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Acme Kitchen Furniture Co. ; Chattanooga, Tenn: Acme Kitchen Furniture Co. (1911) Catalogue ; Chattanooga, Tenn. Catalogue Number Sixty-Six / 66 (Profusely Illustrated With Samples Of Wardrobes, Chifforobes (Drawer Combo), Glass Cupboards, Bookcases, Safes, Kitchen Cabinets, And Tables. Includes Wholesale Prices For 1911.) Owen Jones (Illustrator Of Illuminated Text Style); King James Version Of Bible Book ; King David Aka Solomon In The Biblical Heritage; Longman & Co (1849) Reprint By Portable Trunk Publishers (C. 2020): The Song Of Songs (1849) An Erotic Sexual Love Poem * Bible * Marriage Memento, Gift, Sensual Love Token, King David Solomon (Modern Edition) Carlsdotter, Ann: Lenci : A Look At Dolls : 1 : Mascot Dolls [Catalog Of Felt Doll Styles And Short History Of The Italian Lenci Doll And Toy Manufacturing Company, Color Pictures Of Dolls Varieties]
Barnard, Slim / Glendale Federal Savings / Ktla Channel 5 Tv Show / Coinsides With Television Show In California / Kcop Channel 13 / Knbc Channel 4 / Presented By Southern California Ford Dealers: Happy Wanderers Travelogue [Tv Show Presented These Leaflets With Maps, Trail Guide, And Costs For Short Trips Around California, With Short Biographies Of Each Place, And What To See, The Happy Wanderers Tv Show 1960S And 1970S, Ideas For Travel] Hamilton Watch Co, Lancaster Pennsylvania ; Snider Wilcox Fletcher Co. Jewelers, Durham North Carolina: The Hamilton Watch (1912) The Rail Road Timekeeper Of America, Designed By The Best Watch Talent In Existence : Built Of The Finest Material Possible To Obtain In The World, Adjusted On The Most Scientific Isochronal Plans And Absolutely Accurate Positions (Trade Samples Catalogue) Fox, Emmet; Unity School Of Christianity: The Four / 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse [Unity, Religious Readings, Inspiration, Devotion, Study, Worship, Traditional And New Thoughts Discussed]
Bella V. Dodd: School Of Darkness : The Record Of A Life And Of A Conflict Between Two Faiths [Inner Workings Of The Communist Party In America Stalin, Foster, Negros, Communism, Humanity, Christian Stance] Dr. Martin Luther / Christian Nationalist Crusade: The Jews And Their Lies : English Translation Of The Great Reformer's Treatment Of On Of The World's Most Serious Problems In Human Relations [Christian Nationalist Crusade Was An Antisemitic Organization, Its Purpose Was Also To Oppose Communism, Etc ] Goodall, Nigel / Edited By Chirs Charlesworth: Cher : In Her Own Words [Candid Life According To The World Famous Singer / Actress / Personality]
Izzat Tannous Md / Count Folke Bernadotte / The Palestine Arab Refugee Office New York: The Expulsion Of The Palestine Arabs Fro Their Homeland : A Dark Page In Jewish History [Propaganda, Politics, Illustrated, History, Religion, Pov 1961, Commentary, Essay] Le Rouge, George Louis / Text Is Only In French. Lerouge, Hanover Germany As Georg Ludwig: Detail Des Nouveaux Jardins A La Mode (Pictorial Layouts Of French Large Scale Gardens, Landscape Design Comprehensive Techniques, Reliable Guidebook, Late 1700S Formal Design Plans) George Colendich: The Ding Repair Scriptures : The Complete Guide To Surfboard Repair [A Pictorial Comprehensive Techniques, Methods Explained, Reliable Guidebook, Foam, Resin, Fiber Glass Work, Vintage Surf Board Fixes, Diy]
