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Kelley, Francis C., Edited by: First American Catholic Missionary Congress, Volume I
Clare, Israel Smith & Tyler, Moses Coit: Worlds History Illuminated Volume VII, American Revolution to the Present
Clare, Israel Smith & Tyler, Moses Coit: Worlds History Illuminated Volume VIII, Recent Foreign History
Moynihan, Anselm: Experience of Gods Presence
Hillson, Maurie & Bongo, Joseph: Continuous-Progress Education: A Practical Approach
Griffiths, Daniel E: Behavioral Science & Educational Administration: Sixty-Third Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education Part II
Henry, Nelson B: Dynamics of Instructional Groups: Fifty-Ninth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education Part II
Tyler, Ralph W: Educational Evaluation: New Roles, New Means: Sixty-Eighth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education Part II
Findley, Warren G: Impact & Improvement of School Testing Programs:Sixty-Second Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education Part II
Goodlad, John I. & Anderson, Robert H: Nongraded Elementary School, Revised Edition
Laybourne, Kit: Doing the Media: A Portfolio of Activities & Resources
Brewer, E. Cobham, Edited by Marion Harland: Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction & The Drama, Volume IV
Stanley, David M: Faith & Religious Life: A New Testament Perspective
Oraison, Marc: Homosexual Question
Storer, Maria Longworth: Villa Rossignol
Ciardi, John: How Does a Poem Mean?
Lebon, Henri (translated by Peter Resch): Do I Really Believe? Meditations on the Apostles Creed
Kucera, Clair L: Grasses of Missouri
Smith, Kenneth M: Virus: Lifes Enemy
Mertens, Thomas R. & Stevenson, Forrest F: Plant Life Cycles for Self-Study or Classroom Use
Willkomm, Moritz:: Bilder-Atlas des Planzenreichs nach d. natürlichen System Esslingen, Schreiber
Coats, George W: From Canaan to Egypt Structural / Theological Context for the Joseph Story
Evans, Rupert N: Foundations of Vocational Education
Foster, Herbert H: High School Supervision
Allen, Roy M: Photomicrography
Simpson, William: Dimension Bible Guides #5: The Pentateuch
Rhymer, Joseph: Covenant & The Kingdom: A Way Through The Old Testament: II, Joshua, Judges, Samuel & Kings
Hoover, Kenneth: Handbook for High School Teachers
Van Dyke, Henry Thomas: Youth & the Drug Problem
Smith, Kline: Drug Abuse: Escape to Nowhere: A Guide for Educators
Eric Abstracts; Eric Clearinghouse on Educational Management: Drug Problem & The Schools
Shamon, Albert J: Treasure Untold: Reflections on The Apostles Creed
Stern, G. B: Young Matriarch
Stern, G. B: Summers Play
Hellwig, Monika: Christian Creeds: A Faith to Live By
Gleason, Robert W: Situational Morality
National Conference of Catholic Bishops: To Live in Christ Jesus
Cross, K. Patricia & Valley, John R: Planning Non-Traditional Programs
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel; edited by Paull Franklin Baum: Poems, Ballads & Sonnets: Selections from Posthumous Poems & From His Translations
Trillo, John: Dimension Bible Guides #6: Joshua, Judges 1 & 2 Samuel; 1 & 2 Kings
United Nations: Yearbook of the United Nations 1976, Volume 30
Grambs, Jean Dresden; Carr, John C.; Fitch, Robert M: Modern Methods in Secondary Education, Third Edition
Renckens, Henricus: Israels Concept of the Beginning: The Theology of Genesis 1-3
Gray, Asa: Grays Lessons in Botany: The Elements of Botany for Beginners and For Schools
MacCauley, Rose Agnes: Vision 20/20: Twenty Psalms for the Twentieth Century
Kupsh, Joyce: Duplicating Machine Operation & Decision Making
Waverley Collection: Waverley Collection of Rare & Beautiful Music, Volume IV
Sweet, A. T. & Bucher, Floyd S: Soil Survey of Stoddard County Missouri
J. Paget Fredericks: Green-pipes; Poems & Pictures
Hutcheson, Martha Brookes: Spirit of the Garden
Smith, Joseph: Doctrine & Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Hubert, Lester F. & Lehr, Paul E: Weather Satellites
Romig, Walter: Book of Catholic Authors, Fourth Series: Informal Self-Portraits of Famous Modern Catholic Writers
Mullahy, Patrick: Psychoanalysis & Interpersonal Psychiatry: the Contributions of Harry Stack Sullivan
Seeley, H. G: Story of the Earth in Past Ages
Ewen, David: Men & Women Who Make Music
Notre Dame Editors: Catholic Schools in Action: A Report
Boulle, Pierre: Face of a Hero
Moyes, Canon: Existence of God
Noyes, Alfred: Letter to Lucian & Other Poems
Borgerhoff, Joseph L: Nineteenth Century French Plays
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Editors: Insights Into Mathematics Twenty-Third Yearbook
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Editors: Growth of Mathematical Ideas Grades K - 12 Twenty-Fourth Yearbook
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Editors: Insights Into Mathematics Twenty-Fifth Yearbook
Ahrens, L. H: Distribution of the Elements in Our Planet
Whitney, William T: Socialized Recitation
Bishop, Tom, Editor: L'Avant-Garde Theatrale: French Theatre Since 1950
Paulist Press Editors: Is God Dead? Volume 16, Concilium Theology in the Age of Renewal
Brown, Stephen J: Towards the Realization of God
Greeley, Andrew M: Youth Asks Does God Still Speak?
Gleason, Robert W: Yahweh: The God of the Old Testament
hyperion editors: L'Amour de L'Art, No. 1, Fevirer 1938, XIX Annee, Revue Mensuelle
Carrier, Robert: Robert Carrier Cooking Cards: Seafood: Soups, Main Dishes & Salads
Louis of Granada: Wisdoms Workshop, Reprint of Book Two, Volume I of SUMMA OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE