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Irma Kaplan / Carol Calder: Fairy Tales from Sweden [illustrated Juvenile Literature, Short Stories, Folklore, Fantasy Fiction, Swedish Fairy Tales] Karlins, Mark / Maureen Hyde: A Christmas Fable [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Winter Holiday Story ] Maureen Kampen / Guidebook of Places to go and Things to do with Children in Santa Barbara California: Cottage Children's Center : Kids Love Santa Barbara [California Tourist Guide with Kids Activities, Trails, sites, Playgrounds, Pools, horse Riding, Etc, Day Trips or Extended visits]
Anna Kaye / Don C. Matchan / THIS BOOK IS SIGNED AND INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR ANNA KAYE / Scott Lowe, Editor: Mirror of the Body [techniques of Reflexology, Acupuncture, Compression Massage, Oriental methods, Physical and Mental Therapy, health and wellness] Edward Kean / Art Seiden / Mary Reed: It's Howdy Doody Time : a Little Golden Book No. 223 [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, American TV Show Tie in book/character] Margaret Storm and Elsie Ginnett: Home Maid Spanish Cookbook [an Indispensible Guide for Those Who Speak little or No Spanish and Must Communicate with Spanish Household Help, Recipes in both Spanish + English, Ingles e Espanol Cuisine Cocinar ]
Jonah Kalb / David Viscott MD / American Greetings: What Every Kid Should Know About Feelings [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Dealing with emotions] Peter Jurtshuk Jr Phd / Department of Biology University of Houston Texas: Microbiological Oxidase Reaction [Kovacs Oxidase Test, modified Test Tube, Flood Plate, Quantitative Testing] Lavonne Neff / Art Kirchhoff: Simon Was Safe : a Passover Story : Quality Religious books for Children [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Exodus 7:19 to 12:42 for Children, Bible Reference]
InterAmerica Research Associates Inc / National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education / Contributors: Maria Estela Brisk, Maria B. Cerda, Jean J. Schensul, Kennith H. York, Norberto Cruz, Alberto M. Ochoa: Working With the Bilingual Community [essays on education, Bilingual Community, Leadership and Training, Serving spanish and English Speaking Students Projects, Parental Guidance] Petrus Apian / text is Only in Latin / Petrus Apianus 1495 to 1552 / Quadrans Apiani Astronomicus: Qvadrans Apiani Astronomicvs Et Iam Recens Inventvs Et Nvnc Primvm Editvs Huic adiuncta sunt + alia instrumenta obseruatoria perinde noua, adcommodata horis discernendis nocturnis simul + diurnis ... Deinde altitudinis etiam, distantiae, Profunditatisque Judy Ashton / Betty metcalf/ Lois Mayo / Richard G. Lowe / the Mountains Community Hospital Auxiliary / Alice Brice, Carol Chambers, Lou Johnson, Rosalie kingston, Fran Sutton, Jamie richards, et al: Cooking High on a Hilltop : Volume 2 / Two [fund Raising Cook Book from Lake Arrowhead California, Each Recipe Has Its Contributor name, Regional Community fare]
McCabe, Eugene: Cryil : The Quest of an Orphaned Squirrel Chun Doo Hwan / President of Korea: The 1980s : Meeting a New Challenge V / Five : Selected Speeches of President Chun Doo Hwan [foreign politics, Governmental issues, Sociology, Developing Nations, etc] The Editors of the National Observer / Dow Jones and Company Inc: Living with Inflation [compilation of Various Articles and Essays on US Policies, Currency, Social Issues, 1966 Era Economy, Economic Review, Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable guidebook]
Marjorie Lampard / Caroline Dewing / Philip Argent / Jane Walton and Lize Graham Yooll / Marshall Cavendish Limited: Keepsakes : Thoughts of Love [illustrated Poetry, Tokes of Love and affection, gift, Keepsake, Memento, lovely, loving] Elizabeth Parker Kase / SIGNED AND INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR: The Extra Wife : And Other Stories Wilma M. McCartney / Adelaide Murphy / 1981 Revised Edition: Ring the Doorbell with Your Elbow : a Cookbook of Portables [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques Explained, Ideal Recipes to Share with Friends + family]
