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McDonough, William K: Divine Family: The Trinity & Our Life in God
Murphy, John F: Catechetical Experience
Karush, William: Crescent Dictionary of Mathematics
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Editors: Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook
Hornburger, Jane M: So You have An Aide: A guide for Teachers in the Use of Classroom Aides
Gillis, Don: Art of Media Instruction
Shores, Louis: Generic Book: What It Is & How It works
Taylor, John L. & Walford, Rex: Simulation in the Classroom: Penguin Papers in Education
Ressino, Antoinette et al: Celebrate Wonder: An Education to Wonder Book, A Teacher Guidebook for In-School Celebrations with Six to Eight Year Olds
Rice, Charles E: Supreme Court & Public Prayer: The Need for Restraint
Ryan, Mary Perkins: Were All in This Together: Issues & Options in the Education of Catholics
O'Connell, Laurence J: Are Catholic Schools Progressive
Milton, John edited by Merritt Y. Hughes: Paradise Regained; The Minor Poems & Samson Agonistes Complete & Arranged Chronologically
Noyes, Alfred: Collected Poems Volume III
Turekian, Karl K: Chemistry of the Earth
Noyes, Alfred: Collected Poems Volume II
Malcolm, Jean: Discourse with Shadows
THOMAS,R. Murray & SWARTOUT, Sherwin G: Integrated Teaching Materials
Dondero, Austin: No Borrowed Light Mental Health for Religious
Marnane, M.T: Guide for Catholic Teachers
McCluskey, Neil G: Catholic Viewpoint on Education
Schindler, John A: How To Live 365 Days a Year
Samuel N. Namowitz with Assistance of Donald B. Stone: Earth Science the World We Live in
Peguy, Charles: Le Mystere De La Charite De Jeanne D'Arc
Christ, Frank L. & Sherry, Gerard E: American Catholicism & The Intellectual Ideal
Moore, John: You English Word: A Book About Them
Chaucer, Geoffrey: Troilus & Cressida rendered into Modern English Verse by George Philip Knapp
Leodhas, Sorche Nic: Sea-Spell & Moor-Magic: Tales of the Western Isles
Goodrich, Carter et al: Canals & American Economic Development
Gaines, J. Raleigh: Modern Radio Programming
Tomaselli, Doris: My Little Police Car Electronic Read & Play Book: I Can Drive Book
Burnett, Betty: St. Louis At War
Lange, Dena & Ames, Merlin M: St. Louis Child of the River-Parent of the West
Marzio, Peter C: Rube Goldberg His Life and Work
Stadler, Frances Hurd: St. Louis Day by Day
Hannibal High School Editors: Pirate 1925
Dell, Helen Davis: Individualizing Instruction Materials & Classroom Procedures
Brown, James W. , Richard B. Lewis and Fred F. Harcleroad,: AV Instruction: Technology Media and Methods
Johnson, Stuart R. & Rita B: Developing Individualized Instructional Material: A Self-Instructional Material in Itself
Reason, Paul L: Common Core of State Educational Information
Hutson, Percival W: Guidance Function in Education
Edling, Jack V: Individualized Instruction: A Manual for Administrators
Leppich, John: Cries from the Half-World
Quigley, Thomas E: American Catholics & Vietnam
Nelson, Claud D: Religion & Society: The Ecumenical Impact
Dollen, Charles (Father): Civil Rights Source Book
O'Neill, James M: Catholics in Controversy
Goldman, Robert N. & Weinberg, Joel S: Statistics: An Introduction
Ripple, Paula: Growing Strong at Broken Places
Clare, Francis (Sister): Wow, God
Ballou, Robert O: Shinto, The Conquered Enemy: Japans Doctrine of Racial Superiority & World Conquest
Hastings, C. Brownlow: Introducing Southern Baptists: Their Faith & Their Life
Harrell, Jr., David Edwin: Quest for a Christian America: The Disciples of Christ & American Society to 1866
Baker, Robert A: Southern Baptist Convention & Its People:1607-1972
Brother H. Albert FCS: Teaching in the CCD High School
Ignatius, Keith L: Respond Volume 1 A Resource Book for Youth Ministry
Parent, Neil: Christian Adulthood: A Catechetical Resource
Podsiadlo, Jack & Heyer, Robert`: Discovery in Celebration: A Teacher Source Book
McIntyre, Marie (Sister): Aids for Religion Teachers: Some Procedures & Techniques
Coughlin, Kevin (Reverend): Motivating Adults for Religious Education: 1976 NCDD Research Paper
Downs, Thomas: Parish as Learning Community
Parent, Neil: Educating for Christian Maturity
Jones, DuPre: Adventures of Gremlin
Wynhoven, Peter M. H. (Reverend): Wild Wisdom
Dos Passos, John: Theme is Freedom
Moeller, Charles: Litterature Du XX Siecle et Christianisme
Jinnette, Isabella: Stories to Tell: A List of Stories with Annotations
Laskin, Allen I. & Lechevalier, Hubert A: CRC Handbook of Microbiology: Condensed Edition
Department of Education; United States Catholic Conference: Serving Life & Faith: Adult Religious Education & the American Catholic Community
Ferguson-Florissant School District: Decision-Making: A Focus on Self-Concept, Values & Information: Intermediate, Title III, ESEA
Ferguson-Florissant School District: Decision-Making: A Focus on Self-Concept, Values & Information: Teachers Packet-Primary, Title III, ESEA
Ferguson-Florissant School District: Decision-Making: A Focus on Self-Concept, Values & Information: Primary, Title III, ESEA
Thorp, Willard: American Writers Series: Herman Milville, Representative Selections with introduction bibliography & notes
Archdiocese of St. Louis: Guidance Handbook
Fischer, Patricia: Catechist, September 1980 Volume 14 Number 1