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Cocagnac, A. M: Si Dieu Etait Mort IL Ne Parlerait Pas Si Fort Colettine, A Poor Clare: Heavenly Converse Snyder, Virgil: Analytic geometry of space,
Roustang, François: Growth in the Spirit Lemcke, Peter Henry: Life and work of Prince Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin, Edwin, Brother B: Points Worth Pondering
Courtois., Gaston: BEFORE HIS FACE Meditation for Priests and Religious [Vols. I-II] Deangelo, Salvatore & Jorgensen, Paul: Mathematics for Data Processing Semper, Isidore Joseph: In the Steps of Dante, Signed by Author And other papers,
Straelen, S.V.D., Ph.D. Rev. H. van: THROUGH EASTERN EYES Ahern, Patrick Henry: The Life of John J. Keane Educator and Archbishop Garwood, Irving: Heath Manual of Literature in England
Guzie, Tad: What a Modern Catholic Believes About Confession Schillebeeckx, Edward (ed.): Sacramental Reconciliation Concilium Flood, Edmund: The resurrection
Burton, Katherine: According to the Pattern The Story of Dr. Agnes McLaren and the Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries Stephenson, William: Days of Joy McCauley, George: The God of the group The influence of being-in-a-group on doing theology
Leonard, William J., ed: Liturgy for the People Essays in Honor of Gerald Ellard, 1894-1963 Holiday Magazine editors: Advertisement: , Automobile: AUSTIN of ENGLAND, 1948 "And Guess What the Grandest Dad in the World Gave Me?" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Schneiders, Alexander A: Personal Adjustment and Mental Health
Gans, David: Transformations & Geometries Steinmann, Jean: Saint Paul McGloin, Joseph T: Living in the Kingdom. Book Four
Phelan, Francis J: How to Found Your Own Religion and Other Stories Morgan, Everett J: Christian witness in the secular city Lieber, Lillian Rosanoff: Mits, wits, and logic
Mander, Alfred Ernest: Logic for the Millions McDonald, Walter: The manliness of St. Paul and other essays Sadler, A.W. ed: Journey of Western Spirituality [Annual Publication of the College Theology Society, 1980]
Roper, Anita: The Anonymous Christian Catholic Church: Declaration on the Question of the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood Mura, Ernest: The nature of the mystical body
Coathalem, Hervé: Ignatian insights A guide to the complete Spiritual exercises Zeterberg, Edited By Gendell and: A Sociological Almanac for the United States Kuiper, Nicholaas H: Linear Algebra and Geometry
Smith, Warren S: Religious Speeches of Bernard Shaw Riga, Peter J: THE CHURCH AND REVOLUTION SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE CHURCH TO O'Donnell, Charles P: The Church in the World
Feider, Paul A: Arise and Walk The Christian Search for Meaning in Suffering Welte, Jerry: Ministry in a Messy World A New Model for Effective Ministry O'Connell, Hugh J: Making a better world with Vatican II A practical commentary on "The Church in the Modern World."
Fourez, Gérard: A light grasp on life O'Brien, John A: The Catholic Way of Life Gardiner, Anne Marie: Women and Catholic priesthood An expanded vision : proceedings of the Detroit Ordination Conference
Tully, Mary Jo: Church A Faith Filled People Kiesling, Christopher: Celibacy, Prayer, and Friendship A Making-Sense-Out-Of-Life Approach Weiser, Conrad: Not so loud, I can't hear you!
Fuller, Leonard E: Linear Algebra with Applications Ficken, F.A: Linear Transformations and Matrices Beaucamp, Evode: The Bible And The Universe Israel And The Theology Of History
Barthelemy, Dominique: God and his image An outline of Biblical theology Barrosse, Thomas: Christianity mystery of love;: An essay in biblical theology Smith, Alfred Emanuel: Progressive democracy; Addresses & state papers;
Isaak, S: Basic concepts of linear algebra Schramm, Wilbur Lang: The science of human communication; New directions and new findings in communication research Staff, Friends of the Cross: Portrait of the Passion Compiled for Meditation
Comblin, José: The resurrection in the plan of salvation Oster, Henri: The paschal mystery in parish life The pastoral ministry today Eaton, Robert: The Forty Days
Brenneke, Cynthia M: Ultimate Health & Fitness Journal Includes DVD Fiske, John: Civil Government in the United States Co Buckmaster, Henrietta: Let my people go; The story of the Underground Railroad and the growth of the abolition movement
Maslowski, Raymond M: Interpersonal growth and self actualization in groups Wolff, Werner: Contemporary Psychotherapists Examine Themselves Handler, P: Life Sciences
Fenton, John Y: Theology and body Ewing, Cortez Authur Milton: Essentials of American government Yzermans, Vincent A., Editor: ALL THINGS IN CHRIST - ENCYCLICALS AND SELECTED DOCUMENTS OF SAINT PIUS X
National Science Teachers Association: Science Seminars Elementary & Junior High School Hickey, J. S: Summula Philosophiae Scholasticae James, D. Clayton: Years of MacArthur, 1880-1841, Volume One
Strelocke, Hans: Polyglott Travel Guide: Egypt Bossis, Gabrielle (compiled by Evelyn M. Brown): He & I, Volume 1 brett, laurence: In the Presence of My Father; Prayers From the Bible