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Baum, Roger S: The Silly OZbuls Of Oz
Osborn, Stellanova: Jasmine Springs
O'Marie, Sister Carol Anne: Advent of Dying
Sherry, Frank: Raiders And Rebels: The Golden Age of Piracy
Gill, Richard: Happy Rural Seat: The English Country House and the Literary Imagination
Lamers, William M: The Edge Of Glory: A Biography of General William S. Rosecrans, U.S.A
Dorson, Richard M: The British Folklorists: A History
Alexander, Nancy: Here Will I Dwell: The Story of Caldwell County
Meltzer, Milton: Slavery From the Rise of Western Civilization to the Renaissance
Current, Richard N: Northernizing The South
Noel, Thomas: Theories Of The Fable In The Eighteenth Century
Garrett, Mitchell B: Horse And Buggy Days On Hatchet Creek
Lord Russell Of Liverpool: Henry Of Navarre: Henry IV of France
Smeaton, W. A: Fourcroy: Chemist and Revolutionary, 1755-1809
Wallace, Amy: The Prodigy
Abse, Joan: John Ruskin: The Passionate Moralist
Miller, William Lee: Lincoln's Virtues: An Ethical Biography
Cunliffe, Barry: The Ancient Celts
Briggs, Asa: A Social History Of England
Mayfield, Sara: The Constant Circle: H.L. Mencken and His Friends
Parkinson, Roger: Peace For Our Time: Munich to Dunkirk, the Inside Story
Bradford, Sarah: Disraeli
Dillard, Annie: Teaching A Stone To Talk: Expeditions and Encounters
Marks, Frederick W: Wind Over Sand: The Diplomacy of Franklin Roosevelt
Delieb, Eric, and Roberts, Michael: Matthew Boulton: Master Silversmith, 1760-1790
Weeks, Kent R: The Lost Tomb
Braden, Waldo W., ed: Oratory In The New South
Abrantes, Laure Junot, Duchess d': At The Court Of Napoleon: Memoirs of the Duchesse d'Abrantes
Rogers, Lucille: Light From Many Candles: A History of Pioneer Women in Education in Tennessee
Rome, Claire: An Owl Came To Stay
Eszterhas, Joe: Nark!
Juta, Rene: Cannes And The Hills
Gillick, Muriel R: Tangled Minds: Understanding Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
Investiture Ceremonies For Tenderfoot Second Class And First Class Scouts And For Installation Of A Troop
Second Class Helps
First Class Helps
The Official Uniform Badges And Insignia Of The Boy Scouts Of America As Amended And Approved June 28, 1933
Green, Girard: The Yucca Patrol Idea
Kilpatrick, William H: Character Building
Celebrating Anniversary Week The Why and How of This Activities High Spot in the Boy Scout Program
Tenderfoot Helps
Camp Fire Helps For Boy Scout Camps Ceremonies--Stunts--Games--Stories--Son gs
Wayland, Ray O., ed: Principles Of Scoutmastership A Manual for the Principles of Scoutmastershi p Training Course
Nister, Ernest: Playtime Surprises
Davis, Gordon B: An Introduction To Electronic Computers
Dupre, Judith: Skyscrapers
Montyn, Jan, and Kooiman, Dirk Ayelt: A Lamb To The Slaughter
Mowat, Farley: My Father's Son: Memories of War and Peace
Johnsgard, Paul A., ed: The Bird Decoy: An American Art Form
Hart, Georgia Herbert: Of Time And Tide
Charles, Garfield: Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols, And Agreements Between The United States Of America And Other Powers, Supp
Marti-Ibanez, Felix, ed: The Epic Of Medicine
Harden, Edgar F: Thackeray's English Humourists And Four Georges
Jensen, Vernon H: Strife On The Waterfront: The Port of New York Since 1945
Rowdon, Maurice: The Spanish Terror: Spanish Imperialism in the Sixteenth Century
Thorne, Christopher: The Issue Of War: States, Societies, and the Far Eastern Conflict of 1941-1945
Maynard, John: Browning's Youth
Teal, Donn: The Gay Militants
Liben, Meyer: New York Street Games And Other Stories And Sketches
Lambert, Mark: Dickens And The Suspended Quotation
Hofheinz, Roy: The Broken Wave: The Chinese Communist Peasant Movement, 1922-1928
Nichols, John: Minor Lives: A Collection of Biographies by John Nichols
Anderson, W. W: Kill 1 Kill 2 [Kill One Kill Two]
Judd, Richard W: Common Lands, Common People: The Origins of Conservation in Northern New England
Bakeless, John: Daniel Boone
Toliver, Raymond F, and Constable, Trevor J: Fighter General: The Life of Adolf Galland
Flannery, Sarah: In Code: A Mathematical Journey
Holman, C. Hugh: Three Modes Of Modern Southern Fiction: Ellen Glasgow, William Faulkner, Thomas Wolfe
Taylor, Robert: Saranac: America's Magic Mountain
Pillsbury, Dorothy L: No High Adobe
Jacobsen, Charles W: Colored Plates, Brief Description And Price List Of Approximately 3,000 Oriental Rugs
Ehle, John: Last One Home
Benezra, Neal: Stephan Balkenhol: Sculptures and Drawings
Akutsu, Tetsuzo: Artificial Heart: Total Replacement and Partial Support
Reich, Leonard S: The Making Of American Industrial Research: Science and Business at GE and Bell, 1876-1926