Mcloughlin Brothers Publishers / Mcloughlin Bros; Gullah Language Heritage Series: Ten Little -- A Replica (1894) A Musical Counting Book For Children (Comical, Whimsical, Gullah Language, Early Black Americana History) Austin Company. Service Station Division, Standard Oil Company, Cleveland Ohio: Austin Service Station Division Offers You All-Steel Porcelain Enamel Stations of Austin Twin-Wall Construction in a Complete Package! Materials in stock for a Number of Designs 1954 Volkswagen, Germany (Text Is Only In German): VW Kleinbus : Volkswagen Transporter (model) 1951 - 1952 Catalog / Brochure
Bell, Hugh / 1790 ; Lyman Copeland Draper; Draper Manuscripts, American Journeys: Recollections On Hunting In Kentucky : 1790 To 1791 (Hand Written, With Transcription, Account Of Early History And Settlement Of Kentucky, Early True Accounts) Maier, Manfred: The Foundation Program at the School of Design Basel Switzerland : Basic Principles of Design : Volume 1 Object Museum Nature Drawing, 2 Memory Technical Perspective Drawing Lettering, 3 Material Studies, textile, 4 More [n One, Oversized Art pictorial] Filson, John 1747 to 1788; Draper Manuscripts (Filson Papers): Recollections On Encounters With Indians 1786 (Early History, Shows Original Manuscript Pages In Color With Transcriptions Facing, American Settlers Peronal Account)
Brown, Harriet Conno, Edito; Compilation; Press Of The Sudwarth Company Publishers / Alice Paul Chairman Of Joint Suffrage Porcession Committee, Lucy Burns: Official Program Woman Suffrage Procession : Washington D. C. : March 13, 1913 (Women's History, Voting Rights, Vote For Women) Senator John F. Kennedy / Foreword By Allan Nevins: Profiles in Courage : Decisive moments in the Lives of Celbrated Americans : Senator John F. Kennedy [US President, Manifesto, Politics, USA History, Government, biography] Madame C. Arnoux; Manufactures, reference samples, France: Modes et Dessins de Broderie, 2de Annee (circa 1820) (Second Year) (A modern reprint of the original wholesale samples book. Minimal text, in French. 19th Century Folio of Embroidery Designs Samples with uses on French Parisian fashions)
Kennedy, John F. And Forward By Allan Nevins: Profiles in Courage : Decisive Moments in the Lives of Celebrated Americans: Senator John F. Kennedy [hb in Dj, First thus] L. Frank Baum / Lyman Frank Baum with Harry Otis Kennedy / Charles Costello / George M. Hill Company: The Navy Alphabet [Pictorial Children's Reader, Learning to Read, Skill Building, Replica of the 1900 Edition, in color] George Randolph Chester and Illustrated By Robert Lawson: The Wonderful Adventures of Little Prince Toofat
Storm, Margaret and Elsie Ginnett: Home Maid Spanish Cookbook [an Indispensible Guide for Those Who Speak little or No Spanish and Must Communicate with Spanish Household Help, Recipes in both Spanish + English, Ingles e Espanol Cuisine Cocinar ] Provincetown Art Association, Paul Smith, Mrs. Harold Haven Brown. (artists, E R Euler, Ada Gilmore ): A Modern Pilgrim's Print Book (travel, Local Artist's Works and Short Bios, Woodblock Printinting Styles of Tod Lindenmuth, Karl Knaths, Chas. Kaeselau, Oliver Chaffee, Blanche Lazzell, Agnes Weinrich, V B Rann, Saul Yalkert, Shelby Shakelford, more) Ramie, Alain / Pablo Picasso ; Artist ; SOFTCOVER EDITOIN: Picasso : Catalogue of the Edited Ceramic Works 1947-1971 (catalog of Art Pottery, Earthenware, Serving Dishes, Plates, Pitchers, Tiles, Decorative Placques, and Jugs)
