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Based on a drawing in the British Museum circa 1760: Map of Lake Ontario Showing places on its shores, 1757, with pictures of the English and French fleets on the lake in 1756-7. Also the territory around Fort Frontenac, Cataraqui, near Kingston, Fort Niagara, Fort Ontario, (Oswego). From the original drawing in the British Museum. / Carte Du Lac ontario nouvellemau Relleve avec ces port a grend poir abittee Lescadre Engloisse & francoisse Leur greinaint Leur Cantitee de Canon faitte a Frontenac ce 4 octobre 1757
Pierre Francois Tardieu: Royaume de Portugal Carte General
A.L. Marshall: Map of Woodhouse
Van de Velde; Augustus Petermann: Principal Dutch Colonies, in the Indian Seas. / Java
Homann: Tabula Poliometrica Germaniae ac Praecipuorum Quorundam Locorum Europae / Neu vermehrter Curioser Meilen-Zeiger der vurnehmsten Stadte in Europa besonders in Teutschland, wie vielgememe Teutche Meilen solche voneinander entlegen. Zum Exempel..
J.A. Pope: Gore of Toronto
J.A. Pope: Southern Half Toronto Township
J.A. Pope: North Part of Toronto
J.A. Pope: Southern Part of Georgetown / Esquesing Township
J.A. Pope: Northern Part of Esquesing
Bellin: Carte de la Mer Caspienne et ses Environs
F. de Wit: Carta Nova accurata del Passagio et strada dalli Paesi Bassi per via de Allemagna per Italia et per via di Paesi Suizeri a Geneva, Lione et Roma per Servizio delli Marchanti et viagianti in Genale ad instan, za delli Ss: scherer et di Mom, forti speditori delli Marchantie in Bregens, dato in luce da Frederico de Wit di Amsterdam l'anno 1671
F. de Wit: Regnum Hungaria in Omnes suos Comitatus Accurate Divisum et Editum
F. de Wit: Orientalior Districtus Regni Angliae, Comprehendens Comitatus et Provincias Cantium Suthsexiam, Hantoniam, Surriam, Essexiam, Middlesexiam, Bercheriam, Hartfordiam, Buckingamiam, Cantabrigiam, Nortfolciam, Oxoniam, Bedfordiam, Suffolciam, Lincolniam, Huntingdoniam, Northamtoniam, Nottingamiam, Leicestriam, Rudlandiam, Cum Insula Vecti
F. de Wit: Illustrissimo Celsissimoque Principi Carolo Emanueli D.G. Sabaudiae Duci, Pedemontii Principi etc. Hanc accuratam Status Sabaudici Tabulam in Ducatum Sabaudiae, Principatum Pedemontii, Comitatum Nicaeensem et caeteras Partes Minores exacte divisam
G. H. Swanston: Island of Ceylon
F. de Wit: Episcopatus et Principatus Leodiensis et Namurcensis Comitatus, cum Brabantiae, Luxemburgi etc, Finitimis typus Novissimus
G. de L'Isle: Carte d'Artois et des Environs; ou l'on voit le Ressort du Conseil Provincial d'Artois: Dresse sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie des Sciences
Joh. Bapt. Homanno: L'Allemagne, distinguee en ses Cercles & subdivisee en ses Etats contenant son Etendue presente rectifiee & methodiquement enluminees suivant les Elements de Geographie de Mr Schatz / Imperii Romano-Germanici in suos Status et Circulos divisi tabula generalis in usus Juventutis erudiendae accommodata
F. de Wit: Ducatus Slesvicensis in omnes suas praefecturas circulos et provincias Distinte Divisus
Robert Morden: Scotland
Saxton: Scotia Regnum
G. de L'Isle; Tobias Conrad Lotter: Mappa Totius Mundi Adornata juxta Observationes et nonnullorum aliorum, secundum annotationes recentilsimas. Per G. de L'Isle Geographum Parisiis. Prostat nunc in Officina Tobiae Conradi Lotter Geogr. et Chaleogr. Aug. Vind
C.A. Schott; A. Lindenkohl: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey / Map Showing Lonitude Stations and Connections determined by means of the electric telegraph between 1846 and June 30, 1887
Wenceslao Godreccio [Waclaw Grodecki];Ortelius: Poloniae finitimarumquc locorum descriptio
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Regnum Norwegiae accurata et novissima Delineatione juxta V. Praefecturas Generales Aggerhusiensem, Bergensem, Nidrosiens. Wardhusiens. et Bahus. aeri incis cura et sumtibus Tobiae Conradi Lotter Sac. Caes. Maj. Geographo Aug. V. / Norweigiae pars Septentrionalis ob oculos ponens
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Mappa Geographica ex novisimis observationibus repraesentans Regnum Poloniae et Magnum Ducatum Lithuaniae. Cura et Sumptibus Tobiae Conradi Lotter Geogr. Aug. Vindel
John Thomson: Birman Empire
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Belgica Foederata complectens Septem Provincias, Ducatum Geldriae, Comitatus Hollandiae, et Zeelandiae, Dioec: Traject: Trasisul: Groningam et Frisiam et circumjacentes Provincias. Mappa Geographica suma diligentia noviter exarata per Tobia Conr: Lotter Geogr: Aug: V
Carel Allard: Totius Regni Hungariae Maximaeque Partis Danubii Fluminis una cum adjacentibus et finitimis Regionibus Novissim Delineatio per Carolum Allard
H. Jaillot: La Suisse divisee en ses Treze Cantons, Ses Alliez & Ses Sujets, Presente a Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne Par son tres Humble, et tres Obeissant Serviteur H. Iaillot. / Nova Helvetiae, Foederatarumque cum ea, nec non Sbditarum Regionum Tabula, ad Ufum Serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis
Rigobert Bonne: Le Nouveau Mexique avec la partie septentrionale de l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Ancien ou de la Nouvelle Espagne
