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Women's World Fellowship of Ventura California / Each Recipe shows the Name of the Local Contributor / Norma Lee Butler: People's Church Cook Book : Ventura California [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] Kay Marshall Strom / Santa Barbara Literary Service: Ideas : how to Get Them What to Do with Them Eileen Hadley / THIS BOOK IS SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR: A Shelter in a Storm [short Personal story]
James Keller: Stop Look and Live : a Story for Each Day of the Year to Bring Out the Power Within You : A New Christopher Book [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed] Charles Keller / Gregory Filling: Take Me to Your Liter : Science and Math Jokes Kingsley, Katherine: No Greater Love [romantic Novel, Sweeping Saga, Refreshing twist, Full of Surprises, High Sea adventure]
Keilen Ltd. 1991: China Village : Stir Fry Cookbook [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] World Home Bible League / Canadian Home Bible League Publishers: The Answer : As the Bible Speaks for Itself Highleen Reynolds / Editor / World Harbors Brand: Cooking with World Harbors Sauces and Marinades : Delicious and Easy Meals for Busy Families : Your Favorite Ethnic Foods : Meals Your Kids Will Love : Hearty Casseroles and Skillet Dinners [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas]
D. E. Kahler / Gold Mining sketches By Wester Artist J. Bearden: Secrets of Gold Panning : Includes Sample of Real Gold Elizabeth Elias Kaufman: Sea Animals : An Animal Information Book [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building] Jerry D. Kelley / Assistant Professor and Therapeutic Recreation Consultant, University of Illinios at Urbana Champaign: Selected Papers from the 1971 Midwest Symposium on Therapeutics Recreaion : a Joint Publication of the State of Illinois Department of Mental Health and University of illinois at Urbana Champaign Office of Recreation + Park Resources
Keesing's Publications / Longman's Group Inc: Keesing's / Keesings Report : The European Communities : Establishment and Growth : Coal and Steel the Common Market Atomic Energy [commentary, Opinion, creation of Community, Treaties, institutions, Customs Union, Free Movement of goods, Industry] A Toler Times Studen Newspaper Publicaion / Barbara Mondt / Mr. De Kerguelen, Jean Key, Mrs. Stark / Toler Times Student News Staff: Eat Your Heart Out [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] D. H. Knowlton and Co. Farmington Maine / Jacob and Wilhelm the Brothers Grimm: Our Little People Library : Ten Numbers a Year : Sixteenth Year April 1904 Number 58 : Fairy Tales from Grimm : Published Monthly September to June [early Chilcren's Reading Primer, Periodical, literature]
Minnie Moseng Woster / THIS BOOK IS SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR / Introduction By Carol Woster: The Past Will Not Sleep : 1920's Adn 30's Depression Years in North Dakota : Second Edition : In Observance of the North Dakota Montana 1889 to 1989 Centennial Year [regional History and Folklore, culture] M. Eulalia Valeri / Hans Christian Andersen / Translated By Leland Northam / Maria Rius: The Ugly Duckling : Tell Me a Story Series [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, New Telling of an Old Classic, Newly illustrated] Ruth Klein / Department of Speech Brooklyn College: The Art and Technique of Play Directing [Critical / practical study ; review reference ; theatre produciton, in depth research ; practice / process explained ; eductation / learning ; discussion]
Tony King: The Moving Alphabet Book Chambers, Sir William ; 1726 to 1796 / Architecte, Membre De L'academie Imperiale Des Arts a Florence: Desseins Des Edifices Meubles Habits MacHines et Ustenciles Des Chinois : Graves Sur Les Originaux dessines a La Chine : Auxquels Est Ajoutee Une Description De Leurs Temples, De leurs Maisons, De leurs Jardins, Etc Friermood, Elisabeth Hamilton: One of Fred's Girls [juvenile novel]
