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Ann K.S. Lambton: Persian Vocabulary
Captain James Wilson; William Wilson; James Morrison: A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, Performed in the Years 1796, 1797, 1798, in the Ship Duff, Commanded by Captain James Wilson. Compiled from Journals of the Officers and the Missionaries; and Illustrated with Maps, Charts, and Views, Drawn by Mr. William Wilson, and engraved by the most eminent Artists. With a Preliminary Discourse on the Geography and History of the South Sea Islands; and an Appendix, Including Details Never Before Published, of the Natural and Civil State of Otaheite; by a Committee Appointed for the Purpose By the Directors of the Missionary Society
Jack London: The Game and The Abysmal Brute / The Fitzroy Edition
Catharine Parr Traill; Mary Agnes Fitzgibbon: Pearls and Pebbles; or Notes of an Old Naturalist. By Catharine Parr Traill, Author of “Studies of Plant Life,” “Lost in the Backwoods,” “Afar in the Forest,” Etc., Etc. With Biographical Sketch, by Mary Agnes Fitzgibbon Author of “A Veteran of 1812,” “A Trip to Manitoba,” Etc., Etc
Robertson Davies: The Table Talk of Samuel Marchbanks
Ogden Nash: Versus
Margaret Forster: The Park
Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
“Tom” E. Kyle: The Investigator (copyrighted) / Founded upon Actual Facts
Mario Giusti: Rime Piccine
Eudora Welty: Losing Battles
Richard van de Gohm: Antique Maps for the Collector
Gabriel Gravier: Carte des Grands Lacs de l’Amerique du Nord dressée en 1670 Par Bréhan de Gallinée Missionnaire sulpicien
Julian P. Boyd; R. Norris Williams, editors: The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
R. Cole Harris; John Warkentin: Canada Before Confederation: A Study in Historical Geography
Cheryl Hahn: Measuring a Vision: The Mapping of Chicago’s Waterways / An Exhibition hosted by the Illinois State Museum Lockport Gallery 22 May – 14 August 1988
Bill Mauldin: Up Front
Claude Boudreau; Serge Courville: L’analyse de la carte ancienne: essai methodologique / la carte du Bas-Canada de 1831 de Joseph Bouchette
Miss Pardoe: The Beauties of the Bosphorus; by Miss Pardoe, from Drawings by William H. Bartlett. / The Beauties of the Bosphorus. By Miss Pardoe. Illustrated in a Series of Views of Constantinople and its Environs, from Original Drawings by W.H. Bartlett
Samuel Rogers: Italy, a Poem. By Samuel Rogers
Arthur Mangin; Anonymous (translator): The Desert World or, The Scenery, Animal and Vegetable Life, and Physical Character of the Wildernesses and Waste Places of the Earth. From the French of Arthur Mangin. / By the Translator of “The Bird,” by Michelet. With 160 Illustrations by W. Freeman, Foulquier, and Yan’Dargent. / New Edition, Revised
Francis Palgrave: History of the Anglo-Saxons. By Francis Palgrave, F.R.S., F.S.A. Illustrated
Dionysius Lardner; T. Olver Harding: Natural Philosophy for Schools
Sir Walter Scott; J.M.W. Turner (illustrator): The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. / Vol. VII / Marmion
Cicero; Marcus Tullius; John Davies, ed: M. Tullii Ciceronis de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum Libri Quinque. Ex Recensione Joannis Davisii, Coll. Regin. Cantab. Praesidis. Cum Ejusdem Animaduersionibus, et Notis Integris Petr. Victorii, P. Manucii, Joach. Camerarii, D. Lambini, ac Fulvii Ursini. / Editio Nova
Cicero; Marcus Tullius; John Davies, ed: M. Tullii Ciceronis de Natura Deorum Libri Tres, cum Notis Integris Paulii Manutii, Petri Victorii, Joachimi Camerarii, Dionys, Lambini, Fulv, Ursini, et Joannis Walkeri. Recensuit, Suisque Animadversionibus Illustravit ac Emaculavit Joannes Davisius, Coll. Regin. Cantab. Praeses. / Editio Nova
Xenophon; J. Gottlob Schneider: [Greek text]. Xenophontis Historiae Graecae Libri Septem. Recensuit Notas J. C. Zeunii in Librum Primum Observationes F. A. Wolfii Suasque Adjecit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo
Edward Dowden: New Studies in Literature: New Edition
Bernard Holland: Imperium et Libertas: A Study in History and Politics
Sir John Lubbock: Scientific Lectures
William Robertson; Dugald Stewart: The Works of William Robertson, D.D. to Which is Prefixed, an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Dugald Stewart, F.R.S. Edin. In Six Volumes. / The History of Scotland / The History of Charles V / The History of America
Ella Agnew: Legaleasy: a step-by-step legal guide to collecting for Canadian art galleries and museums / Le droit a la portee de tous: A l’intention des musees et des galeries d’art au Canada, un guide sur les questions juridiques qui interessent les collectionneurs
