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Landoll Editors: The First Christmas: A Christmas Mini Pop-Up
Schweitzer, Albert: Selection of Writings By and About Albert Schweitzer
Weis , Fischer Susan: Complete Guide to Hanukkah
Gault, Clare & Frank: How to Be a Good Football Player --tips on blocking, tackling, handling the ball
Moore, H. T., Jr: Missouris Writers
President Books Editors: How To Beat The Dogs: Volume One Turtle System
Kotopoulis, Dio; story by Marilyn Berry: Santas Workshop: Santa Claus Learns a Good Lesson From His Elves
Merchant, Jane: Mercies of God: Poetic Meditations on Romans 12
Barreau, Jean-Claude: Faith of a Pagan
Augrain, Charles: Paul, Master of the Spiritual Life, Volumes 1 & 2
Lattey, C: Paul
Ford, J. Massingberd: Spirit & The Human Person: A Meditation
Goode, William J: Dynamics of Modern Society
Hoffer, Eric: Reflections on the Human Condition
Maertens, Thierry: Breath & Spirit of God
El'piner, Isaak Efimovich, (translation by F. L. Sinclair);: Ultrasound: Physical, Chemical & Biological Effects
Nash, Paul: History & Education: The Educational Uses of the Past
Roth, Arthur J: Shame of Our Wounds
Smiley, Marjorie B. & Diekhoff, John S: Prologue to Teaching: Readings & Source Materials with Text
Spofford, Ainsworth Rand: Book for all Readers Designed As An Aid to the Collection Use & Preservation of Books & The Formation of Public & Private Libra
Canadian Religious Conference Editors: Attentive to the Cry of the Needy
Padberg, John W: Theology in the City of Man
Garrett, Alfred Benjamin: Essentials of Chemistry
Garrett, Alfred Benjamin: Chemistry: A Study of Matter
Cox, Michael J: Rain for These Roots: Mother of Grace & The Modern World
Rothluebber, Francis B: From Meditation to Ministry: Guided Experiences in Christian Meditation
University of Notre Dame: Learning Society: A Report of The Study on Continuing Education & The Future
Snow, Robert H: Community Adult Education: Methods of Organizing & Maintaining Learning Opportunities for Men & Women
Harrington, Fred Harvey: Future of Adult Education
Hastings, Adrian: Church & The Nations
Krajsa, Joseph C., ed: Jednota Annual: Furdek, 1973, Vol. XII
Krajsa, Joseph C., ed: Jednota Annual: Furdek, 1975, Vol. XIV
Bittell, Philip Peter; verses by: Look At The Psalms by a Layman: Psalms LXXVI-CL Part II
Parthasarathy, A: Vedanta Treatise
Schenkman, Eugene: Group Theory
Walzel, Oskar: German Romanticism
Lindgren, B. W: Vector Calculus
Althoen, Steven C: Matrix Methods in Finite Mathematics: an Introduction With Applications to Business & Industry
Janin, Pere: Separated Eastern Churches
Lazarus, Harold: American Business Dictionary
Thoroman, E. C: Vocational Counseling of Adults & Young Adults
Martin, Linda & Segrave, Kerry: Servant Problem: Domestic Workers in North America
McGratty, Arthur R: Face To The Sun
Southworth, Mrs. E.D.E.N: Capitolas Peril
Jacobs, Gabriel H. L: When Children Think: Using Journals to Encourage Creative Thinking
Lamb, Charles: Works of Charles Lamb: Five Volumes in Three "A New Edition"
Plutarch: Plutarchs Lives of Illustrious Men: Translated from the Greek by John Dryden & Others to which has been prefixed THE LIFE OF PLU Volumes II & III
John, Ida: Vater Baldur
Ludolf, Maria: Arm und Reich
Lee, Minnie Mary, ( Pseud. Of Julia Amanada Wood): Brown House at Duffield. A Story of Life Without & Within the Fold
Ebersweiler, Frederic of the Society of Jesus: Three Holy Kings: An Historical Drama in Five Acts
Hofacker, Eric: Great German Dramas Retold
Chapman, Hester: Last Tudor King
McBrien, Richard P: For The Inquiring Catholic: Questions & Answers for the 1970s
Paulus: Exhortacion Apostolica de su Santidad Pablo VI Evangelii Nuntiandi Al Episcopado Al Clero Y A Los Fieles de Toda La Iglesia Acer
Cushing, Jane: 101 Films for Character Growth
Drinkwater, F. H: Talks to Teen-Agers
Hastings, Cecily: Sacraments
Dillenschneider, Clements: Le Dynamisme de Nos Sacrements
Kolb, Erwin: Prayer Primer: A Guide on How To Pray in Public
Cunningham, Joseph L: Confirmation Pastoral Concerns
Bonniwell, William R: What Think You of Christ?
de Margerie, Bertrand: Holy Spirit & The Daily Eucharist: Supreme Gifts of the Heart of Jesus
Rockey, Palmer L: Church & Creation
Florit, Eugenio: Invitation to Spanish Poetry
Martinez, Benavente: Los Malhfchores del Bien
Skydsgaard, K. E. et al: Church as the Body of Christ Volume One
Barr, Robert: Main Currents in Early Christian Thought
Sampson, Edward E: Appraoches, Contexts, & Problems of Social Psychology
Fein, Harry D: Modern Drug Encyclopedia & Therapeutic Index
Baer, Marian E: Rain or Shine: The Story of Weather
Michels, Florence: Faces of Freedom
Flower, Richard M. et al: Reading Disorders: A Multidisciplinary Symposium
Congar, Yves: Wide World My7 Parish: Salvation & Its Problems
Fishbein, Justin & Emans, Robert: Question of Competence: Language Intelligence & Learning to Read