Bunzel, Claude / Director of Twentieth / 20th Century Evangelism: Communist Tricks : For Enslaving the World [Critical / Practical Study ; Review Reference ; Biographical Details ; in Depth Research, Sociology, Socialism, Communist Party Issues, Politics, Slave Labor Camps, Russia, China, Lenin] Mu Phi Epsilon / Circulation Service / International Professional Music Sorority / Kay Haslett, Friendship Corner Chairman / Gads Hill Center: Mu Phi Epsilon Epicure : a book of Favorite Recipes Compiled By MU PHI EPSILON EPICURE 1974 [ Sorority Cookbook Lithonia Georgia ] Coatsworth, Elizabeth / Don Sibley: The Dog from Nowhere [Pictorial Children's Reader, Dogs story]
Dr. Audrey Kelly / Originally published in Great Britain as Life and Our Children / Preface By Dr. Alphonse H. Clemens / Catholic University of America: A Catholic Parent's Guide to Sex Education [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts Discussed, Complete Index and Glossary of Technical terms] Manuel Villegas Lopez / Ruta De Los Temas Filmicos / Imprenta De Galo Saez: Arte De Masas : Ruta De Los Temas Filmicos [ English Translation of the Title : Art if the Masses : Route Of the Film Subjects, Features Cinema Prior to 1936, Independent Film makers] Rosanne Keller / Vera Isaacs Lelouche / Caris Lester / New Readers Press ; Laubach Literacy International / Literacy Council of Alaska / the New Streamlined English Series NSE: Five Dog Night and Other Tales
Inez Kemper: In Touch with Heaven [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed] Fred Benton Holmberg / Lynn Kippax Jr. / THIS BOOK IS SIGNED BY AUTHOR FRED BENTON HOLMBERG: Inner Street : Poems and Photography [compilation of Life Experiences in Poetry Enhanced By Art Photographs Carolyn Koons / THIS BOOK IS SIGNED AND INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR: Unstuck : Hope for Anyone Who Feels Stuck Between the Pain of the Past and the Promise of the Future : Hope for Anyone Who Feels Stuck Between the Pain of the Past and the Promice of the Future : Risking Change in Adult Life Passages
Womens Ministries Rancho Community Church Temecula California: Potluck Potpourri : Recipes Compiled By Womens Ministries Rancho Community Church Temecula California [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] Iris McCune ; Barbara Young ; Jane Carson ; Carolyn Vail / Santa Barbara II Ward Relief Society 1977 / Ingrid Harper, Kathy Luke et al / Each Recipe Notes Contributor: Inside a Cook's Head [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] The Hampton Publishing Company / Series : A Hampton Washable Cloth Book: Toy Zoo [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Cloth Rag Book, flexible and Washable for Toddlers and Early Reading]
Goerge Overlie / Lerner Publications Company: The Tallest Tree [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, community] Annette Holdman / Mary Beath / Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary / Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History: Window to the Channel : A Guide to the Resources of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary [Ventura, Oxnard, Islands: San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, San Nicholas, Santa Catalina, San Clemente, California Island Chain, Monument] Dorothy Hoobler / John Trotta / Thomas Hoobler, Carl B. Smith, Ronald Wardhaugh, Rudine Sims, Melinda McKinnon Kenney, Zlata Paces: Frontier Diary [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Nicodemus Frischlin / TEXT IS ONLY IN LATIN and some GREEK: Nicodemi Frischlini : De Astronomicae Artis Cum Doctrina Coelesti et Naturali Philosophia Congruentia Ex Optimis Quibusque Graecis Latinisque Scriptoribus Theologis Medicis Mathematicis Philosophis + Poetis Collecta : Libri Quinque : Passim Inserta Ipc Publishers / Marguerite Hardy / Reverend Rev C. L. Dees / Houston Texas: Fundamental Bible Truths : Adult Course One / I : That Men May See : Witness : Revised Edition [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed] Szekeres, Cyndy: Cindy Szekeres Tiny Paw Library : The New Baby [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, New Baby Coming, New Infant in the House, new arrival Story, Mouse story]
