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Various: Roadside, Field and Garden - Pictures, Stories and Poems
Kent, Her Royal Highness Princess Michael of: Cupid and the King
Garrett, Richard: Royal Travel
McCartney, Paul: Paintings
Rowland, Denny: Sussex from the Air
Anonymous: The Cambridge Library of Ornamental Art - Arabian Ornament from the 12th to the 18th Century
Gifford, Denis: The Golden Age of Radio - An Illustrated Companion
Allen, Thomas: Foreign Parts - A Singer's Journal
Akhtar, Miriam and Humphries, Steve: The Fifties and Sixties - A Lifestyle Revolution
Loades, David (edited By): Chronicles of the Tudor Kings - The Tudor Dynasty from 1485 to 1553: Henry VII, Henry VIII and Edward VI in the Words of Their Contemporaries
Torvill, Jayne and Dean, Christopher with Wilson, Neil: Torvill and Dean - Fire On Ice (SIGNED COPY)
Hunt Peter (edited by): Children's Literature - An Illustrated History
Valle, Pietro Della (Translated, Abridged, and Introduced By George Bull): The Pilgrim
Aslet, Clive: The Story of Greenwich
Walsh, Michael J. (edited by): Lives of the Popes - Illustrated Biographies of Every Pope from St. Peter to the Present
Kissinger, Henry: Years of Renewal
Roberts, Nigel: C-Six - Ten Years as the Doctor of the QE2
Johnston, Kenneth R: The Hidden Wordsworth - Poet, Lover, Rebel, Spy
Cotterell, Arthur: The Encyclopedia of Mythology - Classical, Celtic, Norse
Katz, Robert and Dars, Celestine: The Impressionists
Ormond, Mark (edited by): John Ringling - Dreamer, Builder, Collector - Legacy of the Circus King
Edwards, Anne: Royal Sisters - Elizabeth and Margaret 1926-1956
Arnaud, Claude: Chamfort - A Biography
Francis, Claude and Gontier, Fernande: Simone De Beauvoir
Rousseau, Jean Jacques (edited By Ronald Grimsley): Religious Writings
Wilcocks, Robert: Critical Essays on Jean-Paul Sartre
Scriven, Michael: Sartre's Existential Biographies
Wright, Charles H.C: The Background of Modern French Literature
Scribe, Eugène: Théâtre Choisi d'Eugène Scribe - Précédé une Notice Biographique et Littéraire Par Marcel Charlot
Quinet, Edgar: La République - Conditions de la Régénération de la France
Gobineau, Comte De: Ternove - Nouvelle édition, précédée d'un avant-propos de T. de Visan
Staël, Madame De / Madame De Stael: De la Littérature Considérée dans ses Rapports avec les Institutions Sociales Suivi De l'Influence des Passions sur le Bonheur des Individus et des Nations
Fénelon - Archevêque de Cambrai (François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon) / Fenelon: De l'existence et des Attributs de Dieu, Entretiens sur la Religion, Discours Philosophique sur l'Amour de Dieu, Lettres sur Divers Sujets de Métaphysique et de Religion, Dialogues sur L'éloquence
Nerval, Gérard: Oeuvres - Textes Établis, Avec Un Sommaire Biographique, Une Étude Sur Gérard De Nerval, Des Notices, Des Notes, Un Choix De Variantes et Une Bibliographie Par Henri Lemaitre
Weiss, Jean-Jacques: Le Drame Historique et Le Drame Passionnel
Augier, Émile / Augier, Emile: Théâtre
Marivaux, Pierre De: Theatre De Marivaux - Avec Une Introduction Par Louis Moland
Duclaux, Madame Mary: The French Procession - A Pageant of Great Writers
Tapié, Victor-L: The Age of Grandeur - Baroque and Classicism in Europe
Bossuet ( Jacques-Bénigne): Discours Sur L'Histoire Universelle - Édition Conforme a Celle de 1700, Troisième et Dernière Édition Revue par l'Auteur
Ou, Hsian-Chiang: Meditations on Nature - The Art of Flower Arrangement
Tennyson, Alfred: The Holy Grail and Other Poems
Crowe, Ian (editor): Edmund Burke - His Life and Legacy
James, Robert Rhodes: Henry Wellcome
Capon, Paul: The World at Bay
Rothschild, Mrs. James De (Dorothy De Rothschild): The Rothschilds at Waddesdon Manor ( SIGNED COPY)
Lavery, Brian: Nelson's Navy - The Ships, Men and Organisation 1793-1815
Heller, Steven and Fili, Louise: Euro Deco - British Modern - French Modern - Spanish Art Deco - Dutch Modern - German Modern - Italian Art Deco
Altet, Xavier Barral I: The Romanesque Towns, Cathedrals and Monasteries
Cross, Kay M. Capps: Black and White and Pieced All Over - Stress-Free Foundation Quilts
Beales, Peter: Visions of Roses
Donald, Darroch: Creatures
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron De - (Texte Étabis et Annote Par René D'Hermies): Théatre Complet De Beaumarchais
Bowker, John (edited by): Cambridge Illustrated History of Religions
Pike, Dag: The Royal Ocean Racing Club Manual of Safety and Survival at Sea
Gregory, Richard L. (edited by): The Oxford Companion to the Mind
Anonymous: Writing in Ancient Western Asia - Its Origin and Development from Pictures to Letters
Lucas, John: Reggie - The Life of Reginald Goodall
Dowley, Dr. Tim (edited by): The Bible in Stained Glass
Flint, Lucy and Childs, Elizabeth C: Handbook: Peggy Guggenheim Collection
Horne, Alistair: Macmillan - 1894-1956 - Volume I of the Official Biography / Macmillan 1957-1986 - Volume II of the Official Biography
Croft-Cooke, Rupert: The Green, Green Grass
Cushing, Lincoln: Revolución! - Cuban Poster Art
Miller, John and Kenedi, Aaron (edited by): Revolution - Faces of Change
Appiah, Kwame Anthony and Blier, Suzanne Preston and Gates, Louis (jr) and Eyo, Ekpo and Mark, Peter: Africa - The Art of a Continent - 100 Works of Power and Beauty
Golden, Revel: Witness - The World's Greatest News Photographers
Ambrose, Stephen and Brinkley, Douglas G: The Mississippi and the Making of a Nation - From the Louisiana Purchase to Today
Kohli, Eddy: Cuba - A Voyage in Images
Mann, James (edited by): Peace Signs - The Anti-War Movement Illustrated
Sweeney, Michael S: From the Front: The Story of War - Featuring Correspondents' Chronicles
Jacobson, Colin (edited by): Underexposed - Pictures Can Lie and Liars Use Pictures
Cuomo, Kerry Kennedy and Adams, Eddie: Speak Truth to Power - Human Rights Defenders Who Are Changing Our World
Badsha, Omar (edited by): South Africa - The Cordoned Heart - Twenty South African Photographers
Claxton, William and Berendt, Joachim E: New Orleans - JazzLife, 1960
McGee, Tony: Boxing Ballerinas