Edward and George Dalziel (illustrators), George Routledge and Sons (Publisher), Kronhelm London (printers): Cinderella (1872) A folk tale about a girl who in forsaken circumstances that are suddenly changed to remarkable fortune, with her ascension to the throne via marriage Lisbeth Stone, (artist); Dean's Rag Book Co. LTD. England 1908; publisher, manufacturer: 1 2 3 Rag Book No. 206 ( Book for learning to count, children's early reader) Reverend Lewis Amadeus Anspach / 1770 To1823 / Vice Admiral J. Holloway ; Governor and commander in Chief of Newfoundland and Its Dependencies: A Summary of the Laws of Commerce and Navigation Adapted to the Present State Government and Trade of the Island of Newfoundland (History, Business, Legal Issues, early 19th century laws)
Mead, Katherine Harper, Editor, Tom Murray: The Preston Morton Collection of American Art : Santa Barbara Museum of Art [Oversized Pictorial, SIGNED By Suzette Morton Davidson, Daughter of Sterling and Preston Morton and Trustee of the SBMA, Features Artworks in Their collection] Quattrocki, Carolyn and Susan Spellman / 12 Book Series: The Happy Snowman ; Rudolph's Adventure, Santa Clause is Coming to Town ; the Little Drummer Boy ; Jingle Bells ; the Christmas Mouse ; Christmas Carols ; the Elves and the Showmaker ; the Nutcracker ; the Twelve/12 Days of Christmas ; and More Goodson, Lottie and Kirby Dyess: Amebiasis : Monograph : a Practical Diagnostic Guide for the Evaluation of Entamoeba Histolytica in Humans : HK9, ICN Medical Diagnostic Products [pictorial Biography of Entamoeba Histolytica, Research Data and observations]
Woolard, Samuel Francis: The Beauties of Friendship [1909 collection/compilation of Poetry, Decorative Lithograph on Cover By E. Davison] Berne, Eric; David Hume; Harry Stack Sullivan; David Viscott / 4 Bks, Psychology, Self Help: What Do You Say After You Say Hello ; an Enguiring Concerning Human Understanding ; Clinical Studies in Psychiatry ; the Viscott Method : Self Analysis, Understanding [Self-help Reference Guide, Personal Growth & Empowerment] Osman, Randolph E. With Paul C. Mills, Joan Boyer, Norman Griffin, Jacqueline Mason, Doran Ross, Sandra Knudsen and Elizabeth Hall for the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, SB California, Shelly Ruston: Iconocom : Cross Cultural Iconography for the Community : An Educational Handbook Resulting from a 3 Part Series of Exhibitions on the [Santa Barbara] Museum's [of Art] Permanent Collection [spiral Bound Pictorial on Icons, All Cultures, Tab Indexed]
Maslen Bobby Lynn and John R. / 8 Bk Set: More Bob Books for Young Readers, Set 2: Ten Men, 1; Bump, 2; Cat and Mouse, 3; the Swimmers, 4; Samantha, 5; Willy's Wish, 6; Jumper and the Clown, 7; Max and the Tom Cats, 8; Teacher/Parent Guide Booklet, with Puppets [progressive readers] Scarry, Richard: Richard Scarry's Babykins and His Family [Pictorial Children's Reader, Cat Story and His Adventures, Classic Scarry illustrations] McCall, Edith S. And Jack Faulkner / 2 Bks set/series: The buttons and The Whirlybird; the Buttons at the Farm [Pictorial Children's Readers, Reading Primer adventures]
Antypas, William G. Akc Annually Licensed Superintendent, American Kennel Club: Los Encinos Kennel Club : 15th All Breed Dog Show & Obedience Trial Monday, May 28, 1984, Los Angeles County Fairgounds, Pomona California [illustrated Program of Breeders, Dogs at Show and Owners/trainers with Advertisements, Dog References, Handbook,] Gardiner, George H: How I Sold a Million dollars of Real Estate in One Year [personal Success Techniques, Methods, Explained, Financial Gains, Shortcuts, Tactics, Money Making Secrets, Residental Home Buying] Dean, Harvey: Persuasive Humor at AT & T ; All I Want Was an Unfair Advantage : Advenures in Yellow Page Advertising ; Humor : The Spice of Communication [3 Audio cassettes, Humor / Seminar, no book]
