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Sawyer, W. E: Article: Rod Making for the Amateur This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Cottar, Chas: Article: the Kodak on Your Outing This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Keil, W. M: Article: Practice Game Protection..vii. Stocking Trout Streams This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Singer, Dan J: Article: a Jaguar Hunt in British Guiana This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Miller, Warren H: Article: a Boar Hunt in the Southland - Part II This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Mitchell, B. W: Article: Scenery & Salvelinus This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Rice, Arthur F: Article: Goat Hunting in the Montana Rockies This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Street, Arthur I: Article: the Battle of the Pacific - 1. Uprise of the Eight Hundred Millions This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Freeman, Lewis R: Article: Tropical Landfalls This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Lane, Franklin K: Article: Our Paternal Uncle - a Study of Western Relations This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Powell, E. Alexander: Article: Autobirds of Passage - Being the Record of a Motor Flight Along the Coast from Mexico to Alaska This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Powell, E. Alexander: Article: Autobirds of Passage - Oregon Trail - Being the Record of a Motor Flight Along the Coast from Mexico to Alaska This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Woehlke, Walter V: Article: in the Cream of the Wheat Country This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Dunn, Arthur: Article: Keeping the Coast Clear - the Japanization of Hawaii a Warning to the West This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Kyne, Peter B: Article: Trailing Bret Harte by Motor This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Powell, E. Alexander: Article: the Land of Magic Names - How a Globe-Trotter Answering the Call of Places with Alluring Names This is Not a Book but an Article or Advertisement from a Vintage Journal
Alpern, Henry: March of Philosophy
Hauser, Gayelord: Gayelord Hausers New Treasury of Secrets
McCabe, John: Charlie Chaplin
Hauser, Gayelord: Mirror Mirror on the Wall Invitation to Beauty
Hauser, Gayelord: Mirror Mirrow on the Wall Invitation to Beauty
Hargrove, Katharine T: On the Other Side
Raupert, J. Godfrey: Human Destiny & the New Psychology
Bruckberger, Raymond-Leopold: Toward the Summit
Kirchberger, Clare: The Mirror of Simple Souls
De Lestapis, Stanislas: Family Planning & Modern Problems A Catholic Analysis
Von Rudloff, Leo: Everymans Theology
Morrison, Bakewell: Catholic Church & the Modern Mind
Saint Bonaventura: Enkindling of Love Also Called the Tripple Way
Brice, Rev. Fr.: Spirit in Darkness A Companion to Book Two of the "Ascent of Mt. Carmel"
Miller, Jr. , James E & Herring, Paul D: The Arts & the Public
Collins, Marcia: The Dance of Death in Book Illustration Catalog to an Exhibition of the Collection in the Ellis Library of the University of Mo-Columbia
Denitto, Dennis: Media for Our Time An Anthology
Khrushchev, N. S: Khrushchev in America Full Texts of the Speeches Made by N. S. Khrushchev
Goodier, Alban: The Life That is Light Volume I: the Purgative Way
Tolstoy, Leo: What is Art? & Essays on Art
Valery, Paul: Occasions Vollingen Series XLV - Volume Eleven
Valery, Paul: History & Politics Vollingen Series XLV - Volume Ten
Challinor, John: Dictionary of Geology
Fielding, Henry: Dictionary of Geology
Bradley, Robert Foster & Mitchell, Robert Bell: Dictionary of Geology
Besier, Rudolf: Barretts of Wimpole Street A Comedy in Five Acts
Chesterton, G. K: The Judgement of Dr. Johnson A Comedy in Fine Acts
Barrie, J. M: Alice Sit-By-The-Fire
Barrie, J. M: Dear Brutus
Barrie, J. M: Mary Rose
Benson, Robert Hugh: The Upper Room A Drama of Christs Passion
Bosco, Antoinette: A Parent Alone
Cole, Natalie Robinson: Childrens Arts from Deep Down Inside
Burkhart, Robert C: Spontaneous & Deliberate Ways of Learning
Gittings, Robert: William Cowpers Muse
De Tocqueville, Alexis: Democracy in America, Two Volumes in Slipcase
Brookman, Laura Lou: Heart Hungry
Smith, Arthur D: Hate
Colum, Padraic: Old Pastures
Costain, Thomas B: White & the Gold French Regime in Canada
Weber, Alfred; Perry, Ralph Barton: History of Philosophy With Philosophy Since 1860 by Ralph Barton Perry
Weber, Alfred; Perry, Ralph Barton: Life of John Hay, Two Volume Set
Nordhoff, Chares & Hall, James Norman: Bounty Trilogy, 3 Volumes in 1, Wyeth Edition
Attenborough, Liz: Poetry by Heart A Childs Book of Poems to Remember
Dewey, John: Logic: the Theory of Inquiry
Clay, Bill: Elect Clay: Democrat for Congress A Political Voice At the Grass Roots
Nock, O. S: Dawn of World Railways 1800-1850 Railways of the World in Color
Schlein, Miriam: Pile of Junk
Lear, Edward: Edward Lears Nonsense Songs & Laughable Lyrics Illustrated
McBride, Alfred: Creative teaching in Christian education
Middeke, Raphael H. & Konieczny, Stanley J: Profiles from our heritage Stories of Catholics who helped shape the church of southern Illinois
Israel, Martin: Coming in Glory Christ's Presence in the World Today
cervantes, lucius: And God Made Man and Woman a Factual Discussion of Sex Differences
Gaston, E. Thayer: Music in Therapy
Goodier, Alban: Jesus Christ, the Son of God
Lorayne, Harry: How to Develop A Super Power Memory - More Money, Higher Grades & More Friends
BRIFFAULT, Robert and Malinowski Bronislaw; M.F. Ashley Montagu, editor: Marriage Past and Present. A Debate Between Robert Briffault and Bronislaw Malinowski
Hitz, P: To Preach the Gospel