm ; College of Wooster and Others: A Dictionary of Pastorial Psychology
Munroe, Esther: Sprouts to Grow and Eat [complete guide to Sprouting with Cookbook, Laid in Supplement on Growing Seed sprouts]
Leonard Sanders: The Wooden Horseshoe [novel, Fiction, Small Town Texas, Power and City Government, Max Berger, saga]
Katarina Svancara Hloskova ; Czechoslovakia Born Professional / Dr. Smiley Olbers / Dr. Samuel F. Slobody: The Philosophy of Positive Life [Self-help Reference Guide, Expert Advice, Inspiration and Prosperity, Personal Growth & Empowerment, Wellness / Well Being Techniques, Methods, explained]
William H. Dubay / Du Bay: The Human Church : a Frank Appraisal of the Present State of the Catholic Church Emphasizing the Necessity for the Church to Employ Her Human Resources to Solve Human Problems [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, commentary]
Stephen Lehane: Help Your Baby Learn : 100 Piaget Based Activities for the First Two Years of Life [keeping Your Child Busy Learning New Tasks, Motor Skill Building, Etc, comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable guidebook]
Rachna Aurora / Dis Enterprises Inc ; Tarzana Califronia: A Teenager's Guide to Indian Cooking : Using Taj Mahal Curry Mix [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Kaye Tyler / Jim Brophy ; Gail Koch ; Carol Thompson: A Collection of Favorite Recipes Especially for You [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Barbara Slate / Art Ruiz / Nancy Stevenson / Josie Yee: Barbie Soccer Coach / a Little Golden Book No. 107 71 [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Barbie Doll Toy Tie in]
Killen, Thomas: Bar Tricks : Amazing Tricks and challenges That Will Entertain and Baffle Your Friends : Fun Simple Step By Step [how to, Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable guidebook]
Covington Clarke / Autor of the Lost Canyon: The Phantom of Paradise Valley [novel, Fiction,
Dennis E. Poplin ; Murry State University: Communities a Survey of Theories and Methods of Research [Educational, textbook, critical review, in depth study, biographical data, higher learning]
Americana Review / Publisher ; Grandma t: Grandma Trooley's Old Fashioned Picture Book for Boys and Girls [pre Turn of the Century Childrens Stories and Illustrations, children's reader, learning to read, skill building]
Charles Weller / Brian Richard Boylan / Howard S. Friedman: The New Way to Live with Diabetes A Complete Guide [Self-help Reference Guide, Expert Advice, Inspiration and Prosperity, Personal Growth & Empowerment, Wellness / Well Being Techniques, Methods, explained]
Noel B. Gerson / Patricia Coombs: P. J. My Friend : An Affectionate Account of a Family's Favorite Cat [charming Story of the Role of a Cat in a Chaotic Family, First Edition, Hb in dj]
Marghanita Laski / Meg Rutherford: Ferry The Jerusalem Cat [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Charles W. Snell: Vanderbilt Mansion : National Historic Site : Natinal Park Service Historical Handbook Series No. 32 [Pictorial Souvenir Biography]
Leslie Bloom: Barbeque : Sizzling Fireside Know How / The Collector's Series Volume 20 [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Robert Lee Dougherty / the Christopher Publishing House Boston / Author of Jesus Speaks ; Jesus the Pioneer: Jesus Speaks Again [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
John Alexander McElroy: Living with the Seven Words : 47 Meditations
Sara Teasdale / Mamie T. Wheless: Life Has Loveliness to Sell [ Illustrated Anecdotes , Poetry , Prose , Verse , Personal Recollections, Poetic Rhetoric and Rhyming Story / Stories , Enjoyable Reading ]
Armin R. Gesswein: How to Overcome Discouragement : How to Face it How to Deal with it How to Get Rid of it. [Self-help Reference Guide, Expert Advice, Inspiration and Prosperity, Personal Growth & Empowerment, Wellness / Well Being Techniques, Methods, explained]