Jess Marlow, Sister Joyce Weller, Dr. Raul Amaya, Daryl Twerdahl, Jennifer Gharavi, Suzanne McCafferty, Kathy gless, Sharon Hulse, Katherine Kilroy, Nelly Llanos / St. Vincent's Meals on Wheels, Cuisine a Roulettes Foundations: Alice Marie Quinn : Circa 1945 : Sister Alice Marie Quinn's 60th Birthday Celebration : Evening Program [tribute Program, Advertisements, St. Vincent's Meals on Wheels, Cuisine a Roulettes Foundations, Catholic Charities] Fleischmann's Yeast / Fleischmann Co: Fleischmann's Recipes : 1920 [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] Jean Lewis / Turi MacCombie: My Little Golden Book of Dogs : A Little Golden Book No 309-71 [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill building]
Johannes de Sacrobosco / Philipp Melanchthon: Iohannis De Sacro Busto Libellus De Sphaera : Accessit Eiusdem Autoris Computus Ecclesiasticus et Alia Quaedam in Studio Forum Gratiam Edita : Cumpraefatione Philippi Melanthonis J. A. Folger and Co. / Folger's assorted Golden Gate Spices / Golden Gate Extracts / Folger's Coffee: Spices and Their Uses : Helpful Suggestions for Better Cooking Flavors : 1925 Edition Red Seal Dry Batteries / Red Seal Dry Batteries: ADVERTISING ART CARD : Red Seal Dry Battery : The Guarantee Protects You
Lewis, John: Bicycling Santa Barbara : Twelve / 12 Great Bicycle Trips with Descriptions Maps and Elevations Wothrow, Robert / Liebman, Robert C: The New Christian Right [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed] G. G. Green / August Flower / German Syrup / Van Ingen, Snyder: Almanac for 1894
Lillenas Publishing Co: Lillenas Songs for Low Voices [songbook, Spiritual inspiration and Freedom, Christian Salvation, Songs of Praise to the Lord and Jesus, 1920s + 1930s Era hymns] Lichtenberg, Joseph D. MD / Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: The Talking Cure : A Descriptive Guide to Psychoanalysis [Critical / Practical Study ; Review Reference ; Biographical Details ; in Depth Research ; Practice / Process Explained ; Eductation / Learning ; Psychology Discussion] A. C. Lomax's Successors / the Johnson's Head: The Story of Lichfield Cathedral : 8th Edition 4th Issue [Pictorial Booklet Showing the Highlights of the Famous Church in England, Restorations, History, etc]
Calhamer, Allan B. / Game Designer: The Rules of Diplomacy : The Game of International Intrigue : Set in Pre World War I Europe : 4th Edition 2000 Petrus Apian / text is Only in Latin / Petrus Apianus 1495 to 1552: Horoscopion Apiani Generale Dignoscendis Horis Cvivscvmqve generis Aptissimum Southall, Willie / Donna Bible-Larsen Dr. Arnold Fox: A 21st Century Herb Hyssop : Superior Healing Power: a Simple Manual for Radiant Health [Self-help Reference Guide, Personal Growth & Empowerment, wellness/well Being Techniques, Methods, explained]
Learn Incorporated / Learn Inc. / SET : 7 Books + 4 Audio Cassettes in Matching BOX: Speed Learning : Goes Beyond Speed Reading to develop Advanced Learning Skills [Powerful Study of the English language, Reading and Comprehension, Absorb Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable guidebook] Robert A. Liston / Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr: Sargent Shriver : a Candid Portrait Michael Locascio / Amy Akiyama: 3 One Act Plays / Three 1 Act Plays : Hillsboro Series No. 2 : a Corner of a Morning / Curiosity / I'm in Love with W. B. [New Your Based stories]