Neal Taylor / Rich Ayling, Linda Taylor, Jeanette Reginato: Flyfishing Taught By Neal Taylor : a Flyfishing Fuide with Over 165 Illustrations and Topics Including : Finding Fish, Selecting a Fly, How to Land a Fish, How to Cast, Tackle, Understanding Fish Behavior [comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained] Marvin G. Lindemann: Breakthrough in Blackjack : Including Common Sense and Horse Sense at the Races [card players gambling guide Critical / practical study ; review reference ; biographical details ; in depth research ; practice / process explained ; eductation / learning] Charles Tazewell / Katherine Evans Illustrator: Charles Tasewell's : The Littlest Stork : A Family Book [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Enchanting Bird Who Brings Babies Into Our Homes, Lives, New Baby story]
Martha Meade / Sperry Brand Flour: 71 / Seventy One New Ways to Win Praise with Sperry Pancake and Waffle Flour : Pancakes Waffles Hotbreads Last Minute Delicacies Campers Specialties [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional] Knox Gelatine: Better Meals with Gel Cookery : Budget Recipes for Main Dishes Salads and Desserts [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] Donald E. Lundberg / Chairman Department of Hotel + Restaurant Management California State Polytechnic University Pomona CA / Lendall H. Kotschevar Phd Professor College of Hotel Administration University of Nevada Las Vegas: Understading Cooking Programmed : Revised [Critical / Practical Study ; Review Reference ; Biographical Details ; in Depth Research ; Practice / Process Explained ; Eductation / Learning ; Discussion, Commercial Kitchen Guide, Indexed. Advanced]
Mary Kay Kinnish / Emily zukosky, Matthew Mackay Smith, Miki Fernandez, Karen Krauklis, Ami Shinitzky, James S. Oppenheim, Ann Smalley, Diana Thompson / Fleet Street Corporation: An Equus Monograph : Skin Troubles and Remedies : a Comprehensive guide to Ailments of the Horse's Hide [Understanding horse care and health, racing horces, professional riding issues, comprehensive techniques, methods, explained, reliable guidebook] Prince, J. H: The Universal Urge : Courtship and Mating among Animals [juvenile Science primer] Felix Sutton / Percy Leason: The Big Book of Dogs [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Gonzalez Mena, Janet: Infants Toddlers and Caregivers [Critical / Practical Study ; Review Reference ; Biographical Details ; in Depth Research ; Practice / Process Explained ; Eductation / Learning ; discussion] National Aeronautics and Space Administration / Langley Research Center / NASA / No. NASA SP-372: NASA University Conference on Aeronautics : a Conference Held at university of Kansas Lawrence : October 23 to 24 : 1974 [Aeronautics in the American Society, Education of the engineer, developing concepts, curent and future opportunities, etc] Mulvey, Frank: Graphic Perception of Space [graphic Artist, Creating Illustration]
Mager, Robert Frank;Decote, Georges: Comment Definir Des Objectifs Pedagogiques Maggi Co, Inc 1941 / How to Used Maggi's / Maggis Seasoning: The Keynote of Successful Dishes [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical sales Inc: Machining Aluminum : With Automatic Screw Machines : Technical Data and tooling Information [Critical / Practical Study ; Review Reference ; Biographical Details ; in Depth Research ; Practice / Process Explained ; Eductation / Learning ; discussion]