Marie Peary Stafford / Walter Buehr / Robert E. Peary / Marie Ahnighito Peary was born in 1893 Author is His Daughter: Discoverer of the North Pole : The Story of Robert E. Peary
Jonathan Robert: Odyssey with St. Peter [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
Compton Mackenzie / Sir Edward Montague Compton Mackenzie: My Life and Times : Octave Seven 1931 to 1938 [autobiography, Prolific Author, Writer Tells of His Own Adventures, Scottish Nationalist, Scotland Life, Heritage, etc]
Kingston United Methodist Church / Kingsont Tennessee / Name of Each Recipe Contributer is Noted on Each Recipe: Our Daily Bread [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Arthur D. Morse / James B. Conant / Charles Kaplan: Schools of Tomorrow Today : A Report on Educational Experiments Prepared for the New York State Education Department [Educational, textbook, critical review, in depth study, biographical data, higher learning]
Edited By T. Robert Ingram / C. S. Lewis / E. L. H. Taylor / William A. Barnett / Jacob J. Vellenga / Gervas A. Carey / G. Aiken Taylor: Essays on the Death Penalty [Educational, Sociology, critical review, in depth study, biographical data, higher learning]
Thomas B. Smith: Educating for Disaster : The Nuclear Spectre in America's Classrooms [Educational, textbook, critical review, in depth study, biographical data, higher learning]
Board of Christian Educators / the United Prebyterian Church USA / Philadelphia Pa. / Q. L. Jwnkina: Consider Your Ministry : a Manual for New Officers of a United Presbyterian Church : Elders Deacons Trustees [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
Phillips, Kathleen C: Katie McCrary and the Wiggins Crusade [Juvenile Fiction, New Girl in Town, Making Friends, Orphans, How to Conduct Yourself]
Irving R. Levine: Main Street Italy [Travel guide, touring highlights, places to see, sourvenir biography, history, folklore, legend, culture]
Copenhagen National Museum: Guides to the National Museum Copenhagen : The Danish Collections Antiquity [pictorial Guide to the Antiquities Collection, illustrated]
James J. Flynn / Series : Famous Biographies for Young People: Famous Justices of the Supreme Court : John Jay ; John Marshall ; Roger R. Taney ; Oliver Wendell Holmes ; Benjamin N. Cardoza [juvenile literature, biography]
Paul Britten Austin: The Swedes : How They Live and Work [biography of the People, Society of Sweden, scandanavia]
Bill H. Lowrey: The Beginning of the End of the ABA : American Bar Association
Sidney L. De Love / DeLove ; with introduction By Ralph G. Newman: The Quiet Betrayal [morality, Independence Hall Association, American Patriotism, Essay on Humanity and Concerns of the Early 1960s in America, Meaning of Citizenship]
John Howland Snow / Domestic and Foreign Affairs: America Which Way : Integrity and Firmness are All I Can Promise [patriotic History, Propaganda, Defending the Country America Against All Odds, Wartime Philosophy, Opinion, Essay, Commentary Current to 1945]
Garry J. Moes Editor / a Chalcedon Ministry: Journal of Christian Reconstruction : Volume Twelve / 12 : Number One / 1 1990 to 91 : Symposium on the Constitution and Political Theology [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
Davis, Gibbs / Susan Meddaugh: Fishman and Charly [Juvenile Novel, Fiction, Siblings, Rivarlry, Family, Manatees, Poachers, Wildlife Conservation, Fathers and sons]
Marietta D. Moskin: Dream Lake [Juvenile Novel Fiction, Dreamy, New Hampshire]
Carol Beach York / Roseanne Burke: The Mystery of the Diamond Cat [Juvenile Novel, Cat Story, Fiction]
Linda R. Weltner: Beginnign to Feel the Magic [Juvenile Fictin, Novel Family, Shcool Stories 6ht Grader Illness]
