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Suzanne Decrow / Sharon Cousins Grindle / Barbara Helfich / David Witter / Hohn e. Harris / Charlotte Jones, Robert Hines, Father John S. Hedger Vicar: Cooking with St. Francis by the Sea Episcopal Church Blue Hill Maine [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
R. W. Sperry / Reprinted from Scientific American November 1959: The Growth of Nerve Circuits [essay on the Process of Nerve Repair, Complex Networks and Pathways, Central Nervous System Formed in the Embryo, Sensory nerves]
Elizabeth K. Solem / Britannica Junior / from the Film NAVAJO CHILDREN Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc: Dark Eyes and Her Navajo Blanket [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Biography of Native American Indians, Culture, Ways of life]
Dona V. Smoak / Don Robison / Dr. Margaret Holland / Predictable Reading Books Series / School Book Fairs Inc: Ride Richie Ride [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Boy Riding Bicycle, and Other Fun Activities That Children Can do]
Car B. Smith / Vinrginia A. Arnold / Ronald Wardhaugh / MacMillan Series R / Level 5: I Can Too [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Teddy Slater / Caliber Design Planning Inc / Mattel: Golden Heroic Champions : Princess of Power : Too Long at the Fair [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Carlos Pestana / Professor of Surgery Universtiy of Texas Medical School at San Antonio: Fluids and Electrolytes in the Surgical Patient : Second Edition
John Peterson / Garth Williams: Silly Mysteries [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Buildingm Chipmonk, Squirel, Frog friends]
Gerard Piel / Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions / Piel is the Publisher of the Magazine Scientific American: Consumers of Abundance : An Occasional Paper on the Role of the Economic Order in the Free Society [An Essay on the State of Consumer Affairs as of 1965]
Education Development Center Inc / National Science Foundation / Curriculum Development Associates / EDC CDA: The Observer's Handbook : Man a Course Study [proper Discipline Forms in the Public Educational System, How to Report, Proper Processings, Dealing with Distruptive Students in the Education Field, Etccomprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable]
Paul Glencher / Mike Fulton / Melody Sarecky: Quincy's Clubhouse : The Space Rescue : Today's Quest Responsibility [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Glendale Federal Savings and Loan Association / California: Moms Moneysaving Cookbook [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Stuart Goldenberg / Harvey Greenwald / California Polytechnic state University: Calculus Applications in Engineering and Science : Keyed to Calculus : Fourth Edition [Critical / Practical Study ; Review Reference ; Biographical Details ; in Depth Research ; Practice / Process Explained ; Eductation / Learning ; discussion]
Friedrich Gontard / A. J. And E. F. Peeler: The Chair of Peter : A History of the Papacy [biography roman catholic church, religious readings, inspiration, devotion, study, worship, traditional and new thoughts discussed]
Gordon, Sharon / June Goldborough: Now I Know : Dolphins and Porpoises [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Beth Goodman / Anna Divito / Di Vito: The Kids No Cook Cookbook [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Cooking, activities, Things to make and eat]
Keeth Green / Milton Okun / Cherry Lane Music Publishing Co Inc: So You Wanna go Back to Egypt and Songs from No Compromise By Keith Green [songbook, Sheet Music, religious, inspiration, devotion, study, worship, traditional hymns]
Linda Gray / Sue Seddon, Amanda Wood, Mick McCarthy, Robert Mathias,: The Window Style Book : a Complete Guide to the Art of Window Treatments [oversized Pictorial of Curtains, Drapes, Draping Styles, Technques, Creating Atmosphere with Fabrick, Cornaces, and Much More
David Carr Glover / Baldwin Mills Publishing Corp: Adult Piano Student : Level Three / 3 : Program for Adult Students [songbook / Sheet music]
