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"May, E. J.": Louis' Schooldays: A Story for Boys
"Haynes, Jim": Thanks for Coming!: An Autobiography
"Kron, R.": The Little Londoner: A Concise Account of the Life and Ways of the English with Special Reference to London
"Tarte, Daryl": Islands of the Frigate Bird
"Jones, James": A Touch of Danger
"Zinoviev, G.": Histoire du Parti communiste russe
Anon: The Studio Year-Book of Decorative Art 1907
"Brenan, Gerald": The Literature of the Spanish People: From Roman Times to the Present Day
"Lawrence, William": The Giant's Causeway and the Antrim Coast: Fifty-Eight Platinatone Views with Descriptive Guide and Map of the District
No Author: Two Hundred and Fifty-One Views of North Wales
"Andersen, Hans": Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
"Connolly, Cyril (Ed)": "Horizon: Art on the American, 93-94 (October 1947)"
"Cremieux-Brilhac, Jean-Louis (Ed)": Les Voix de la Liberte: Ici Londres 1940-1944 (5 vols)
"Quéant, Olivier (Ed), Marie, Alfred (textes et commentaires)": Styles de France: Meubles et Ensembles de 1610 à 1920
"Benveniste, Asa and Marc Vaux": Colour Theory
"Dibdin, Michael ": The Last Sherlock Holmes Story
"Rossiter, A. P.": Angel With Horns: Fifteen Lectures on Shakespeare
"Yaffe, James": Nothing but the Night
"Augustin, Jean-Marie": Les grandes affaires criminelles de Poitiers
"O'Connor, Peter ": Walking Good: Travels to Music in Romania and Hungary
"Leonard, Elmore": When the Women Come Out to Dance
"Bozon, Pierre": Histoire du Peuple Vivarois
"Hickson, Joanna": Rebellion at Orford Castle
Anon: "The Todmorden & Hebden Bridge Historical Almanach for 1900, Containing a Record of Important Local and other Events from an early period to the present time"
"Secret, Jean": Le Périgord Romantique: Dessins à la plume de Jules de Verneilh
"Reed, E. T.": Prehistoric Peeps
"Watson, Ian": The Gardens of Delight
"Jacoupy, Jacqueline": "Le Poitou: Vendée, Deux-Sèvres, Vienne"
"Leduc, Alain and Christian Brackers d'Hugo": Billonneux
"Oppenheim, E. Phillips, Edwin Lester Arnold, Grant Allen and Guy Boothby": In Strange Company: Mysterious Mr Sabin; Phra the Phoenician; The Scallywag; In Strange Company
"Boucher, Anthony (William A. P. White)": The Case of the Solid Key - A Fergus O'Breen Mystery
"Greffe, Noelle and Anne Ristori with the collabotation of Jacques Strenberg and Pierre Charon": Les belles
"Queen, Ellery (Ed)": "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Vol 12 No 56, July 1948"
Anon: "Fatherless Fanny; or, Memoirs of a Little Mendicant and Her Benefactors"
"Queen, Ellery (Ed)": "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Vol 14 No 70, September 1949"
"Queen, Ellery (Ed)": "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Vol 17 No 89, April 1951"
"Hunter, Alan": Gently Through the Woods
"Tallis, Frank": Fatal Lies
"Child, Julia and Simone Beck": Mastering the Art of French Cooking: Volume 2
"Church, Bob": Bob Church's Guide to New Fly Patterns
"Headley, Stan": Trout & Salmon Flies of Scotland
"Price, Taff": Fly Patterns: An International Guide
"Scott, Will": The Black Stamp
"Post, Melville Davisson": Uncle Abner: Master of Mysteries
"Masterman, Walter S.": The Bloodhounds Bay
"Duclos, Charles": Les Confessions du comte de ***
"Louis Francois Armand du Plessis Richelieu, duc de": La Vie Privee du marechal duc de Richelieu
"Nougaret, Pierre Jean-Baptiste": "Les Aventures galantes de Jerome, frere capucin OU La Capucinade"
"de Coupvray, Louvet": Les aventures amoureuses du Chevalier de Faublas
"de Grecourt, M.": Contes Galants
"Lewis, John": The 20th Century Book: Its Illustration and Design
Tambimuttu (Ed): Poems from Bangla Desh: The Voice of a New Nation
"Brown, John": In Durance Vile
"L'Estrange Malone, H. ": Shaggy the Great
"Everett-Green, E.": Squib and His Friends: A Story for Children
"Henty, G. A.": The Lost Heir
"Clerke, Agnes M.": Modern Cosmogonies
"De Goya, Francisco": The DFisasters of War
"White, Edmund ": Nocturnes for the King of Naples
"Scott, Charles Newton": Lyrics and Elegies
"Robin, Marie-Monique": Les Cent Photos du Siecle
"Manley, R.O.B.": Honey Farming
"Solzhenitsyn, Alexander ": Cancer Ward Part I and Part II (2 vols)
"Stang, Ragna": Edvard Munch: The man and the artist
"Chaudieu, Georges": "Le Livre de la Viande: Les viandes de boucherie, La Charcuterie, La triperie, La volaille, Le gibier, La sauvagine"
"Brown, Larry": Big Bad Love
"Balzac, Honoré de": Scènes de la Vie Parisienne: Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes
"Markham, Virgil": Death in the Dusk
Aunt Friendly: Aunt Friendly's Coloured Picture Books: The Ugly Duckling
Aunt Friendly: Aunt Friendly's Coloured Picture Books: Tom Thumb
Aunt Friendly: Aunt Friendly's Coloured Picture Books: Hop O'My Thumb
Aunt Friendly: Aunt Friendly's Coloured Picture Books: Jack and the Beanstalk
Aunt Friendly: Aunt Friendly's Coloured Picture Books: The Old Woman and Her Pig
"Graham, Frank D.": "Audels Handy Book of Practical Electricity with Wiring Diagrams: Ready Reference for Professional Electricians, Students and All Electrical Workers"
"Irving, Joseph": "Supplement to the Annals of Our Time: A Diurnal of Events, Social and Political, Home and Foreign, from February 28, 1871 to March 19, 1874"