Shapiro, Jack Translator of Ovid for Laurida Books, Hollywood California / SIGNED BY SHAPIRO: The Art of Love and Remedies for Love: How to... Find and Seduce Woman, How to... Catch and Hold a Man, How to... Get Rid of Each Other, Fifty/50 Ways to Leave Your Lover [romance, Relationships, Techniques, Methods, explained] Penrose, Margaret: Dorothy Dale and Her Chums [girls Novel, Decorative Cover, Dorothy Dale Series, 1909 Edition] Haynes, E. Barrington; Ian Angus, [Editor]; Carl W. Drepperd; Dorothy Dunsedter Warner / 4 Bks on Collecitng: Glass Throught the Ages; Collecitng Antiques; Primer of American Antiques; Adapting American Antiques [Pictorial Reference Guides for Collectors, Restorers of Early Furnishing, decorative Arts, Valuation of Goods, Identifying, etc]
Murphy, Joseph, DD, DRS, PhD, LLD, Fellow of the Andhra Research University, India, for Parker Publishing Company: Telepsychics : The Magic Power of Perfect Living [Self-help Reference Guide, Personal Growth & Empowerment, wellness/well Being Techniques, Methods, explained] Munter, Ed: State of the Heart [illustrated Heart Humor and Irony] Yuse, John [Editor], Judy Collins, Rosalee Temple, Matt Mathesius, Gretchen Lehmann, Darcy Jeane, Ingrid Hill, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Works By Rebecca Newell, David Lee, Christiane Jacox Kyle, Kathryn Trueblood, Brett A Stanciu, Others: Jeopardy : Poetry, Art, Fiction, Photography, Essays ; Volume 28, Spring 1992 : Western Washington University [compilation of Student Works, First Publication Experience, School Publication, Mixed media]
Belew, richard C: How to Win Profits and Influence Bankers : The Art of Practical Projecting [entrepreneurialship Handbook, Financial Success Guide, Funding, Borrowing Handbook, Business Loans, Need money for your business, this will help you to polish your company] Willard, Nancy and Lillian Hoban / signed and Inscribed By Author: Papa's Panda [Pictorial Children's Reader, Signed By Nancy Willard] BMW 1993, Pubisher "The Ultimate Driving MacHine": BMW 1994 [pictorial Car Reference Book, Biography of the Car and Company, Safety, Technical Data, BMW Series 3, 5, 7, 8, Customer Care, Motorcycles, specifications]
Proferes, George: There's Money on Those Tables for You : a Complete Guide for Waiters and Waitresses [success Tips for the Service Industry, biography] Knox, James Samuel; Mrs. Alice H. Horner; Mrs Ruth Wade Ray for Knox Business Book Company: Personality in Action [critical/practical Study, Development, Executive Values, Charm, Strategy in Winning Promotion, Dfficiency, Speech, Appearance, How to Sell Your Services, Conduct, Grooming, Etc, Techniques, Methods, explained] Wolff, Maritta M: Whistle Stop : An Avery Hopwood Award Novel ["She Was a Girl with a Price Tag", Unabridged, classic Pulp Fiction, Hb in dj]
Hanford, A. Chester; Assistant Professor of Government Harvard University: Problems in Municipal Government [critical/practical Study, 1926 Harvard Textbook, City Planning, Charters, Legal Aspects of City Goverment, Political Substructures, Comprehensive Review of Creating and Managing a city] Folk Dance Federation of California, South; Sponsored By Department of Dance and University Extention, University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA 1967 / 3 BOOKS BOOKLETS ON DANCE IN LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA: Twelfth / 12th Annual Folk Dance Conference August 13 to 20 1967 at Santa Barbara, California with Folk Dance Calendar of Costumes 1968 1969 Laid in [club news, dance Steps, Ethnic Costumes, Essays and history Cultural Dancing, and More, illustrated] Zilberman, Yona and Haim Ron: A Haggadah for Generations : The Passover Family Seder [Oversized Pictorial, religious Readings, Holiday Festival, celebration]
