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"Lee, Tanith": Dark Dance
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"Hampton, Christopher": An Exile's Italy
"Michaux, Henri": Light through Darkness: Explorations among Drugs
"Dean, John Gunther": A Common Faith: 40 Years of Indo-U.S. Cooperation 1947-1987
"Lawrence, D. H.": The Trespasser
Lessing: Meisterdramen
"Westfall, Richard S.": Science and Religion in Seventeenth Century England
"Litvinov, Boris P.": Orthodox Faith In the Fine Arts
"Litvinov, Boris P.": Applied Arts of Russia: Masterpieces and Their Creators
"Levitin, Yevgeny": Rembrandt Etchings
"Daval, Jean-Luc": Avant-Garde Art 1914 - 1939
"Young, Mahonri Sharp": American Realists: Homer to Hopper
"Clay, Jean": From Impressionism to Modern Art
"Petrova, Yevgenia (Ed)": Drawing and Watercolours in Russia: The Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
"Rawls, Walton": The Great Book of Currier and Ives
Huisman Philippe and M. G. Dortu: Lautrec by Lautrec
"Verlet, Pierre, Michel Florisoone, Adfolf Hoffmeister & Francis Tabard": The Book of Tapestry: History and Technique
"Romano, Umberto": Great Men
"Lane, John R, and Susan C, Larsen (eds)": Abstract Painting and Sculpture in America 1927 - 1944
"Plant, Margaret": Paul Klee: Figures and Faces
"Muench, David and Edward Abbey": Desert Images: An American Landscape
"Chagall, Mark": The Jerusalem Windows
"de Sanna, Jole": Gaston Orellana: Orestea
"Audubon, John James": The Birds of America
"Booth-Clibborn, Edward (Ed)": Andre Francois
"Cox, Alwyn and Angela Cox": Rockingham Pottery and Porcelain 1745-1842
"Buzinkay, Geza": An Illustrated History of Budapest
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Phillips. Phoebe (Ed): The Collectors' Encyclopedia of Antiques
"Sweeney, James Johnson": Henry Moore
"Oppong, Christine (Ed)": Female and Male in West Africa
"Oliver, Roland (Ed)": The Dawn of African History
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"Holleman, J. F.": Issues in African Law
"Burnham, Philip": The Politics of Cultural Difference in Northern Cameroon
"Mair, Lucy": African Marriage and Social Change
"Phillips, Arthur and Henry F Morris": Marriage Laws in Africa
"Van Velsen, J": The Politics of Kinship: A Study in Social Manipulation Among the Lakeside Tonga of Malawi
"Gutkind, Peter C. W. (Ed)": The Passing of Tribal Man in Africa
"Black, Benjamin (John Banville)"
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"Litvinov, Boris": My Soul in my Sacred Lyre
"Foxley, Charles": Verse Translations from Lucretius
"Morris, William": The Life and Death of Jason
"Eisenberg, Jerome M.": A Collector's Guide to Seashells of the World
"Saunders, Marshall": Jimmy Gold-Coast OR The Story of a Monkey and His Friends
"Kovtun, Yevgeny": The Russian Avant Garde in the 1920s and 1930s
"Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet": Candide
"Balzac, Honoré de": Père Goriot
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"Tolkien, J R R": The Peoples of Middle Earth. History of Middle Earth Volume 12
"Cowden, Jim": The Field Sales Handbook
"Vollmann, William T": Europe Central
"Berben, Paul": "Dachau, 1933-1945: The Official History"
"Amstell, Margaret": The Early Period of Coin Collecting: English Coins Edward II to 130 B.C
"Rigby, Charles": The Staff Journalist
"Winder, F.H.": With the Sea Kings
"Verne, Jules": Captain Hatteras: comprising The English at the North Pole AND The Field of Ice
"Chittenden, Hiram M.": War or Peace: A Present Duty and a Future Hope
"Toibin, Colm": Brooklyn
"Poovey, Mary": Making a Social Body
"Wood, Peter": We Shall Strike for More Dreams
"Fabian, Rainer + Hans Christian Adam ": Masters of Early Travel Photography
"Cate, Curtis,": Antoine De Saint-Exupery: His Life and Times
"Melzak, Z A": "Mathematical Ideas, Modeling and Applications"
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"Graves, Robert": The White Goddess
"Parsons, Gavin (Ed)": Dive Destinations
"Lamb, V. B.": The Betrayal of Richard III
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"Marston, Adrian (Ed)": Contemporary Operative Surgery
"Judge, A.W.": Elementary Handbook of Aircraft Engines