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Meyer, Wendelin: Living The Interior Life Hubert, Renee Riese & Judd D: Anthologie de la Poesie Francaise du Vingtieme Siecle Peguy, Charles: Men & Saints: Prose & Poetry
Schrank, Jeffrey: Feelings: Exploring Inner Space Valensin, Auguste: Joy in the Faith Prescott, E. Livingston: Measure of a Man
Shipley, Joseph T: Encyclopedia of Literature National Education Association: Guidance for the Academically Talented Student Hope, Arthur J: Notre Dame One Hundred Years
Crenshaw, James L: Story of Faith: A Guide To The Old Testament Cevetello, Joseph F. X: Getting To Know The Bible Pottebaum, Gerard A. & Winkel, Joyce, Illustrated by Photographs: 1, 029 Private Prayers for Worldly Christians
Vineeth, Vadakethala F: Call To Integration: A New Theology of Religious Life Wolfe, Harold E: Introduction to Non-Euclidean Geometry Gonella, Guido: Papacy & World Peace
Hagerty, Cornelius: Authenticity of the Sacred Scriptures Benz, Rita Mary & Sage, Rosemary: Self-Study for Renewal (December 1966-May 1968) Final Reports Kim, Joseph Chang-mun & Chung, John Jae-sun: Catholic Korea Yesterday & Today
Desiderato, Otello: Investigating Behavior: Principles of Psychology Gold, Milton J.; Grant, Carl A.; Rivlin, Harry N: In Praise of Diversity: A Resource Book for Multicultural Education Pine, Vanderlyn R: Introduction to Social Statistics
Dantzker, M. L: Criminology & Criminal Justice: Comparing Contrasting & intertwining Disciplines Everstine, Louis & Diana Sullivan: Psychotherapy & The Law Chalfant, H. Paul; LaBeff, Emily E: Understanindg People & Social Life: Introduction To Sociology, Second Edition
Wilson, James Q. et al: Perspectives on Crime & Justice: 1996-1997 Lecture Series, November 1997 Blass, Thomas: Contemporary Social Psychology: Representative Readings Greene, Dana M: Instructors Manual to Accompany Introduction to Sociology
Gist, Nancy: Revitalizing Communities: Innovative State & Local Programs Gist, Nancy: Programs in Correctional Settings: Innovative State & Local Prgrams Jeffrey, C. Ray: Criminology: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Travis III, Lawrence F: Introduction to Criminal Justice Third Edition Miller, W. Watts et al: Durkheimian Studes; Etudes Durkheimiennes Barton, Marthalee, Stevenson, Dwight W. Co Editors: Alternative Futures: The Journal of Utopian Studies, Volume 3, Number 2, Spring 1980
Sonoda, Kyoichi: Heath & Illness in Changing Japanese Society Saint Louis University Law School: Saint Louis University Law Journal, Vol. 44, No. 2; Spring 2000 Pearson Custom Publishing Book Building Kit: Intersections: Readings in Sociology
Macionis, John J: Society, the Basics, Sixth Edition with CD Annotated Instructors Edition Schmalleger, Frank: Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st Centure, Annotated Instructors Edition Macionis, John J: Sociology: Annotated Instructors Edition, Seventh Edition
Lunday, G. Albert: Sociology Dissertations in American Universities 1893-1966 Boguslaw, Robert: Prologue to Sociology Strada. Michael J: Through The Global Lens: An Introduction to the Social Sciences
Muraskin, Roslyn: Issues in Justice: Exploring Policy Issues in the Criminal Justice System Curry, Tim; Jiobu, Robert; Schwirian, Kent: Sociology for the Twenty-First Century Lapchick, Richard E: Fractured Focus: Sport As A Reflection of Society
Wessells, Michael G: Computer Self & Society Bohm, Robert M. & Haley, Keith N: Introduction to Criminal Justice: Instructors Annotated Edition, Second Edition Jones, Michael A: Journal for Juvenile Justice & Detention Services, Volume 17, Number 2, Fall 2002
Pearson Custom Publishing Kit: Crossroads: Readings in Social Problems Dantzker, M. L: Criminology & Criminal Justice: Comparing Contrasting & Intertwing Disciplines Senna, Joseph J & Siegel, Larry J: Introduction to Criminal Justice: Annotated Instructors Edition
Hagan, Frank E: Introduction to Criminology: Theories Methods & Criminal Behavior Knapp, Peter: One World - Many Worlds: Contemporary Sociological Theory Currie, Elliott; Skolnick, Jerome H: Americas Problems: Social Issues & Public Policy
Reid, Sue Titus: Crime & Criminology, Ninth Edition Schmalleger, Frank: Criminal Justice Today, Annotated Instructors Edition Schwalbe, Michael: Sociologically Examined Life: Pieces of the Conversation
International Fine Art Expositions: Artpalmbeach Modern & Contemporary Art Fair, Jan. 10-15,2001 Sommerville, Margaret: Death Talk: The Case Against Euthanasia & Physician-Assisted Suicide Dahl, Robert A: Dilemmas of Pluralist Democracy: Autonomy vs. Control
Dunn, Cynthia McGuire & Chadwick, Gary: Protecting Study Volunteers in Research: A Manual for Investigative Sites Sheley, Joseph F. & Wright, James D: In The Line of Fire: Youth Guns & Violence in Urban America Hagan, John, Gillis, A. R.; Brownfield, David: Criminological Controversies: A Methodological Primer
Kratcoski, Peter C.; Dukes, Duane: Issues in Community Policing Barr-Johnson, Virginia; Hernandez, David E.; Hiett, Sharon Lee: Helping Kids Behave Or How To Becoma A Successful Briggler; Building Ethical Behavior Strom. Robert D. & Torrance, E. Paul: Education for Affective Achievement
Fiolet, Herman A: Ecumenical Breakthrough: An Integration of the Catholic & the Reformational Faith Geist, Harold: Psychological Aspects of Retirement Otten, C. Michael: Power, Values, & Society: An Introduction to Sociology
Sister Mary Loretta: My Thing Lozano, John M: Claretians: Their Mission & Spirit in the Church Sabine, Gordon A: How Students Rate Their Schools & Teachers
Webb, Holmes & Doris Johnson: School Administration: A Casebook Holy Cross Fathers: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Convocation of the Vocation Institute 1955 Morgan, Thomas B: Listening Post: Eighteen Years on Vatican Hill