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Smith, Jeff: The Frugal Gourmet Cooks Three Ancient Cuisines: China, Greece, And Rome
Constantine, K. C: Joey's Case
Fowler, Connie May: Sugar Cage
Herlihy, Dirlie: Ludie's Song
Hager, Jean: Ravenmocker
Rothenberg, Rebecca: The Bulrush Murders: A Botanical Mystery
Houck, Carter, and Miller, Myron: American Quilts And How To Make Them
Lourdaux, W, and Verhelst, D., eds: Benedictine Culture, 750-1050
Grant, Nellie: Nellie's Story
Midkiff, Mary D: Fitness, Performance And The Female Equestrian
Childs, Herbert: An American Genius: The Life or Ernest Orlando Lawrence, Father of the Cyclotron
Jones, Bessie Zaban, ed: The Golden Age Of Science: Thirty Portraits of the Giants of 19th Century Science by Their Scientific Contemporaries
Liebman, Marcel: The Russian Revolution
Aburish, Said K: The Rise, Corruption And Coming Fall Of The House Of Saud
Davis, William C: Look Away: A History of the Confederate States of America
Freudenberger, Nell: Lucky Girls: Stories
Gurney, Gene: Kingdoms Of Asia And The Middle East And Africa: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ruling Monarchs from Ancient Times to the Presen
Wolstein, Benjamin: Irrational Despair: An Examination of Existential Analysis
Smith, Alexander McCall: The Kalahari Typing School For Men
Koch, Kenneth: Selected Poems, 1950-1982
Constance, Harry, and Fuerst, Randall: Good To Go: The Life and Times of a Decorated Member of the U. S. Navy's Elite Seal Team Two
Burke, William Kenneth: A New Approach To Shakespeare's Early Comedies: Theoretical Foundations
Symons, Julian: Conan Doyle: Portrait of an Artist
Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich: Schubert: A Biographical Study of His Songs
Labaree, Benjamin W: Colonial Massachusetts: A History
Novak, Bogdan C: Trieste, 1941-1954: The Ethnic, Political, and Ideological Struggle
Weigley, Russell F: The Age Of Battles: The Quest for Decisive Warfare from Breitenfeld to Waterloo
Novak, Maximilian E: Daniel Defoe, Master Of Fictions: His Life And Ideas
Harms, Robert: The Diligent: A Voyage through the Worlds of the Slave Trade
Meinig, D. W: The Shaping Of America: A Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of History, Volume 2: Continental America, 1800-1867
Young, Peter: Edgehill 1642: The Campaign And The Battle
O'Malley, Patricia Trainor, and Tedesco, Paul H: A New England City: Haverhill, Massachusetts: An Illustrated History
Hildebrand, Janice: Sheboygan County: 150 Years Of Progress: An Illustrated History
Jekyll, Gertrude, and Mawley, Edward: Roses For English Gardens
Price, A. Grenfell: The Western Invasions Of The Pacific And Its Continents: A Study of Moving Frontiers and Changing Landscapes, 1513-1958
Endress, Gerhard: An Intoduction To Islam
Bulla, Ben F: Textiles And Politics: The Life of Everett Jordan; From Saxapahaw to the United States Senate
Meyers, Robert A: Handbook Of Petroleum Refining Processes
Levy, Leonard W, and Mahoney, Dennis J., editors: The Framing And Ratification of The Constitution
Pottinger, E. Ann: Napoleon III And The German Crisis, 1865-1866
Grafton, Sue: R Is For Ricochet
Armstrong, Terry A, Busby, Douglas L, and Carr, Cyril F: A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon Of The Old Testament, Volume I: Genesis-Deuteronomy
Allen, Thomas B: The Shark Almanac
Heintzelman, Donald S: Hawks And Owls Of Eastern North America
Ward, Mary Frances: The Durable People: The Community Life of Curtin Village Workers, 1810-1922
Effie, Fern: Two-Story Biscuits
Hart, Stan: Once Upon A Champion: Legendary Tennis Stars Revisited
Van Gelder, Richard G: Mammals Of The National Parks
Endicott, Francis, and Hall, Arthur Cleveland: Cuttyhunk Island And Striped Bass, 1883-1897
Cornell, Julien: The Trial Of Ezra Pound: A Documented Account of the Treason Case by the Defendant's Lawyers
Roosevelt, Nicholas: The Philippines: A Treasure and a Problem
Collis, Louise: Soldier in Paradise: The Life of Captain John Stedman, 1744-1797
Pullen, Drew: Portrait Of The Past: The Civil War on Roanoke Island, North Carolina: a Pictorial Tour
Richardson, Emeline: The Etruscans: Their Art and Civilization
Eisler, Benita: O'Keeffe And Stieglitz: An American Romance
Best, Gerald M: Iron Horses To Promontory
Lodder, Carol, and Lodder, Nigel: Making Dolls' House Interiors: Decor and Furnishings in 1/12 Scale
Putnam, Michael C. J: Essays On Latin Lyric, Elegy, And Epic
McCauley, Deborah Vansau: Appalachian Mountain Religion: A History
Zaslaw, Neal, and Cowdery, William, editors: The Compleat Mozart: A Guide to the Musical Works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Archambeault, James [Photographer]: The Gift Of Pleasant Hill: Shaker Community in Kentucky
Von Klass, Gert: Krupps: The Story Of An Industrial Empire
Epstein, Daniel Mark: What Lips My Lips Have Kissed: The Loves and Love Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay
Courlander, Harold: A Treasury Of Afro-American Folklore: The Oral Literature, Traditions, Recollections, Legends, Tales, Songs, Religious Beliefs,
Heatwole, Harold , Done, Terence , and Cameron, Elizabeth: Community Ecology Of A Coral Cay: A Study of One-Tree Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Kitto, H. D. F: Greek Tragedy: A Literary Study
Kessler, Leo: The Battle Of The Ruhr Pocket, April 1945
Symons, Julian: The General Strike: A Historical Portrait
McDonnell, Janet A: The Dispossession Of The American Indian, 1887-1934
Kidd, Sue Monk: The Secret Life Of Bees
O'Connell, Shaunl: Remarkable, Unspeakable New York: A Literary History
Bolter, J. David: Turing's Man: Western Culture in the Computer Age
Toynbee, Arnold J: An Historian's Conscience: The Correspondence of Arnold J. Toynbee and Columba Cary-Elwes, Monk of Ampleforth
Ledgin, Norm: Diagnosing Jefferson: Evidence of a Condition That Guided His Beliefs, Behavior, and Personal Associations
Jewett, Sarah Orne: The Country Of The Pointed Firs