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STEWART G Wauchope & PRITCHARD T C L: The Scottish Psalter and Church Hymnary Revised Edition with Music FORBES Alfred T: The Home Built Dynamo, dynamo design and construction with ceramic magnets HOMER & Barbara Leonie Picard: The Odyssey of Homer
SPENGLER Oswald: The Decline of the West. An abridged edition by Helmut Werner STALIN J V: J V Stalin on the Draft Constitution of the USSR DONALDSON Stephen: White Gold Wielder
LOCKLEY Ronald: Orielton - the Human and Natural History of a Welsh Manor HOUSEHOLD Geoffrey: The Lives and Times of Bernardo Brown CICERONIS M Tullii (George Long & A J MacLeane): M. Tullii Ciceronis Orationes with a Commentary By George Long
PYNCHON Thomas: Gravity's Rainbow TSOUMIS George: Harvesting Forest Products HISCOCK Eric C: Cruising Under Sail
PATERSON A. B: An Outback Marriage: a Story of Australian Life CROWLEY Aleister: Ksiega Jogi I Magii ( Book Four in Polish ) BRADLEY C E: Bonzos Annual (1952)
THETFORD & MAYCOCK: Aircraft of the Fighting Powers Volume VI 6 Vi Six COON Caroline: 1988 The New Wave Punk Rock Explosion CATTON Eleanor: The Luminaries
BURNS Robert: The Poetical Works of Robert Burns in two volumes with a complete glossary and life of the Author HALDANE J B S: My Friend Mr Leakey JASON Stuart: Kingblood
GREENE Graham: Ways of Escape HUNT Gill ( Dennis Hughes ): Space Flight / Spaceflight LANG King (Brian Holloway): Trans-Mercurian
ISHERWOOD Christopher: The Condor and the Cows O'DONNELL Bernard: The Trials of Mr. Justice Avory anon: Suburban Souls, the Erotic Psychology of a Man and a Maid
League of Nations / Societe Des Nations: Annuaire Statistique De La Societe De Nations 1935/36 Statistical Year-book of the League of Nations CORNWELL John: Hitler's Pope the Secret History of Pius XII BLUE Dan Editor (cover By Russ Meyer ): Candid Photography a Fawcett How-to Book
DAVID-NEEL Alexandra: Initiations and Initiates in Tibet PREM Sri Krishna: The Yoga of the Kathopanishad FINLAYSON Roderick: Brown Man's Burden
A PRACTICAL MAN: A Treatise on the Manufacture of Spontaneous Yeast, And General Exposition of the Principles Underlying Fermentation, Containing Also Simple Rules for Governing Irregularities in Yeast and Bread Making COHEN Leonard: Beautiful Losers VALLEE Jacques: Anatomy of a Phenomenon, Unidentified Objects in space- a Scientific Appraisal
OGILVIE Gordon: The Port Hills of Christchurch BADGER Geoffrey: The Explorers of the Pacific BIRTLES Philip J: Hurricane, the illustrated History
DRACE Charles: Everything You Need to Know About G E But the Government Won't Tell You SMITH Loran: Masters 1982 Nineteen Hundred Eighty Two (PGA) BARD Mary: Best Friends in Summer
COATES Austin: Myself a Mandarin MUIR Marie: Torridons' Triumph HAMNETT Nina: Laughing Torso
PREVOST Marcel ( from Library of Mary Ursula Bethell ): Lettres a Francoise PHILPOT Oliver: Stolen Journey OAKLEY Ann: The Men's Room ( Uncorrected Proof )
MEWBURN Martin: I Was a Stranger ATKINSON W. E: Ai Vola Lailai Ni Vosa Vakaperitania Me Yaga Vie Ira Na Kai Viti TRUSS Seldon: Escort to Danger
SMITH Huston: The Way Things Are, Conversations with Huston Smith on the Spiritual Life ROSS Jonathan: Dead Eye O'BRIEN Frederick: White Shadows in the South Seas
TRANTER Nigel: Flight of Dutchmen LEVETT Maud S: The Life Ray MYKLE Agnar: The Song of the Red Ruby
BRUCE Leo: Death of a Bovver Boy AXELSON Eric: Congo to Cape, Early Portugese Explorers ROBERTSON Terence: The Golden Horseshoe
DANIELL David Scott: By Jiminy in the Jungle GOURIET John: Checkmate Mr President! FOX C. E: Lord of the Southern Isles Being the Story of the Anglican Mission in Melanesia 1849-1949
TRANTER Nigel: Watershed PENTECOST Hugh: The Cannibal Who Overate ELLIS James J: John Williams the Martyr Missionary of Polynesia
BANCA COMMERCIALE ITALIANA: XVII Olympiad - Rome 1960 ; History of the Games, Organization of the Games in Rome, Results ABBEY Staton: The Book of the Standard Vanguard, A practical Handbook Covering All Series I, II and III Models to 1958 BUCKERIDGE Anthony: Take Jennings for Instance
MARTON Gregory: The Boy and His Friend the Blizzard AVEBURY Lord: Prehistoric Times as Illustrated By Ancient Remains and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages BIRKENHEAD Lord: Rudyard Kipling
MONTGOMERY L. M: Pat of Silver Bush (first Australian Edition with Film stills) MALLET Francoise: Into the Labyrinth COCO Carla: Secrets of the Harem