Karl Baedeker: Switzerland together with Chamonix and the Italian Lakes: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Belgium and Holland including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Paris and Environs With Routes from London to Paris: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Northern Italy including Ravenna, Florence, and Pisa: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Spain and Portugal: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Great Britain: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Southern Germany (Wurtemberg and Bavaria): Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Italy: Handbook for Travellers / First Part: Northern Italy including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna, and Routes through Switzerland and Austria
Karl Baedeker: Switzerland and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: London and its Environs: Handbook for Travellers / Index of Streets and Plans of London
Karl Baedeker: Italy: Handbook for Travellers / Second Part: Central Italy and Rome / Index of Streets and Plans of Rome
Karl Baedeker: Italy: Handbook for Travellers / Third Part: Southern Italy and Sicily, with Excursions to the Lipari Islands, Malta, Sardinia, Tunis, and Corfu
Karl Baedeker: Northern France from Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire excluding Paris and its Environs: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Northern Germany as far as the Bavarian and Austrian Frontiers: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Northern Germany as far as the Bavarian and Austrian Frontiers with excursions to Copenhagen and the Danish Islands: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Southern France including Corsica: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: Berlin and its Environs: Handbook for Travellers
Karl Baedeker: The Rhine: From Rotterdam to Constance: Handbook for Travellers
Henry Gastineau: Wales Illustrated, in a Series of Views, Comprising the Picturesque Scenery, Towns, Castles, Seats of the Nobility & Gentry, Antiquities, &c.; Engraved in steel from original drawings by Henry Gastineau. Accompanied by Historical and Topographical Descriptions
Blanchard Jerrold: The Life of George Cruikshank in Two Epochs
Charles Smith: Smith s New General Atlas Containing Distinct Maps Of all the Principal Empires, Kingdoms, & States Throughout the World Arranged According to the General Treaty signed in Congress at Vienna June 1815
Blaeu, Willem Jansz: Tabula Islandiae Auctore Georgio Carolo Flandro
Wit, Frederick de: Norvegia Regnum Divisum in fuos Diaeceses Nidrosiensem, Bergensem, Opsloensem, et Stavangriensem et Praefecturam Bahusiae Quae et Sont Subdivisae in in Caeteras oartes minores
Homann Heirs: Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa Regiones
Commander J.G. Boulton; W.J. Stewart: Collingwood and its Approaches / Canada / Georgian Bay-Lake Huron
J. Bartholomew Jr: Islands of Japan / Japan, Mandshuria. (Showing the Course of the Amur River) / The Kurile Isles &c., According to the British & Russian Admiralty Surveys, Krusenstern, Siebold, &c. / Port of Nagasaki. In the Island of Kiou-siou
Blaeu: Venezuela, cum parte Australi Novae Andalusiae
Charles E. Goad: Map of Part of the Province of Ontario Showing All Cities Towns and Villages of over 200 Inhabitants - with Populations Number of Sheets in Insurance Plan - Appliances for Protection Against Fire and all Counties, Townships and Railways. / Map of Part of the Province of Ontario. District West of Toronto. / Map of Part of the Province of Ontario. ... Toronto to Kingston
Blaeu: Africae nova descriptio
De Wit: Novissima prae caeteris aliis accuratissima Regnorum Angliae, Scotiae Hiberniae
D' Anville; Homann Heirs: Guinea Propria nec non Nigritiae vel Terrae Nigrorum maxima pars..
F. De Wit: Novissima nec non Perfectissima Scandinaviae Tabula comprehendens Regnorum Sueciae, Daniae et Norvegiae..
J. Pope: Nelson
J. Pope: Village of Burlington compiled from registered plans
Nicolas De Fer: Les Isles Britanique ou se trouvent les royaumes d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'Irlande. Tirees des Meilleurs Auteurs du Pays Par N. de Fer
Nicolaes Visscher: Exactissima Helvetiae Rhaetiae, Valesia Caeterorumq Confoederatorum ut et finitimorum Populorum Regionum Tabula. / Illustrissimis, Potentissimis ac Florentissimis Rebus - Publicis Helvetiorum, Tigurinae, Bernensi Basiliensi Scaphusinae Novam hanc & postomnes alias Exactissimam Helvetiae Tabulam d.d.d
F. de Wit: Scotia Regnum divisum in Partem Septentrionalem et Meridionalem Subdivisas in Comitatus, Vicecomitatus Provincias Praefecturas Dominia et Insulas
F. de Wit: Regni Poloniae et Ducatus Lithuaniae Voliniae, Podoliae Ucraniae Prussiae et Curlandiae Novissima et Correctissima Descriptio
F. de Wit: Accuratissima Principatus Cataloniae et Comitatuum Ruscinonis, et Cerretaniae Descriptio
F. de Wit: Magnae Tartariae, Magni Mogolis Imperii, Japoniae et Chinae, Nova Descriptio
F. de Wit: Terra Sancta, sive Promissionis, olim Palestina recens delineata, et in lucem edita per Fredericum de Wit
F. de Wit: Novissima ac prae caeteris alus accuratissima Regni et Insulae Hiberniae Delineatio, in qua sunt Lagenia, Ultonia, Connachia, et Momonia, Provinciae, Divisae in triginta duos Comitatus qui et sunt divisi in omnes subjacentes Baronnatus
F. de Wit: Status Ecclesiasticus et Magnus Ducatus Thoscanae