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Marsden, Philip Sanford: Egyptian Days
Bianchi, V. E: Guide to Rome & Its Environs
Nash, Ogden: Private Dining Room
Gooding, Paul: Picturesque New Zealand
Paine, Albert Bigelow: Lure of the Mediterranean: The Ship Dwellers: A Story of a Happy Cruise
Vincent, Leon H: Dandies & Men of Letters
Wilson, Robert C: Alphabet of Visual Experience
Paulin, Lynn: Copper & Metal Tooling
Dewing, Arthur Stone: Corporation Finance: A Textbook for Colleges & Schools of Business Administration
Whiting, Lilian: Florence of Landor
Williamsburg: Preserving our Handcrafts: The Presidents Report 1968
Pound, Arthur: Hawk of Detroit
Bechtel, John H: Synonyms
Nemerox, Howard: New & Selected Poems
Peters, Robert: Gift To Be Simple: A Garland for Ann Lee
Kann, Sister Jean Marie: I Found Francis in Assisi
Fussell, Edwin S: Edwin Arlington Robinson: The Literary Background of a Traditional Poet
Horgan, Paul: Lamy of Santa Fe
Angell, Norman: Money Game: Explaining Fundamental Finance
Bossing, Nelson L: Progressive Methods of Teaching in Secondary Schools
Cronin, John F: Economics & Society
Simon, W. & Base, Daniel: Manual of Chemistry
Uhr, Leonard: Pattern Recognition, Learning & thought: Computer-Programmed Models of Higher Mental Processes
Kane, Harnett: Natchez on the Mississippi
Jones, Henry Arthur: Foundations of A National Drama
Bruehl, Charles: Popes Plan for Social Reconstruction: A Commentary on the Social Encyclicals of Piux XI
Sheehy, Terence J: Ireland
Wittke, Carl: German Language Press in America
Hultzman, Don: Collecting Battery Toys: A Reference, Rarity & Value Guide
Staff of Beckett Hot toys: Collectibles from a Galaxy Far Far Away
Bercovici, Ellen; Bryson, Bobbie Zucker; Gillham, Deborah: Collectibles for the Kitchen, Bath & Beyond
Brecka, Shawn: Big Book of Little Bears: Identification & Price Guide
Frank, Lee S: Reference Guide To Miniature Makers Marks
Jenkins, James S: Roseville Art Pottery 2000-1/2, Volume IV Price Guide
Beckett Baseball Card Monthly Staff: N.Y. Yankees Collectibles: A Price Guide To Memorabilia For Americans Favorite Team
De Musset, Alfred: Complete Writings of Alfred De Musset 10 volumes
Simpson, W. J: Twenty-Some Symposiums (By One-Sport Simpson) Including Getting A Job; How Not to Lose Your Pants
Doig, Ivan & Carol: News A Consumers Guide
Else, Gerald F: Report of the Colloquium on the Classics in Education
Tuttle, D. R: Curriculum Patterns in English
Artz, Frederick B: Intellectual History of Europe: From Saint Augustine to Marx: A Guide
Duesenberg, Albert: Press in Germany
Vaughan, Bill: Bird Thou Never Wert Plus 124 Equally Profound Observations
Marty, Martin E. et al: Religious Press in America
Vardaman, Ben R. & Lovelace, Griffin M: Salesmanship Book II
St. Louis University Editors: St. Louis University Graduate Record 1978
Smith, Robert T: Reflections: A Collection of Columns Originally Written for the Minneapolis Tribune, Book Three Put Them in Cages
Tipperary: Tipperary County Guide & Maps
Leamy, Margaret: Parnells Faithful Few
Singleton, Esther: Great Cities of Europe, Second Series
Randall, Harlan J: Consumers Cooperative Adventures Case Studies
Bradley, Theodore J: Testbook of Pharmaceutical Arithmetic
Pratt, Dorothy & Richard: Guide To Early American Homes South
Smith, George McPhail: Course of Instruction in Quantitative Chemical Analysis for Beginning Students
Crew, Henry: General Physics
Wey, Francis: Rome
Cerf, Bennett: Bennett Cerfs Bumper Crop, Volumes 1&2
Newbigin, Alice M. S: Wayfarer in Spain
W. H. Markham & Co. Editors: Fitting Out: A Guide for Boat Owners
Allen, Grant: Belgium: Its Cities, Volume II
Wallis, Louis: Burning Question: Making Your Living in a Monopolized World
Langham Hotel: Langham Hotel London 1909-1910
Shelley, Henry C: British Museum Its History & Treasures
Parker, Cornelia Stratton: More Ports, More Happy Places
United States Coast Guard: Light List: Mississippi & Ohio Rivers & Their Tributaries CG 161
Horwill, Herbert W: Usages of the American Constitution
Chiu, Chang-Wei: Speaker of the House of Representatives Since 1896
Michael, W. H: Official Congressional Directory for the Use of the United States Congress: Fifty-Second Congress (first session)
Berve, Von Helmet: Griechische Geschichte
Allen, Caroline Stetson: Bird Friends of a Country Doll, The
Life Study Fellowship: With God All things Are Possible
Jones, Wendy: Glayva Clan's Cook Book
Oursler, Fulton: Greatest Story Ever Told: A Tale of the Greatest Life Ever Lived
George, Henry: Progress & Poverty
Adams, James Truslow: March of Democracy, Five Volumes Plus the Record of 1956-1958