Cordell, Christobel M: Dramatizing Business Law [Critical / Practical Study ; Review Reference ; Biographical Details ; in Depth Research ; Practice / Process Explained ; Eductation / Learning ; discussion] Martin, A. W. / E. B. Chappell, Editor: Worship in the Sunday School : For Workers in Small Schools : Cokesbury Edition [religious Readings, Meaning of Christian Worship, Problem Solving, Effective Techniques, Methods, Explained, Hb in dj] Rathbun, Harry J: Creative Initiative : Guide to Fulfillment [Personal Growth Techniques, Well Being, Betterment, DIY, Self Help, wellness]
Dondero, Alicia; Benny Crayton, Wendy Hays, Charlene Ramos, Linda Taylor Lorr, Kent Campbell for the County of Ventura [ Califorina ]: I am Somebody : Strategies for Drug Abuse Prevention : By the Prevention Staff of the Center for Drug Problems, Ventura County Health Care Agency Kallmaker, Karen Writing as Laura Adams: The Dawning [lesbian writings/stories/fiction] Farber, Leslie H: Lying Despair Jealousy Envy Sex Suicide Drugs and the Good Life [psychology, Psychoanalogy, Humanisms, Contemporary Issues of Existance, Brilliant!]
Melfi, Leonard: Fantasies at the Frick or the Guard and the Guardess : a Play in Two Acts [Samuel French Edition of the Script, Play, Staged Play guide] Sotheby's / Sotheby Parke Bernet and Company / Public Auction Catalog of Items Put Up at Auction: Sotheby's American 18th 19th Century and Western Paintings Drawings Watercolors and Sculpture / April 23, 1981 [Pictorial Refernce from Sale, Rare Oportunity to View Works in Private Collection, Museum Quality Reference guide] Sylvania, General Telephone and Electronics, Product Support Operation, Sylvania Electronic Systems, education and Training Unit: Printed Circuit Technology [critical/practical study]
Christie, Hugh K: The Carman's Helper : Second Edition : Revised [Railroad Car and Railroading Handbook, Rail Car Maintenance, Repairs, Employment, Terminal Repairs, Steel Cars, Air Brake Repairs, Connections and Much More Illustrated, Historical, 1920 Hillyer, Curtis of the California Bar, Auithor of Law of Evidence, Hillyer's Justice Code and More: Hillyer's Corporate Management and By-Laws , with Forms [Legal Reference Manual, 1927 Edition, Outdated, Historical, Advanced Case study] State Bar of California: Public Law Section of the State Bar of California : Proceedings September 21, 1975, 9:00 am, Fresno California, Vol. 1, No. 1 [legal booklet]
Berkus, Rusty and Christa Wollan: Soulprints / Soul Prints [Oversized Pictorial, anecdotes, Poetry, Prose, Verse, aphorisms] Lunger, LaRue and Pictures By Ivy M. deLoe and C. Erickson Morise: The Day the Clock Stopped [Pictorial Children's Reader, with calligraphy] Shevin, David & Jonathan Weisberger; and Pictures By Lisze Bechtold: Musics [anecdotes, Poetry, Prose, Verse, aphorisms]
Philips, Judson P. and Thomas M. Johnson. For Doubleday, Doran & Company Inc: Red War [novel, Mystery, Thriller, Main Characters: Viktor Gaszlo, Karen North, Hugh Bayne] Star Publishing Trust, Krishnamurti ; the Chief Organizer, Order of the Star ; International Star Bulletin: Official Organ of the Order of the Star: Star Bulletin : Talks and Writings By Krishnamurti: March April 1933, No. 2 [periodical, Club, Organization, Krishnaji, Krishnamurti, Talks at Adyar, Ommen, Compilation of Articles, Sympathy with Its Objects, Religious Guru Following, Inner Wisdom etc] Newton, Alma Writing as Zarah Kreeshna [author of Love Letters of a Mystic] for Duffield and Company: Memories By Alma Newton [Writing in Diary Format as Zarah Kreeshna, fiction]