Kenryo Kanamatsu: Naturalness / Natural Ness [Self-help Reference Guide, Expert Advice, Inspiration and Prosperity, Personal Growth & Empowerment, Wellness / Well Being Techniques, Methods, Explained, Meditation, Healing, Peace from Within, Japanese Buddhism Shin Shinshu] Raymond L. Kaplan PHD ; Immunology ; Microbiology Rush Medical College and Mycology and Parasitology Laboratories at rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center Chicago / Jean E. Barrett: Monograph : Campylobacter National association of Manufacturers / Contributing Authors: Dr. Wilbert McLeod Chapman, Dr. Charles F. Jones, rear Admiral Edward Clark Stephan US Navy, John H. Clotworthy, Denys W. Knoll, Robert B. Abel, Jack a Kyger, John W. Clark: New Wealth from the Seas : NAM Science and Technology Division [guide and Discussion for Harvesting Resources from the World's Oceans, Ocean development]
Antonio Mattu / Patron Editore Bologna: A Little Italian for English Speaking People / Un po' D'italiano Per Chi Parla Inglese [dual Language Reader, Foreign Language Studies, Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable Guidebook, Verbs, Proper Usage, Conversational Terms, Simple] Johannes De Sacrobosco / Hartmann Beyer: Quaestiones Novae in Libellum de Sphaera Ioannis de Sacro Busto : In Grati am Studiosae Iuuentutis collectae Ab Hartmanno Beyer Recognitae + Plaeriscue in Locis Auctae Cy and Pat Liberman / Rosa Goldfind, Joyce C. Weston: The Crab Book : How to Catch Cook and Eat Crabs [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Harold Sherman: Your Power to Heal : You Have the Power Within You to Regain Health of body and Mind R. D. Haugaard and Laurie J. Delisle: Interims [ Anecdotes , Poetry , Prose , Verse , Personal Recollections, Poetic Rhetoric and Rhyming Story / Stories , Enjoyable Reading ] Ellison, John W. / Thomas Nelson and Sons [publisher]: Nelson's Complete Concordance of the Revised Standard Version Bible [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Biblical, Bible scriptorial/scripture Elements, 1957 large Red Volume Edition, RSV ]
Asher / Neal Asher: Runcible Tales / Trinity Collections : Writer of the Future Story and Pictures By Lisl Weil: Monkey Trouble [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building] Anonymous: National Park Nikko : An Introduction to Rin No Ji Temple [pictorial Traveler's Biography, Text is in Both English and Japanese, Kegon Fall, Lake Chyuzen Ji, Taiyuin Temple, Yakushi Do, toshogu Shrine, Nikko station, Sanbutsudo, Monuments, architecture]
Julian Levi / Pitman No. 36: Modern Art : An Introduction [pictorial Handbook for Artists, Reference Styles of Famous painters] Joan Haws / Suzie Haws: Harold [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Cat Who Gets Hit By a Car and Family Story, What the Cat Goes thru ] L. W. Hartkemeier / Colorado School of Mines / John S. Swift Co. Inc: Quantitative Analysis for Students in Mining Metallurgy and Geology : Third / 3rd Edition [metals, Ores, Lead, Iron, Zinc, Etc, Mining, Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable guidebook]
Massie, Diane Redfield: The Komodo Dragon's Jewels [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Lizard Story ] Don McLeod / RSA Dip TEFL / Home Language International: Practising English : Home Language International : exercises in Speaking notes on Tenses Idomatic expressions Typical Structures Phrasal Verbs Tests [British English Studies, Live + Study in Your Teachers home Where you Avoid All Use of Your Own language] Steven H. Homel / THIS BOOK IS SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR: The Competition Obsession : a Philosophy of Non Competitive Living [winning, Games, 2nd Place, Urge to Compete, Secrets of the Human Race, Sense of Private Unhappiness, Tensions of Living, Resolved, Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained ]
Croker / Richard Croker Esq. ; captiain in the Late 99th Regiment of Foot: Travels Through Several Provinces of Spain and Portugal Etc Percy Hammond / Foreword By John C. Hammond: This Atom in Teh Audience : A Digest of reviews and Comment [collection of Short Essays, Criticism of Popular Theatre 1909 to 1924, Plays and the players] Valerie Hannah: Sewage [Novel Novella, Set in the Hollywood Hills, 2 couples Argue Over Cooperative Sewer Line, Their Lives Get in the way]