William a. Granville / Percey F. Smith / William R. Longley / Theodore T. Frankel / Leonard Krisak: Chapters XXI and XXIII of Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus [ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differentiation, Advanced mathematics]
Sister Winifred Auxiliary of Saint Anne's Foundation / Saint Anne's Maternity Home Los Angeles California / Each Recipe Notes the Contributor / Connie Fay, Helen Haney, Dorothy Logsden, Sheila Schooler, Kathy Keir: A Very Special Cookbook : Recipes Compiled [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Sandy Petrov / Lawry's Patio Kitchen: Cooking Secrets Your Mother Never Told You : Revised Edition [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Stanger, Robert A / Allaire, Keith D: How to Evaluate Real Estate Partnerships [investment Strategy, Planning, Taxes, Shelters, Mortgages, Investors, Freits, Reits, Structure]
Eve Vaupel, Nancy Shapiro, Mary Benagh, Miriam Myers, Sue Sturdivan, Country Music Foundation, Music City Celebrity Chili Cook Off / Each Recipe Notes the Famous Contributor and Their Photo: Music City Celebrity Chili Cookbook : 1989 Edition : 146 Recipes from 114 Celebrities [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques Explained]
Carolyn Bolon, Susan Brittingham, Lynne Hall, Paula Hayes, Shirley Meier / Each Recipe Notes the Contributor / U. S. Armed Forces Naval Air Facility El Centro California: Cookbook : Presented By Officers and Enlisted Wives Clubs N. A. F. El Centro California [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Judith K. O'beirne / the Comparatively Advanced Spanish Converstion Class of Coronado Alta California / Each Recipe Notes the Contributor: Gringa in the Kitchen [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
David Sper / S. Alvarex / Thomas Nelson Inc / RBC Ministries Grand Rapids Michigan: What is a Personal Relationship with God ? : Discovery Series [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
L. B. Norton / Janet Warren Herbert / Chariot Books / David C. Cook Publishing Copmany / Sparklers Series , Little Books to Light Up Your Day: Three Cheers for Today ! [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Religious Biblical Based, About the Beauty God Has made]
St. Mary's Guild / St. Elizabeth Guild / Walter Hartley / St. Paul's Episcopal Church / each Recipe Notes the Contributor: The Parish Chef : Favorite Recipes from the Fils of Members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Frenieds Who Generously Added to the Collection [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare Comprehensive Cooking]
George F. Pearson: Olde Boston Towne [Vintage Pictorial Souvenir Biography, Historic Buildings, American history]
Norman Vincent Peale / National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA: What's Your Trouble [fourteen / 14 Lessons in How to Solve Everyday Situations, Dealing with Personal Problems, Religious Psychological Counseling, Working Thru Issues We all face]
Lawrence W. Pearson / Foreword By Stephen F. Bayne Jr. ; Bishop of Olympia: The Carillon : Brief Refreshing Essays or Meditations Which Describe Many Things and People and Which Shimmer with the Vivid Reflections of the Confusion and Variety of life in Our Busy World Today [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, worship]
Women's City Club of Pasadena: [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare Comprehensive Cooking]
Ventura County Fair Home Arts Department: Blue Ribbon Recipes : 31st District Agricultural Association [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Thomas A. Williams / Pasadena Church of Truth: The Prayer That Always Works and an Interpretation of the Twenty Third / 23rd Psalm
Iva H. White / Bloomington Illinois: Put a Grandma in Every Block [pictorial Autobiography of a Illinois Woman, Who Maked the Most of Her Local Community, and Rather Than Sitting Around Growing Old, She Got Involved, Short Stories, Painting, Adult Education, Elderly renewed]
The Nestle Company Inc / No. 114-29 / Toll House Cookies: Nestles / Nestle's Semi Sweet Chocolate Kitchen Recipes
David Williams / BOOK IS SIGNED AND INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR: The Monkey Shines [novel, a Story of the Triumph of the Human Spirit Over the Forces of Dispair, 1980s drama]