Martha Logan / Home Economist Swift and Company: Its Picture Easy to bay and Fry with Swift'ning Shorting Says Martha Logan Geo R. Lockwood: The Sky Pilot : Star and Planet Manual : Skyland Tours, the Unfolding Universe, Celestrial Explorers, Spirituals Values [a New Look at Astrology, in a Godly and Profound Way for the Laymen, About Viewing the Sky and Adjusting Your view, beauty, meaning] William B. Lloyd Jr ; Editor of Tward Freedom / the Fund for the Republic Inc: papers on Peace : One of a Series Published with the Assistance of the Laucks Fund By the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions : Peace Requires Peacemakers : Followed By Discussion
David Lloyd / Clive Scruton / Drolalire Grund / TEXT IS ONLY IN FRENCH: Chien et Chat [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, FRENCH LANGUAGE READER, Dog and Cat, Ideal for a Child Learning French]] John Linthicum: Wrestling with the Angel : Poems By John Linthicum [ Anecdotes , Poetry , Prose , Verse , Personal Recollections, Poetic Rhetoric and Rhyming Story / Stories , Enjoyable Reading ] Frederic B. Littlefield ; Director / Rudolph H. Deetjen, George S. Dalrymple, Clifford Nichols, Welmar S. Bostder / Boys camp in New Hampshire / Leon E. Davis, Charles L. Kirschner: Robin Hood : A Camp for Younger Boys on the Lake By the Sea [Boys Camp, Program, Activities, Staff 1963, Biography Book with Folding Map, List of Campers, Alumni and parents]
Barbara Lindsay / Edwin Schmidt / CBS Television: A Little Golden Book : Captain Kangaroo's Surprise Party : No. 341 [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Foil Spine, TV Show Tie in characters] The Lipton Kitchens / Thomas J. Lipton Inc: Cooking for One Two or a Few : Meals in Minutes with Lipton Cup a Soup [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] D. G. Lillie / Open Bretheren / Christian Bretheren: Tongues Under Fire [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
Walter J. Limbacher Phd: Dimensions of Personality : I'm Not Alone : Second / 2nd Edition [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Educational Reading for comprehension] Walter J. Limbacher Phd / Carl Fischer: Dimensions of Personality : Becoming Myself : Teacher's Edition [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Educational Reading for comprehension] Mark Link SJ / Richard J. Baumann, Charles V. Grahmann, Glenn D. Gardner: Celebration of Hope : Reflections for the Jubilee Year [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed]
edgar T. Lindner / Richard S. Isaacs: Your Last Dollar and How to Keep it [Critical / practical study ; review reference ; biographical details financial success in depth research ; practice / process explained ; eductation / learning ; discussion, comprehensive Techniques Methods explained] Lawson, Henry / AUDIO BOOK : 2 Cassette Tapes in Matching Fitted Vinyl Box / book on Tape: Henry Lawson Short Stories : ABC Spoken Word Series [stories from Australia, a Very Personal Look at His Work, Read By Wyn Roberts ] Herbert Laurence: The Care of Your Skin : Acne affects the Development of Personality as Well as the Physical Appearance of Most Young Men and Women, This Book Tells a Simple and Helpful Manner What Can be Done to Meet This Source of Considerable Unhappiness
Jean Lee Latham / Elsie Koesy De Garcia Carratala / Jose Correas / TEXT IS ONLY IN THE SPANISH LANGUAGE / ESPANOL: Cascanueces [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Spanish Version of the Nutcracker ] Latta, Rich: The 40's Song Title Quiz Book [American Trivia, Game, 10 Clues for Each Title, Party game] Lauber, Patricia: Volcanoes and Earthquakes [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Juvenile biography]
Albert J. Lindsey / Pastor First Presbyterian Church Tacoma Washington: Wilderness Experiences : practical Studies from the Book of Exodus [religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional and New Thoughts discussed] Joseph C. Lincoln: A Hall and Co / A. Hall & Co. [American literature, Novel, Lady Flyer, Pilot, Boston Fish Market, family Matters, debts] leister Game Company Toledo Ohio: Never a Dull Moment : Makes Any Party a Howling Success : 3 / Three Fascinating Game Quizzes : Grand Entertainment for Any Party : Series 1 No. 400 : 1946 Edition [tablet Style book]
