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Gallagher, Thomas Michael: Fire at Sea: The Story of the Morro Castle
Jackson, Robert: Coroner: The Biography of Sir Bentley Purchase
Shaw, Irwing: Report on Israel
Caldwell, Erskine: North of the Danube
White, Margaret Bourke: Purple Heart Valley: A Combat Chronicle of the War in Italy
Franklin, Charles: Woman in the Case
Browne, Douglas G. and E. V. Tullett: The Scalpel of Scotland Yard: The Life of Sir Bernard Spilsbury
White, T. H: The Age of Scandal: An Excursion Through a Minor Period
Morris, Gouverneur: A Diary of the French Revolution: Volume I and II
Fowler, George: History of the War: Or, A Record of the Events, Political and Military, Between Turkey and Russia, and Russia and the Allied Powers of England and France; Showing the Origin and Progress of the War to the End of the Year 1854
Francois Furet; Mona Ozouf: A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution
David C. Chandler: Napoleon's Marshals
Charles Miller: Battle for the Bundu: The First World War in East Africa
V.E. Tarrant: Jutland: The German Perspective - A New View of the Great Battle, 31 May 1916
John Campbell: Jutland: An Analysis of the Fighting
Fitchett, W.H: How England Saved Europe: The Story of the Great War 1793-1815
Holmes, T.R.E: A History Of The Indian Mutiny And Of The Disturbances Which Accompanied It Among The Civil Population
Long, Robert Ballard: Peninsular Cavalry General (1811-13): The Correspondence of Lieutenant-General Robert Ballard Long
Henry Curling (Ed.); Intro by Hon. Sir John Fortescue: Recollections / Reminiscences of Rifleman Harris (Soldiers' Tales Series)
Christopher Duffy: Siege Warfare: The Fortress in the Early Modern World, 1494-1660
Taylor, Thomas E: Running the Blockade
Carr, Albert H. Z: The Coming of War: An Account of the Remarkable Events Leading to the War of 1812
Lee, Henry: The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas with Remarks Historical and Critical on Johnson's Life of Greene
Gary W. Gallagher: Fighting for the Confederacy: The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander (Civil War America)
Hafendorfer, Kenneth A: Perryville: Battle for Kentucky
Jean Cocteau: Cocteau: 3 Screenplays
Cocteau, Jean: The Blood of a Poet and the Testament of Orpheus. Two Screenplays
Rene Clair: Four screenplays: Le silence est d'or. La beaute du diable. Les belles-de-nuit. Les grandes manoeuvres
DeSica, Vittorio: Miracle In Milan
A. L. Long: Memoirs of Robert E. Lee: His Military and Personal History
Larry J. Daniel: Shiloh: The Battle That Changed the Civil War
Young, James C: Marse Robert: Knight of the Confederacy
Tate, Allen: Jefferson Davis: His Rise and Fall
Swanson, Neil: The First Rebel Being a Lost Chapter of Our History & a True Narrative of America's First Uprising Against English Military Authority & an Account of the First Fighting between Armed Colonists & British Regulars Together with a Biography of Col. J. Smith
Nichols, Roy F: The Stakes of Power 1845-1877
Davis, Evangeline: Rebel Raider. A Biography of Admiral Semmes
Jones, Virgil Carrington: Gray Ghosts and Rebel Raiders: The Daring Exploits of the Confederate Guerillas
Bergier, Jacques: Secret Weapons -- Secret Agents
Taylor, Telford: The Breaking Wave: The Second World War in the Summer of 1940
Telford Taylor: Munich: The Price of Peace
Bracher, Karl Dietrich: The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure and Effects of National Socialism
Harold C. Deutsch: Hitler and His Generals: The Hidden Crisis, Jan.-June, 1938
Taylor, Telford: The March of Conquest, The German Victories in Western Europe, 1940
Deutsch, Harold C: Conspiracy Against Hitler in the Twilight War
Serge Lang; Ernst von Schenck: Memoirs of Alfred Rosenberg
William Stevenson: The Bormann Brotherhood
McGovern, James: Martin Bormann: The Life and Disappearance of Hitler's Closest Confidant as Revealed by a Former CIA Agent
James J. Weingartner: A Peculiar Crusade: Willis M. Everett and the Malmedy Massacre
John Dornberg: Putsch That Failed: Munich, 1923 - Hitler's Rehearsal for Power
Hanser, Richard: Putsch! How Hitler Made Revolution
Brook-Shepherd, Gordon: Dollfuss
Harold J. Gordon: Hitler and the Beer Hall Putsch (Princeton Legacy Library)
Robertson Davies: The Rebel Angels
King, Alexander: Mine Enemy Grows Older
Morehouse, Ward: Matinee Tomorrow: Fifty Years of Our Theatre
Coward, Noel: Pomp and Circumstance
Coward, Noel: Present Indicative
Nadine Gordimer: The House Gun
H. L Mencken: A Gang of Pecksniffs: And Other Comments on Newspaper Publishers, Editors and Reporters
Bruce Henderson: Fatal North: Murder Survival Aboard USS Polaris First US Expedition North Pole
Noel, Captain John: The Story of Everest
Paton , Alan: Tales From a Troubled land
Dominic Lieven: Russia Against Napoleon: The True Story of the Campaigns of War and Peace
Jose Marti: Jose Marti: Major Poems, Bilingual Edition
Douglas Savage: Court Martial Of Robert E. Lee
Stephen Z Starr: Jennison's Jayhawkers: A Civil War Cavalry Regiment and its Commander
Thomas, Caitlin: Leftover Life to Kill
Tarbell, Ida M: A Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Clapp, Frederick Mortimer: Against a Background on Fire, 1938-1943
Blunden, Edmund: Shelley: A Life Story
Rukeyser, Muriel: One life
Sitwell, Osbert: Noble Essences or Courteous Revelations
Vechten, Carl van: Lords of the Housetops: Thirteen Cat Tales
Bill, Alfred Hoyt: The Beleaguered City: Richmond, 1861-1865
Robinson, Kenneth: Wilkie Collins: A Biography