Ruth Wilson / Book is SIGNED AND INSCRIBED By the Author: The Gift of Anger : How God Helps Us Face and Overcome Our Conflicts
Helga and William Olkowski / Cathy Greene / BOOK IS SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR Helga Olkowski: The City People's Book of Raising Food [urban Organic Vegetable Gardening, Small Animal Culture, City and Town Life, Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable guidebook]
Un American Activities / US Government Printing Office / William M. Tuck, Edwin e. Willis, August E. Johansen, Donald C. Bruce, Richard H. Ichord, Joe R. Pool, George F. Senner,: defection of a Russian Seaman : Testimoney of Vladislaw Stepanovich Tarasov : Hearing Before the Comittee on Un American Activities house of Representatives Eighty Eighth Congress First Session, September 19, 1963 Indluding Index
Wil Inc / Diet Center Inc / Barry Walters, Jerry Dolezal, Dave Busch, Dlinda Vaiden, Verna Walsh, Jill Scott, Rob Moyer: Food Fantasies [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Women's Committee to Elect Stanley K. Sheinbaum to the US Congress / Each Recipe Notes the Contributor: Shine on with Sheinbaum Cookbook [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Gary North: The Coming Mutual Fund Meltdown : 7 Steps You Must Take at Least 30 Days Before Toll free Telephone Gridlock Traps You in the Collapse [investing, Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable guidebook]
Norton, Reggi and Wagner,Martha: Soy of Cooking: A Tofu and Tempeh Recipe Book
Wilton / 2 Booklets on Cake Decorating: Wilton Cake Decorating Easy as 1 2 3 : a Beginner's Guide / Wilton Complete Instructions for Baking and Decorating Santa's List Cake
Wilton / 2 Booklets on Cake Decorating: Children's Birthday Party Book / Wilton Complete Instructions for Baking and Decorating Santa's List Cake
John Winters: The Drakov Memoranda : The Thriller Surprise of the Year : Shockingly Simple Diaabolically Clever Incredibly Lethal and Foolproof [novel]
Edward C. Wolf: World Watch Paper 78 : On the Brink of Extinction : Consering the Diversity of Life
Marjorie Wilson / the Truth Center Santa Barbara California /: The Rays of Truth : Voluem Three No. 1 January February 1982
Women's Auxiliary Santa Barbara Mental Health Association / Ada Schick Wing, M. Averill Gray, Patti Thompson, Mary Ostrand, Arleen Maas, Upton S. Palmer, et al / Each Recipe Notes the Contributor: Our Cookbook : People Helping People : a Collection of Favorite Recipes and Ideas from the Members : 1976 [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
West Bend Company / Teflon: West Bend : Country Inn Cookware: a Wealth of Wonderful recipes for Every Occasion [Illustrated cookbook/recipe Collection, Fresh Ideas, Traditional fair]
Bonnie Worth / Joe Ewers: Pretty Park : Starring Jim Henson's Muppets [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
CTW Sesame Street / Childrens Television Network / Norman Gorbaty / 2 Books Set / Featuring Jim Henson's Muppet: Tubby Time for Little Ernie / Good Night Little Grover [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
University of Illinois Library Friends at Urbana Champaign / Michael: Non Solus No. 12 : 1985 [short Essays of Modern Interest, Country Histories, Polish Protestant Bible, Codification, Korean Art Books, New Aquisitions, the Year in Retrospect, Development, Members, Events of the library]
Orme W. Phelps / Institute of Industrial Relations : University of California Los Angeles UCLA / Edited By Irving Bernstein: Union Security [A union security agreement is a contractual agreement, usually part of a union collective bargaining agreement, in which an employer and a trade or labor union agree on the extent to which the union may compel employees to join the union]
Mimi Phale: The Girl with the Dirty Mind : She Was as Depraved as a Nymphomaniac Can Get : The Only Problem Was She Was Still a Virgin : An Orpheus Original : For Adult Readers
Goodin, William / Kansas City Missouri / Richard L. Berkley Mayor: A Throw Down on Drugs : One Street Cop Talks About the Drug Scene [Missouri Police Officer Tells His Story About Crime and dtrug Abuse in His Career, Honolulu Hawaii, State Prison, Penitentiary Counselor, father]
