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Prine, Virginia Bender: How Puppies Are Born: An Illustrated Guide on the Whelping and Care of Puppies
Selby, Paul: Anecdotal Lincoln
Brand, Max: The Secret of Dr. Kildare
Jagendorf, M: Upstate Downstate
Brooke, Guyon: Let's go Shopping
Wright, Thomas: The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
Judson, Clara Ingram: George Washington
Fuller, Harry J. & Tippo, Oswald: College Botany
Birney, Hoffman: The Masked Rider
Mcloughlin, E. V: The Book of Knowledge Annual 1945
McEachern, William A: Macroeconomics with Infotrac: A Contemporary Introduction
McConnell, Campbell; Brue, Stanley L: Microeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies
Gerson, Mary-Joan: Why the Sky Is Far Away: A Folktale from Nigeria
Hollin, Clive R: Criminal Behaviour: A Psychological Approach to Explanation and Prevention
Pickard, Mary Ann: Feasting Naturally from Your Own Recipes
Dewey, Ariane: The Tea Squall
Little Classics: Baby Dolphin First adventures in Nature
Synan, Vinson: In the Latter Days: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Twentieth Century
Slater, Jeffrey: Practical Business Math Procedures
Weast, Robert C: Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Cozzens, Peter: The New Annals of the Civil War
Unknown: The Arabian Knights
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: The Complete Sherlock Holmes
Hopkins, Lydia: The New Complete Poodle
Smiley, Jane; Simley, Jane: The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton
Lanting, Fred L: Canine Hip Dysplasia and Other Orthopedic Problems
Kamien, Janet: What If You Couldn'T? a Book About Special Needs
Unknown: Somos asi EN SUS MARCAS Video Program
GOD: Holy Bible
Mao Tse-Tung: Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse- Tung
Landsburg, Steven E: The Armchair Economist: Economics and Everyday Life
Kahn, Joan: Some Things Fierce and Fatal: 14 Suspense Stories-Some Fact, Some Fiction
Lauber, Patricia: What Do You See & How Do You See It?: Exploring Light, Color, and Vision
Chern, Margaret Booth: The New Complete Newfoundland
Edwards, Gladys Brown: The New Complete Airedale Terrier
Pearsall, Margaret E: The Pearsall Guide to Successful Dog Training:Obedience from the Dog's Point of View: Obedience from the Dog's Point of View
Benjamin, Carol Lea; Wiesehahn, Charles: Dog Training for Kids
Denlinger, Milo Grange: The New Complete Saint Bernard,
Marvin, John T: The Book of All Terriers
Stevenson, Robert L: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Prince Otto
Zolotow, Charlotte: The Hating Book
Aliki: Wild and Woolly Mammoths
Mahy, Margaret: Tick Tock Tales: Stories to Read Around the Clock
Campbell, John; American College of Emergency Physicians Alabama Chapter: Basic Trauma Life Support for Paramedics and Other Advanced Providers
Victor Herbert: The World's Best Music: Famous Compositions for the Piano Volume 3
Barrett, William E: The Edge of Things
Statler, Oliver: Japanese Inn
Du Maurier, Daphne: The Infernal World of Branwell Bronte
Rand Mc Nally: Illustrated Atlas of Today's World
Dunbar, Michael (editor): Aviation Quarterly Volume 1, Number 3
Brantley: The Flow of Matter and Energy Through the Biosphere
Ahmed, I: World Cultures: A Global Masica
Clark, Catherine: Wurst Case Scenario
Bevere, Lisa: The True Measure of a Woman
Heide, Florence Parry; Gorey, Edward: Treehorn's Treasure
Lottridge, Celia Barker: The Name of the Tree: A Bantu Folktale
Zelazny, Roger: Roadmarks
Underhill, Callia: A Witch's Book of Divination
Chesney, Marion: Daphne
Kreider, Jan F: Principles of Fluid Mechanics
Gill, J. G: La Hermana San Sulpicio
Yerby, Frank: Speak Now
Kennan, Kent Wheeler; Grantham, Donald: Technique of Orchestration
Stein, George H: Waffen-SS, The: Hitler's Elite Guard at War 1939-1945
Hill, John W.; Hill, Cynthia S: Chemistry for Changing Times
Lenski, Lois: Bayou Suzette
Joseph, Brandwein, Morholt, Pollack and Castka: A Sourcebook for the Physical Sciences
Bloch, Robert: Midnight Pleasures
Davis, Hubert (editor): A January Fog Will Freeze a Hog, and Other Weather Folklore
Savill, John: The Windows Nt and Windows 2000 Answer Book: A Complete Resource from the Desktop to the Enterprise
Albitz, Paul; Liu, Cricket; Larson, Matt: Dns on Windows Nt
Camarda, Bill; Reinisch, Karen: Microsoft Office Administrator's Desk Reference
Rosenberg, David R.; Gershon, Samuel; Holttum, John M.D: Textbook of Pharmacotherapy for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
Giddens, Anthony; Duneier, Mitchell; Appelbaum, Richard P: Introduction to Sociology