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DAVIDSON J H: The Northern Rhodesian Legislative Council
THOMSON J: Crime Scientist
TANSER G H: A Sequence of Time
GOULD T: In Limbo - the Story of Stanley's Rear Column
STEEVENS g w: With Kitchener in Khartoum
MIDDLETON D: Baker of the Nile
ALLAN I, BOY G & WARD C: Snowcaps at the Equator
YOUNG F B: Marching on Tanga
ROTBERG R I: Africa and its Explorers
McLAUGHLIN P: Ragtime Soldiers
HEALD M: Down Memory Lane with some early Rhodesian Women
MAITLAND A: Speke and the discovery of the Nile
MASON P: The Birth of a Dilemma
RICHARDS H M: False Dawn
BOND G: Remember Mazoe
GELFAND M: Gubulwayo and Beyond
BLACK C: Sable - the Story of the Salisbury Club
RANSFORD O: Rulers of Rhodesia
LONGDEN H W D: Red Buffalo
DOKE C M: Trekking in South Central Africa 1913 - 1919
KELSEY D M ed: Stanley and the White Heroes in Africa
BENNETT F: Under an African Sun
LEVERING LEWIS D: The Race for Fashoda
GODWIN P & HANCOCK I: Rhodesians never die
LORD J: Duty, Honour, Empire
SHORT R: African Sunset
OWEN C: The Rhodesian African Rifles
WYLIE J: Call-of-the-Marsh
BRODIE F M: The Devil Drives
STOKES E & BROWN R: The Zanbesian Past
EARL GREY: Hubert Hervey - Student & Imperialist
ROBINS E & LEGGE R: Animal Dunkirk
LIVEING E & NORDEN H: Across the Congo
WYMER N: The Man from the Cape
HOWARTH D: The Shadow of the Dam
CLEMENTS F: Kariba - the Struggle with the River God
JOHNSTON J: Robert Laws of Livingstonia
CLINTON I: The Story of Inyati
MACDONALD S: Martie and Others in Rhodesia
LUMLEY E K: Forgotten Mandate
FRAENKEL P: Wayaleshi
MACNAIR J I: Livingstone the Liberator
WRIGHT M: I Changed my Mind
MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE: Southern Rhodesia - Handbook for the use of Prospective Settlers on the Land
WHEELER H F H: The Story of Lord Kitchener
HUTCHINSON G T: From the Cape to the Zambesi
SPEED M: A Scamper Tour to Rhodesia and South Africa
GIBBS P: A Flag for the Matabele
HOARE R: Rhodesian Mosaic
HOLMES T ed: David Livingstone Letters and Documents
OUTPOST: Blue and Old Gold - a selection of stories from 'The Outpost' the regimental magazine of the BSAP
CAPLAN G L: The Elites of Barotseland
SCHUR T ed: From the Cam to the Zambezi
KANE N S: The World's View
R BEERMAN PUBLISHERS: The City of Bulawayo Official Guide
R BEERMAN PUBLISHERS: The City of Salisbury Official Guide
YOUNG D ed: The Search for the Source of the Nile
STISTED G M: Captain Sir Richard Burton
JONES N: Southern Rhodesian Prehistory
HOLUB E: Seven Years in South Africa (Travels N of the Zambezi)
TABLER E C: Zambezia and matabeleland in the seventies
MACKENZIE A A: Capture and Care Manual
SOUTHEY R: Storm and Sunshine in South Africa
HANDLEY C: Briton Boer & Black
TREATT S: Cape To Cairo
BOGGIE JEAN: First Steps in Civilizing Rhodesia
STEENKAMP W: Borderstrike
PERCIVAL, ROBERT: Voyage au Cap de Bonne Esperance
TACHARD, GUY, pere: Second Voyage du Pere Tachard et des Jesuites envoyez par le Roy au Royaume de Siam
LUDI G: Operation Q-018
RUFIJI ( BARKER R DE LA BERE ): The Crowded Life of a Hermit
BATEMAN P: Generals of the Anglo-Boer War
BARLOW A: Kivet of the Bush