Armstrong, Edith / Author of Help Yourself and Days of Gladness: Make the Most of Life [Self help Reference Guide, Expert Advice, Inspiration and Prosperity, Personal Growth & Empowerment, Wellness / Well Being Techniques, Methods, Explained, Meditation, Self Therapy, Self awareness, Inner Light, Healing Treatments]
Peter G. Dorliae / S. Irein Wangboje: Animals Mourn for Da Leopard and Other West African Tales [juvenile Literature, Short fiction, Adventure Stories of West Africa, youth]
Swami Vivekananda / Swami Mumukshananda ; President Advaita Ashrama Mayavati Pithoragarh Himalayas: Chicago Addresses : Response to Welcome : At the World's Parliament of Religions Chicago 11th September 1893
Marian Helpers / based on the Diary of the Servant of God : Sister Faustina Kowalska SMDM / Marians of the Immaculate Conception Stockbridge MA: Jesus I Trust in You : The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
Ruth and Bill Kaysing: Dollar a Day Cookbook [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques Explained, Budget]
Pamela Bradbury / James Seaward: Men of the Constitution : The Great Americans Series [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Childrens Biography US Government]
Don Smith: From Beginner to Black Belt [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building; Childrens / juvenile/ Biography Karate Judo]
Jane Belk Moncure / Lois Axerman: a Tasting Party : The Five Senses [Flowers, Leaves, Seeds, Roots, Fruits, Dairy Foods and Meats are Sampled at Different Types of Foof Tasting Parties, Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Annette Wolter / Christian Teubner / HP Books: Best of International Cooking : Over 365 recipes from 64 Countries Over 365 Color Photographs [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
The North American Construction Company / Maker of Aladdin Homes and Houses: Aladdin Military and Commercial Buildings [compilation of Brochures, Showing Various Designs Made By Aladdin Home Builders, Kit Buildings etc]
Scarry, Richard: Richard Scarry's Busy Busy World : 33 / Thirty Three Exciting Adventures for Girls and Boys : 1966 Edition [Pictorial Children's Reader, Classic Scarry Drawings, Tales of Culture Around the World illustrated]
Secretaria De Turismo De La Nacion / Talleres Graficos Sacerdoti Impresion: Argentina : Hunting and Fishing [pictorial Travel Guide, Maps, Highlights, Sights, Wildlife, Natural History, Color illustrations]
Joyce P. Moody / Universtiy of Santa Barbara California: Individualization Through Learning Center Approaches for the Emerging Classroom Program : Kindergarten Through Eighth / 8th Grade [teaching and Educational Programs, Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable guidebook]
Hanna Barbara Filinston TV / Television Show: The Flintstones : Activity and Fun Book [unused Workbook, Games, Puzzles, Dot to Dot, Mazes, riddles, Fun Things for kids to do]
Anthony Timpone: Fangoria's Best Horror Films [Pictorial History of Classic Horror Films, Monsters, Classic Iconic characters and Insider Details, Fans Will Love this]
Jacqueline Killeen / Roy Killeen: 101 / One Hundred One secrets of Gourmet Chefs : Unusual Recipes from Great California Restaurants [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Lawson Hollweg, Editor ./ Robert Clancy, Mark Sullivan, Robert Ousterhout, Thomas Dagostino, Clarence Giese, Joel Brown, Kendra North, Barbara Sawyer, Christoper Charles, Jeffrey Clark, Marc Corren, John Crean, Steve davis, Martha Dudrow, et al: Dialog 1971 : Students Who Produced This publication were Participants of European Studies Program Vienna Austria 1970 / 71 [poetry and Photography Compilation, Student Artists and writers]
Freixedo, Salvador: La Amenaza Extraterrestre
Georgetown University Library: Special Collections at Georgetown : a Descriptive Catalog : Third / 3rd Edition Revised [early American Documents, Books, Broadsheets, Ephemera, Visual Arts, Diplomacy, International Affairs, Society, Music, History, Archives, Pictorial Review of]