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Kealy, John P: Changing Bible
Shular, Antonia Castaneda et al: Literatura Chicana Texto y Contexto
Meier, August; Rudwick, Elliott; Broderick, Francis L: Black Protest Thought in the Twentieth Century
Antieau, Chester James; Downey, Arthur T.; Roberts, Edward C: Freedom From Federal Establishment: Formation & Early History of the First Amendment Religion Clauses
Nevill, William A: General Chemistry
Coleman, John A: American Strategic Theology
Wright, Cardinal John; Edited by Rev. Donald W. Wuerl: Church: Hope of the World
Albert, A.R.D: Bed Bath & Bedlam: The Inside Story of Story of Hotel Life
D. Appleton & Co. Editors: Art Journal, New Series No. 23
D. Appleton & Co. Editors: Art Journal, New Series No. 33
D. Appleton & Co. Editors: Art Journal, New Series No. 16
Shyne, Millicent Petrov: 2943: An Immigrant Girls Childhood in St. Louis Join Millie As She Draws from Her Rich Well of Memories to Take You on a Joyous and Heartwarming Journey Into America's Not-Too-Distant Past and a Serbian Girl's First Decade in America
Malinowski, Bronislaw: Soil-Tilling & Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands: Coral Gardens & Their Magic, Volume I
White, Helen C: To The End of the World
Degano, Jack (Reverend): Call to Ministry: Reflections on Lay Volunteer Ministries
Krinsky, Fred: Politics of Religion in America
Osgniach, Augustine J: Christian State
Queen, Ellery: Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine, 1980, two issues, January & March
Houtart, Francois: Sociology & Pastoral Care
Spofford, A. R., Librarian: Wit and Humor, The Library of; Volumes III
Spofford, A. R., Librarian: Wit and Humor, The Library of; Volumes IV
Townsend, Walter A: History of Illinois Democracy, Volume IV
Medearis, Angela Shelf: Harrys House
Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys to Homes of Famous Women Simulated Leather with Embossed Design on Front
Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys To Homes Of Great Lovers Simulated Leather with Embossed Design on Front
Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys To Homes Of Great Reformers Simulated Leather with embossed design on front
Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys To Homes Of Great Teachers Simulated Leather with embossed design on front
Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys To Homes Of Great Businessmen Simulated Leather with embossed design on front
Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys To Homes Of Great Scientists Simulated Leather with Embossed Design on Front
Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys To Homes Of Good Men & Great Simulated Leather with Embossed Design on Front
Kozol, Jonathan: Free Schools
Wilkinson, L. P: Horace & His Lyric Poetry
Mendell, Clarence: Our Seneca
Guinan, Edward: Redemption Denied: An Appalachian Reader
Twain, Mark: Tom Sawyer (in Russian)
Moore, Robert Allan: Textbook of Pathology
Theroux, Paul: O-Zone
Trilling, Lionel: Experience of Literature
Earnest, Ernest: Expatriates & Patriots: American Artists, Scholars & Writers in Europe
Westbrook, Robert: Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart
Van Loon, Gerard Willem: Story of Hendrik Willem Van Loon
Valency, Maurice: Tragedy
Waterman, Gene: Our Dog
United Church of God Editors: Jesus Christ: The Real Story
Marshall, Andrew: The Trouser People: a Story of Burma in the Shadow of the Empire
Thomas, D. M: Swallow
Cahill, Marie: Rolling Stones: A Pictorial History
Marmor, Judd: Modern Psychoanalysis: New Directions & Perspectives
Mosteller, Frederick & Rourke, Robert et al: Probability with Statistical Applications
Leithauser, Gladys Garner ; Marilyn Powe Bell: World of Science : An Anthology for Writers
Oxtoby, J.C., B.J. Pettis & G.B. Price (eds.): JOHN VON NEUMANN 1903-1957 Volume 64, Number 3, Part 2, May 1958
James Foundation: Lucy Wortham James 1880 - 1938: Founder of the Lucy Wortham James Memorial in the New York Community Trust
Spencer, Cornelia, illustrated: Nehru of India
Sen, Ela: Indira Gandhi: A Biography
Schmidt, Clara: Diderot: l'Encyclopedie
Hand, David: Martha Armstrong-Hands Living Dolls
Barretto, Larry Illustrated by Ann Barretto: Bright Mexico
Dunan, Marcel: Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern History From 1500 to the Present Day
Williams, Albert Rhys, with Col. Raymond Robins & Arthur Ransome: Lenin: The Man and His Work
Stultz, Bob; Landrum, Phil: White Black Man
Mendes, Eliza De Sola: Dolls, doll Houses & Toys at the Lyman Allyn Museum. New London, Connecticut
Raymond, Edward L: Sights and Scenes of the World: a Photographic Portfolio of the Marvelous Works of God and the Wonderful Accomplishments of Man;
A.J. Bishop Editors: Masterpieces of Modern Painters
Sears, Stephen: American Heritage Century Collection of Civil War Art
Heywood-Wakefield Company: In The Life of a Baby
Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd Editors: Souvenir View Book of Montreal: A Dominion Series View Book
Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd Editors: Souvenir Views Book of Quebec City Canada: A Dominion Series View Book
Domville-Fife, Charles W: King George V & Queen Mary
Domville-Fife, Charles W: King Edward VIII: An Illustrated Survey of the Life of His Imperial Majesty
Smith, Edward C, Thompson, Virginia van H: Traditionally Pennsylvania Dutch
Pulitizer, Louise & Joseph: Modern Painting Drawing & Sculpture
Bullock, Angela: Making Teddy Bears In Miniature
O'Keeffe, Georgia: Georgia O'Keeffe
de Hegermann-Lindencrone, L: In the Courts of Memory 1858-1875
Hayes, James M., Fr: Grave of Dreams