Thomas Kitchin: A General Map of India, including the Empire of Hindostan, with the Kingdom of Bengal & its other dependencies
John Selby: Scooping Avocet
Watteau: Mort du Marquis de Montcalm Gonzon
Eduard Hildebrandt (1818 - 1869): San Francisco / Strasse in St. Francisco mit einem Dampf-Omnibus
Nathaniel Dance: Proof Lord Apseley and his Brother
L. Visconti: Fontaine Louvois / Construite a Paris en 1839
P.A. Dedreux: Bargilia / Euromus
L. Visconti: Fontaine du Mercure / Destinee a la Ville de Bordeaux
Irvine: The Town of York (Toronto), Upper Canada (Ontario), in 1820--painted on the spot by Mr. Irvine--a Scotch artist. This reproduction is from the original oil, and shows Front street from the Garrison on the west to the site of the Parliament Buildings of
Cecile: Thebes. Karnak / Vue de la porte et des temples du sud
L. Le Breton: Voyage au Pole Sud et dans l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Oceanie / Aiguade aux Iles Auckland
Ben Herring: The Silks and Satins of the Turf. From the original Picture in the possession of Arthur Southard Esqre. to whom the plate is respectfully dedicated by the Publisher, Thomas McLean / The Silks and Satins of the Field. From the original Picture in the posse
Robert Gardelle: Veue de la Ville de Geneve du cote du Septentrion / Veue de la Ville de Geneve du cote du Midy
Alex F Packham: Drying Copra in the South Sea Islands
Bonerman: New Zealand People: Old-Time Maori Chief / Felling a Kauri Pine / New Guinea Man with Fish Trap / Sheep Dipping
Alex F Packham: Australian People: The Prospector / Sugar-Cane Growers / The Stockman / The Bullocky
S. Trosolix: Dairy Cows in Victoria, Australia
Alex F Packham: An Indian Peasant's Home
Paul B. Mann: Unloading Cotton at Manchester Docks
Mac Tatchell: Men of India: Village Mat Makers / The Fruit Seller / Brass and Copper Smiths
Alex F Packham: Sheep-Raising in New Zealand
Major Henry Davis: [View of Niagara Falls]
Janssonius: Insulae Iohannis Mayen Cum Universo Situ Sinuum Et Promontoriorum
Robert H. Colebrooke: South View of Sewandroog
Robert H. Colebrooke: S.W. View of Ootra-Durgum
Stanfield: Corfu
Ridley (Mark): A Short Treatise of Magneticall Bodies and Motions
Reverend J. Birkmyre, A.M: A Sermon on the Sanctification of the Lord's Day. Preached in Saint Paul's Church, Fredericton, N.B. on Sabbath, 1st March, 1840
Aberdeen, Governor-General of Canada: Personal correspondence: requesting leave for Canadian soldiers
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: The First Part of the Life and Achievements of the Renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha
John Walker: A Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman s Magazine. By John Walker LL.B., Fellow of New College. / In Four Volumes. / Vol. I. Researches, Historical and Antiquarian. / Vol. II. I. Ancient and Modern Literature, Criticism and Philology. II. Philosophy and Natural History / Vol. III. I. Letters to and From Eminent Persons. II. Miscellaneous Articles, including Anecdotes of Extraordinary Persons, Useful Projects and Inventions, &c. &c. / Vol. IV. Biographical Memoirs, Literary Anecdotes, and Characters. Topographical Notices. / Third Edition
Sir Richard Burton, tr: A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments. Now Entitled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night with Introduction Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men and a Terminal Essay upon the History of The Nights (With) The Supplements to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night
Rudyard Kipling: [Nine-Volume Set of the Works of Rudyard Kipling]
“Soldiers Three”; “The Story of the Gadsbys”; “In Black and White”; “Under the Deodars”; “The Phantom ‘Rickshaw”; “Wee Willie Winkie”; “Plain Tales from the Hills”; “Life’s Handicap: Being Stories of Mine Own People”; “The Light that Failed”; “Experimental Ditties”; “Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads”; “From Sea to Sea: Letters of Marque”; “From Sea to Sea: Letters of Travel”; “From Sea to Sea: American Notes”; “From Sea to Sea: City of Dreadful Night”.
P. Brydone: A Tour Through Sicily and Malta in a Series of Letters to William Beckford
J. Bouchette: Sketch of Niagara River between Queenston and Chippewa
Rizzi Zannoni: Plan De Varsovie Leve Par Ordre De Son Exc.M. Le C. Bielinski Grand Marcechal De La Couronne Dedie A Son Exc. M. Le C. Wielhorski G. Maitre d\'Hotel du G.D. de Lithuanie Starofte de Kaminiec; (Warsaw)
David Taylor; Owen; Bayfield; Pinkelton: New Travelling and Commercial Map of the Canadas, From the Sault of St. Marie to the River Saguenay. And a Large Section of the United States of America; Compiled from the latest Surveys & most approved Authorities. / Dedicated by permission to Commodore Robert Barrie, C.B. &c, &c, &c, By his Obliged Obedient Humble Servant, David Taylor, R. N
Zanoni; Kauffer; Rougeroh; Islenich Sulzer; Kinsbergen: Empire de Russie
David Ramsay; Thomas Abernethie; Charles Picquet: Esquisse des Operations du Siege De Charleston, Capitale de la Caroline Meridionale en 1780
David Ramsay; Thomas Abernethie; Charles Picquet: Plan du Siege D'York et de Gloucester par les Armees Allies, en Septembre et Octobre 1781
Pinkerton: Jersey and Guernsey
De Fer, N: La Sphere Artificielle
Rapkin: Arabia