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Edlin, H.L: British Woodland Trees
Zaidle, Don: American Man-killers
Monsarrat, Ann: An Uneasy Victorian: Thackeray the Man, 1811-1863
Roberts, Ellis: The Breaker Whistle Blows: Mining Disasters and Labor Leaders in the Anthracite Region
Hagan, Dorothy Veinus: Felicien David, 1810-1876: A Composer and a Cause
Tardieu, Jean: Formeries
Finch, Michael: G.K. Chesterton
Goytisolo, Juan: Realms Of Strife: The Memoirs of Juan Goytisolo, 1957-1982
Carter, William: Ghost Towns Of The West
Schleifer, James T: The Making Of Tocqueville's Democracy In America
Towles, Louis P., ed: A World Turned Upside Down: The Palmers of South Santee, 1818-1881
Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee's Lieutenants, A Study In Command, Volume One: Manassas to Malvern Hill
Carter, Hodding: The Angry Scar: The Story of Reconstruction
Hawks, Esther Hill: A Woman Doctor's Civil War: Ester Hill Hawks' Diary
Hibbert, Christopher: Cities And Civilizations
Bishop, Robert: Folk Painters Of America
Sawyer, Ruth: Old Con And Patrick
Hemphill, Elizabeth Anne: The Road To Keep: The Story of Paul Rusch in Japan
Klengel, Horst: The Art Of Ancient Syria Pre-Islamic Monuments of the Syrian Arab Republic
Wilson, Charles: First With The News: The History of W. H. Smith, 1792-1972
Winnacker, Karl: Challenging Years: My Life in Chemistry
Moss, Frank T: Successful Ocean Game Fishing
Lee, Richard: Forest Microclimatology
Weintraub, Stanley: Edward The Caresser: The Playboy Price Who Became Edward VII
Osborne, Charles: The Life And Crimes Of Agatha Christie: A Biographical Companion to the Works of Agatha Christie
Bunson, Matthew: The Complete Christie: An Agatha Christie Encyclopedia
Travers, Susan, and Holden, Wendy: Tomorrow To Be Brave
Nickerson, Sheila: Midnight To The North: The Untold Story of the [Inuit] Woman Who Saved the Polaris Expedition
Davies, Kevin: Cracking The Genome: Inside the Race to Unlock Human DNA
McCargo, Duncan: Chamlong Srimuang And The New Thai Politics
Kaplan, Peter R: The Historic Architecture Of Cabarrus County North Carolina
Prevas, John: Xenophon's March Into the Lair of the Persian Lion
Smith, Lee: News Of The Spirit
Brown, Robert M., et al: Where The Birds Are: The 100 Best Birdwatching Spots in North America
De Lint, Charles: The Little Country
Hall, Mark, and Barry, John: Sunburst: The Ascent of Sun Microsystems
De Bustamante, Manuel S: Offering
Smith, Marcella Henley: Confetti
Waldbauer, Gilbert: The Birder's Bug Book
Singh, Simon: The Code Book: The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary, Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography
Pendley, William Perry: War On The West: Government Tyranny on America's Great Frontier
Carter, Joseph E: Damn The Allegators
Marsh, Michael S: Quest For The Limit: Carolina Hunting Adventures
Bradley, James: Flyboys: A True Story of Courage
Davidson, Alan: North Atlantic Seafood
Conn, Charles W: Pillars Of Pentecost
Roper, Steve, and Steck, Allen, Eds: The Best Of Ascent: Twenty-Five Years of the Mountaineering Experience
Wharton, Edith, and Mainwaring, Marion: The Buccaneers
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia: Of Love And Other Demons
Skorzeny, Otto: My Commando Operations: The Memoirs of Hitler's Most Daring Commando
Schapiro, Meyer: Modern Art, 19th & 20th Centuries: Selected Papers
Du Maurier, Daphne: Golden Lads: Sir Francis Bacon, Anthony Bacon and Their Friends
Solberg, Carl: Conquest Of The Skies: A History of Commercial Aviation in America
Wilk, Max: Get Out And Get Under
Beresford, David: Ten Men Dead: The Story of the 1981 Irish Hunger Strike
Kurzman, Dan: Ben-Gurion: Prophet of Fire
Solovyov, Vladimir, and Klepikova, Elena: Yuri Andropov: A Secret Passage Into the Kremlin
Cranfield, G. A: The Development Of The Provincial Newspaper, 1700-1760
Syrett, David: The Defeat Of The German U-boats: The Battle of the Atlantic
Clayton, Bernard: The Complete Book Of Soups And Stews
King, Spencer B: Selective Service In North Carolina In World War II
Gilliland, Mary Ellen: Summit:: A Gold Rush History of Summit, County Colorado
Ogg, David: England In The Reign Of Charles II
Larson, Charles R: American Indian Fiction
Rowland, Beryl: Blind Beasts: Chaucer's Animal World
Tarle, Eugene: Napoleon's Invasion Of Russia 1812
Horan, Julie L: The Porcelain God: A Social History of the Toilet
Schrade, Leo: Monteverdi: Creator of Modern Music
Evans, John G: The Environment Of Early Man In The British Isles
Trevelyan, Raleigh: The Golden Oriole
Reck, Rima Drell: Drieu La Rochelle And The Picture Gallery Novel: French Modernism in the Interwar Years
Marek, George R: Beethoven: Biography of a Genius
Elkins, Aaron: Make No Bones
Parker, Robert B: Chance
Nalbantian, Suzanne: Seeds Of Decadence In The Late Nineteenth-century Novel: A Crisis in Values