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Leberthais, C: Regne Animal de Mr. le Baron Cuvier, Dispose en Tableaux Methodiques / Insectes
Delile, M: H.N. Botanique / Fucus Proteus. 5. Ulva Fasciata
Redoute, H. J: H.N. Zoologie. Poissons Du Nil. / 1. Le Mormyre Oxyrhynque. Mormyrus Oxyrhyncus. 2. Le Mormyre D'Hasselquist. Mormyrus Caschive. Anatomie des Mormyres
Redoute, H. J: H.N. Zoologie. Poissons du Nil. / 1.2. Le Pimelode Guemel. Pimelodus Membranaceus. 3.4. Le Pimelode Scheilan. Pimelodus Clarias
Redoute, H. J: H.N. Zoologie. Poissons du Nil. / 1. Le Tetrodon Fahaka. Tetrodon Physa. 2. Le Tetrodon Herisse. Tetrodon Hispidus
M. de Roziere: H.N. Mineralogie
Pownall: A View of the City of Boston the Capital of New England in North America
Bodmer, Carl: Lager der gros Ventres de Prairies am obern Missouri / Camp des Gros Venres des Prairies sur le Missouri / Camp of the Gros Ventres of the Prairies on the upper Missouri
Bodmer, Carl: Snags (Im Missouri Versunkene aumstamme) / Snags (Troncs d'Arbres Obstruant Le Cours du Missouri) / Snags (Sunken Trees) on the Missouri
Bodmer, Carl: Assiniboin Baumgraber. Tombeaux des Assiniboins dans des Arbres. Tombs of Assiniboin Indians on Trees
Bodmer, Carl: Merkwurdige Hugel am obern Missouri / Collines Singulieres sur le haut Missouri / Remarkable Hills on the upper Missouri
Bodmer, Carl: New-Harmony am Wabash / New-Harmony sur le Wabash / New Harmony on the Wabash
Bodmer, Carl: Vereinigung Des Yellow-Stone Flusses Mit Dem Missouri. / Confluent de la Riviere Roche Jaune et du Missouri. / Junction of the Yellow Stone River with the Missouri
Bodmer, Carl: Missouri Indianer. / Oto Indianer. / Chef der Puncas. / Indien Missouri / Indien Ote / Cheft des Puncas / Missouri Indian / Oto Indian / Chief of the Puncas
Vander Aa, Pieter: Moruma Ville de la Tartarie-Mosvocite
Punt, J: La Ville de Babylone
Le Breton: Steamer Le Franklin Bassin de la Floride au Havre 1851
Le Breton: Le Humboldt Paquebot de New-York au Havre 1851
Roberts, David: Medinet About, Thebes
Roberts, David: Ruins of the Memnonium, Thebes
Roberts, David: Ruins of Baalbec
Roberts, David: Crypt of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Roberts, David: Chapel of the Convent of St. Catherine, On Mount Sinai
Roberts, David: Approach to Mount Sinai
Roberts, David: Island of Graia, Gulf of Akabah
Roberts, David: Tyre From the Isthmus
Roberts, David: Temple Of Dandour, Nubia
Roberts, David: Part of the Ruins of a Temple on the Island of Bigge, Nubia
Roberts, David: Ruins of the Temple of Medamout, Near Thebes
Roberts, David: Temple of Wady Kardassy, Nubia
Roberts, David: Tomb of Aaron, Summit of Mount Hor
Roberts, David: View from under the Portico of Dayr-El-Medeenem, Thebes
Roberts, David: Christian & Mahomedan Chapels on the Summit of Sinai
Roberts, David: General View of Kalabshee, Formerly Talmis, Nubia
Roberts, David: Church of St. Helena, Bethlehem
Roberts, David: Colossi at Wady Saboua
Roberts, David: A Colossal Statue at the Entrace to the Temple of Luxor
Roberts, David: Descent upon the Valley of the Jordan
Roberts, David: Suez
Roberts, David: Caiphas. Looking Towards Mount Carmel
Roberts, David: Tombs of the Memlooks, Cairo, With an Arab Funeral
Roberts, David: Jacob's Well at Shechem
Roberts, David: Church of the Annunciation
Roberts, David: Mount Calvary
Roberts, David: Nazareth
Roberts, David: Cana
Roberts, David: Gaza
Roberts, David: Jericho
Roberts, David: The Sea of Tiberias
Roberts, David: St. Jean D'Acre
Roberts, David: Convent of St. Saba
Roberts, David: Encedi
Roberts, David: Encampment of the Aulad-Sa'id
Roberts, David: Ascent of the Lower Range of Sinai
Roberts, David: Hebron
Roberts, David: Cape Blanco
Roberts, David: Askelon
Roberts, David: Nablous. Ancient Shechem
Roberts, David: Tombs of the Mamelukes, Cairo
Roberts, David: Shrine of the Holy Sepulchre
Roberts, David: The Theatre
Roberts, David: The Ravine
Roberts, David: Tiberias
Roberts, David: Sabaste, Ancient Samaria
Roberts, David: Interior of the Mosque of the Sultan El Ghoree
Roberts, David: Lydda
Roberts, David: Ruined Mosques in the Desert West of the Citadel
Roberts, David: The Letter-Writer
Roberts, David: The Nilometer on the Island of Rhoda, Cairo
Roberts, David: Ruins of Maharraka, Nubia
Roberts, David: Obelisk of On
Roberts, David: Ruins of Erment, Ancient Hermontis, Upper Egypt
Roberts, David: Approach to the Temple of Wady Saboua, Nubia
Roberts, David: Fortress of Akabah, Arabia Peteraea
Roberts, David: Temple of Tafa in Nubia