Celia Lehman: My Best Friend is God [juvenile religious readings, inspiration, devotion, study, worship, traditional and new thoughts discussed] Jane Allison Lee Exxel Company: A Teenager Reads the Bible : Proverbs : Today's English Version [2 Audio Cassette Tapes in fitted Matching Vinyl case] Stephan R. Leimberg / Morey S. Rosenbloom / Series : a Market Builder Library Selection / Leo C. Hodges Editor, Jeffrey H. Mandell, Authur Bachman, Paul Silberberg, Robert J. Doyle: Funding Corporate Buy Sell Agreements with Life Insurance [Critical / Practical Study ; Review Reference ; Biographical Details ; in Depth Research ; Practice / Process Explained ; Eductation / Learning ; discussion]
Lillian Ebbe Lasell / This Book is SIGNED By the Author: Ebbe Family Memories as Remembered By Lillian Ebbe Lasell 1991 Alain Rene Le Sage / LeSage / R. De Los Rios: The History of Vanillo Gonzales : Surnamed the Merry Bachelor : Translated from the French of Alain Rene Le Sage : With Four Original Etchings By R. De Los Rios Lengyel, Emil: And All Her Paths Were Peace : The Life of Bertha Von Suttner [Hungary, Hungarian Biography, Heritage, History, Family]
Eleanor Levitt / Gertrude Anders Springer: The Good Health Cookbook : How to Use Natural Organic foods and Food Supplements in Nutritious Recipes [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] Sheryl Leininger / Editor ; Security World Publishing Co: Internal Theft : Investigation and Control : An Anthology [employee Dishonesty, Confronting the Problem, Thieves, Why They Steal, Psychology, Inside Jobs, Embezzlement, Losses in Business, Administration, Undercover Comprehensive Techniques, Methods] Newman, Michael: Socialism and European Unity : The Dilemma of the Left in Britain and France [Critical / practical study ; review reference ; biographical details ; in depth research ; practice / process explained ; eductation / learning discussion historical Politics ]
G. J. Neumann / Arthur F. Schminke: The Door That Walked Away and Other Stories [juvenile Literature, humor, Irony, Marvels, Short stories] Wacom / China Lake California / Sue Byrd / Ida Davis / Clare Hunter / Virginia Murphy / Marie St. Amand / Ada Scarborough / Doris Valitchka / Helen Weals / Elaine West / Polly Zimmer: Cook Book Wacom : Women's Auxiliary of the Commissioned Officers Mess [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained] The Membership Committee of the Women of the Moose : Ventura Chapter 918 : Year 1983 to 1984: Favorite Recipes from Our Best Cooks : A Book of Favorite Recipes [A Cookbook / Recipe Collection / Compilation of Fresh Ideas, Traditional / Regional Fare, Comprehensive Cooking Instructions + Techniques explained]
Emily Nicholson: You're One of a Kind : But What Kind ? [juvenile Literature, Behavior, Attitute, Social Interactions, Esteem, etc] Nolan, Michael: Smileage : Fun Travel Games and Activities for All Ages [road Trip Games, Puzzles, Tongue Twisters, Ideas for Passing Time in the Car, Fun and Humor, Activities for Kids and Adults, Great Party Games, etc] Noone, Donald J: Great Sales Great Life : The Hidden Power of the Ripple Effect [creative Problem Solving, Creating Success, Comprehensive Techniques, Methods, Explained, Reliable guidebook]
Shirley Herd / S. Deal and Associates San Diego: Blimey Limey Wha'd he Say ? For Salty Sailors Armchair Skippers and Nautical Neophytes [folklore, Wit, Humor, Legend, Lingo, Double Meanings, Boating, Pirates, Sea Sense...etc] Ray Ovington: Pelican [Juvenile Biography, Natural History, Biology, science] Orest: One [the One in Philosophy, Absolute, One Truth, Grand Orchestra, the Mind, Freedom, Evolution, Creativity, Your Real Self, Highest wisdom]