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Aa, Pieter van der: H.Benzös Scheep-Togt nit Italie over Spanje nade Westindiae Eylandenm en Kusten van't Zuider America Bartlett, William H: Alexandria Basire, Isaac: Battle of Maestricht. Plan of the Camp of the Allies, commanded by Mons.r D'Auverquerque, and the manner in which it was drawn up in the Battle, when the Army of the Two Crowns advanced to Attack It May 14th 1703
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Carte de l'Archipel de St Lazare ou les Isles Marianes.. Benard: Canal de Noël sur la côte S.O. de la Terre de Feu Bertius, Petrus: Terra Nova
Bertius, Petrus: Livoniæ Descrip Blaeu, Johannes: Cantium Vernacule Kent Bougard, Réné: Constantinopolis; Londinium; Roma Moderna; Lima...; Amstelodamum
Bowen, Thomas: Hungary with part of the Adjoining Principalities &c Bowen, Emanuel: The Solar System, with the Orbits of 5 remarkable Comets Brion de la Tour, Louis: Position respective des Peuples de la Terre
Churchill: A Malabar Man and Wooman Cook, Capt. James: An Accurate Representation of Sea Horse, which Capt.n Cook met with on his Third Voyage, on the Ice, near West Coast of North America, nine of which Animals were shot by his order & used for fresh Provisions Crépy: Globe Terrestre. Globe Celeste
Dapper, Olfert: Delineatio regionis Bassora cum pagis, Flumeinibus et Insulis, quæ Christiani Sancti Ioannis incolunt Dawson, R.K: Dumbarton De Fer, Nicolas: Correspondance du Globe Terrestre a la Sphere Celeste. Situation des Habitans du Monde, Des Circles de Longitude et de Latitude, et des Diverses Positions de la Sphere
Vianni, Viol: Piano del Porto, e degli Stabilimenti Pensacola Geograhia: Ramblers' Map to London's Countryside. N.W. Section. Chiltern Country.. Harris, John: The Inhabitants of California in their respective Dresses
Hogg, Alexander: Chart of Cooks River in the N.W. part of America Hogg, Alexander: Three View of Arched Point on Kerguelen's Land Hogg, Alexander: Natives of the Molucca Islands playing on Musical Instruments called the Rabana
Homann, Johann Baptist: Virginia, Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali Britannorum industria.. Homann, Johann Baptist: Nova et accurata Carinthiæ Ducatus Tabula geographica Homann Heirs: Ichnographia Urbis in Tuscia primariæ Florentiæ Scenographice simul..
Jansson, Johannes: Siciliæ Veteris Typus Kane, G: City of Albany, in the State of New York Langsdorff, Georg Heinrich von: Tanz der Indianer auf Californien. Thurm der altamerikanischen Stadt Tlapallan
La Pérouse, Jean François Galoup: Promerops de la Californie Septentrionale La Pérouse, Jean François Galoup: Merle du Port des Français La Pérouse, Jean François Galoup: Male & Female Partridge of California
Lawson: North America from the Best Authorities Le Rouge, George Louis: Globe Terrestre. Globe Celeste Mallet, Alain Manesson: Dublin
Mallet, Alain Manesson: De La Sphere Mallet, Alain Manesson: Petite Tartarie Mallet, Alain Manesson: Tartarres
Mallet, Alain Manesson: Petits Tartares Mallet, Alain Manesson: Isle de Cayenne Mallet, Alain Manesson: Dannois
Mallet, Alain Manesson: Egypte Moderne Mallet, Alain Manesson: Empire des Abyssins. Das Abyssiner Landt Mercator, Gerard: Bohemia
Munster, Sebastian: [The World.] Ortelius, Abraham: Prussiae Regionis Sarmatiae Europeae Nobiliss, Vera et Nova Descriptio Ortelius, Abraham: Tartariae sive magni Chami regni typus
Ortelius, Abraham: Andaluzia Overton, Henry: The Tower of London Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles: Partie Occidentale de l'Empire de Russie...; Partie Orientale de l'Empire de Russie..
Ruscelli, Girolamo: Mamarica Nuova Tavola Schenk, Pieter: Upsal, Een Aerts-bischoppelyke Stad in Zweden.. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: [Six Maps of the Stars.]
Swanston, G.H: Oregon and California Tegg, William: North America Walker, John: [Untitled celestial diagrams.]
Warren, A.C: City of St. Louis Warren, A.C: City of Milwaukee Warren, A.C: The City of Detroit. (from Canada Shore.]
Warren, A.C: New Orleans Weigel, Christoph: Regni Hiberniæ accurata tabula Woodward, J.D: City of Boston. (From South Boston.)
Woodward, J.D: Luxor Zatta, Antonio: America Settentrionale divisa ne' suoi principali Stati Anon: Malta - Città Valletta
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguigon d': The Second Part of Europe Containing denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Russia; Drawn from D'Anville's Two-Sheet Map Bacon, G.W: Bacon's 'Midget' Map of Central and West London Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Continuazione della Carta della Siberia e Kamtschatka
Sanson, Nicolas: Mer Noire ou Mer Maievre Blaeu, Willem: Delphinatus vulgo Dauphiné Avec ses Confins des Pais et Provinces voisins. Par Jean De Beins Geographe et Ingenieur du Roy Brown: Canoes used by the Groenlanders
Cary, John: Chinese and Independent Tartary Churchill: [The North Atlantic.] Craig, W.M: Mode of Travelling over the Snow In Iceland