David Gottlieb and Charles E. Ramsey . Judson T. Shaplin / SRA / Job Corps Office of Econimic Opportunity / university of Minnesota, Graduate Institute of Education, Washington University St. Louis / Science Research Associates Inc Chicago: Understanding Children of Poverty : The Foundations of Education Series [Critical / Practical Study ; Review Reference ; Biographical Details ; in Depth Research ; Practice / Process Explained ; Eductation / Learning ; discussion]
Edward Gottlieb / Philip Klarnet: Successful Publicity : Successful Publicity in Your Business and Community Life : How to Create and Obtain the Most Effective Publicity for Your business or Organization in Newspapers trade + Consumer Magazines Radio Television : Fortune Library Building
William J. Grace / New York / SIGNED + INSCRIBED By Author: Triple City [ Anecdotes , Poetry , Prose , Verse , Personal Recollections, Poetic Rhetoric and Rhyming Story / Stories , Enjoyable Reading ]
Martyn Goff: The Flint Inheritance [novel, Wwi + Wwii, Family Saga, Rudolph Flint Heritage, Seven Children of Property Tycoon, Mystery, Struggle]
Paul J. Gorman / Virginia Broderick / Leaflet Missal Company / Richard J. Schuler / John R. Roach / Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis: Sextet for Lent : a Series of Meditations Devided According to the Liturgical Arrangement of Lent [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts Discussed, Catholic Faith, Christianity]
Gregory Penn / Reverend G. Arthur Hammons / Rancho Mirage California / 4 AUDIO CASSETTE TAPES IN BOX / No Book: There is a Way : Television Ministry : Album No. TIAW 9 : Interpersonal Relationships Healing Love Your Distance from God Depends on You [religious inspiration, devotion, study, worship, traditional and new thoughts discussed]
Donald F. Gledhill / SIGNED + INSCRIBED By Author: Bridge to China : Intercultural and interlanguage Traveler and Student Handbook for the PRC
Norvell, Dr. Anthony / Founder and Director of the Church of Religious Mind Science in Hollywood California / Author of : how to Control Your Destiny, the Magnificent Life, Live the More Abundant Life, How to Use the Christ Miracle Power, Etc: The Inner Secret [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Biblical, Bible scriptorial/scripture elements]
Mears, Henrietta C. / Marilyn T. Smith / Gospel Light Press: Two N Three Time Bible Stories : Learning About God [Pictorial Children's reader]
Jane Graver / Kathy Counts: Just as I am [compilation of Short Story
Erwin Stanley Grant MBA / Harvard School of Business Administration: how to Get Rich with Security : a Vetran business executive and Invester Tells Exactly How he Did it
Marilyn Gratton / Oxnard California English and Creative Writing Teacher: It's a Good Thing I'm Not Married : And Other Poems [ Anecdotes , Poetry , Prose , Verse , Personal Recollections, Poetic Rhetoric and Rhyming Story / Stories , Enjoyable Reading ]
Carol Goodwin: A Scrapbook of Late Beginnings [autobiography, True Story, Manteca News, California Lifestyle, Humor, Local Flair, Stort Stories, Writer, anecdotes, experiences, Funny quips, etc]
Lila Perl / Author of What Cooks in Suburbia: The Delights of Apple Cookery : here are Over 100 New Recipes to Show How Much More Versatile the Apple is Than Ever Eve Imagined [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare Comprehensive Cooking Instructions]
St. John's Regional Medical Center Cookbook Committee Oxnard California / Employee Activities Committee / Nick Dalba, Diane Braun, Sherry Carballo, Darlene Chauvin, Ron Cottman, Bea Gan, Maria Harmon, David Knapp et al / Each Recipe Notes the Contributor: St. John's Family Favorites [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
George Edward Perkins MD: Drink Your Vegetables : Why When How [An Early booklet on the Health Benefits of Juicing, drinking Vegetable Juices, Recipes, How to Prepare, etc]
Penn, Gregory E. / Unity Minister Escondido California XEMO Radio: Freedom : The Essence of Life [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]