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Schack: A Manual of Plastics and Resins in Encyclopedia Form
Wanibe, Yoshimoto; Itoh, Takashi: New Quantitative Approach to Powder Technology
Chamot, Emile Monnin; Mason, Clyde Walter: Plastic Additives for Food Contact Applications: Positive List
Litte, Arthur: Organic Chemical Pollution of Freshwater (Water Quality Criteria Data Book, Volume 1)
Little, Arthur: Inorganic Chemical Pollution of Freshwater (Water Quality Criteria Data Book, Volume 2)
Little, Arthur: Effects of Chemicals on Aquatic Life (Water Quality Criteria Data Book, Volume 3)
Catalytica Associates, Inc: Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons: A Critical Analysis (Advances in Science and Reactor Engineering, Part III)
Catalytica Associates, Inc: Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons: A Critical Analysis
Litte, Arthur: Water Quality Criteria Data Book, 5 Volume Set: Organic Chemical Pollution of Freshwater, Inorganic Chemical Pollution of Freshwater, Effects of Chemicls on Aquatic Life, An Investigation into Recreational Water Quality, Effects on Chemicals on Aquatic Life
Mark and Proskauer: The Science of Plastics,Volume 1
Lotsch, John L: A Treatise on the Law of Patents for Inventions, 2 Volume Set
Rieger, Bernhard; Baugh, Lisa Saunders; Kacker, Smita; Striegler, Susanne: Late Transition Metal Polymerization Catalysis
Hawk, Minor C: Bulk Materials Handling, 3 Volume Set
Box, Rinke: Difficulties and Dangers of CEA-targeted Immunotherapy Against Colorectal Cancer
Ter Meulen, Volkrt: Measles Virus (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 191)
Huber, Ludwig: Validation and Qualification in Analytical Laboratories
Jubb, K. V.F.; Kennedy, Peter C.; Palmer, Nigel: Pathology of Domestic Animals, Fourth Edition Volume 1, 2, & 3
Touitou, Y.; Haus, E: Biologic Rhythms in Clinical and Laboratory Medicine
Watson, C. Peter N: Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia (Pain Research and Clinical Management Volume 8)
Vaeroy, H. and H. Merskey: Progress in Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain (Pain Research and Clinical Management Volume 6)
Massry, Shaul G.; Glassock, Richard J: Massry and Glassock's Textbook of Nephrology
Washington Business Info: Getting Your Drug Approved: FDA's Own Guidelines
Jacobs, Vivian; Lang, Alexander: Analgesics: New Research (Pharmacology - Research, Safety Testing and Regulation)
Sussman, Max: Molecular Medical Microbiology, 3 Volume Set
Almeida, O.F.X: Neurobiology of Opioids
Bauer: Coated Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Fundamentals, Manufacturing Techniques, Biopharmaceutical Aspects, Test Methods and Raw Materials
Wilson, S. E.; Finegold, Sydney M.; Williams, Russell A., M.D: Intra-Abdominal Infection
Gurny, Robert; Junginger, Hans E: Pulsatile Drug Delivery: Current Applications and Future Trends
FDA News: Surviving an FDA Inspection: An Executive Guide for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Volume I
Hartnett, Terry: The Complete Guide to Informed Consent in Clinical Trials
Euromonitor: International Marketing Data and Statistics 2013
Byron, Peter R: Respiratory Drug Delivery
Spriet, Alain; Dupin-Spriet, Therese: Good Practice of Clinical Drug Trials
Timothy F. Donohue , Curtis R. Sprouse: Drug Formularies & Pharmaceutical Industry: Thriving in the Managed Care Era
Kirk, James C.; Frederick M. Gale; George A. Mabry: Partnerships in Clinical Trials: Pharmaceutical company and managed care alliances
U.S. Food and Drug Administration/Jean A.T. Pennington: Iodine Toxicity
Wiersma, Erik J: Effects of IgG antibodies and complement on the immune response
Snell, Foster Dee and Leslie S. Ettre: Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis : 20 Volume Set
Perez, Franck; Stephens, David: Methods for Analysis of Golgi Complex Function, Volume 118: Methods in Cell Biology
Stephenson, Michael: Shale Gas and Fracking: The Science Behind the Controversy
Sato, Haruo; Fehler, Michael: Advances in Geophysics, Volume 50: Earth Heterogeneity and Scattering Effects on Seismic Waves
Singh, Manmohan; Salnikova, Maya: Novel Approaches and Strategies for Biologics, Vaccines and Cancer Therapies
Tillman, David A.; Dao N.B. Duong; N. Stanley Harding: Solid Fuel Blending: Principles, Practices, and Problems
Sueker, Keith H: Power Electronics Design: A Practitioner's Guide
Ueda, Yukio; Hidekazu Murakawa; Ninshu Ma: Welding Deformation and Residual Stress Prevention
Zhang, Li-Zhi: Conjugate Heat and Mass Transfer in Heat Mass Exchanger Ducts
Mench, Matthew M.; Caglan Kumbur, Emin; Veziroglu, T. Nejat: Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Degradation
Das, Sajal K; Kant, Krishna; Zhang, Nan: Handbook on Securing Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure
Kurachi, Yoshihisa; Terzic, Andre; Cohen, Michael V.; Sperelakis, Nicholas: Heart Physiology and Pathophysiology, Fourth Edition
Rackley, Steve: Carbon Capture and Storage
McArthur, Robert A: Translational Neuroimaging: Tools for CNS Drug Discovery, Development and Treatment
Chwieduk, Dorota: Solar Energy in Buildings: Thermal Balance for Efficient Heating and Cooling
Tojo, Seishu; Hirasawa, Tadashi: Research Approaches to Sustainable Biomass Systems
McLoughlin MD, Thomas M: Advances in Anesthesia, Volume 29
Jeon, Kwang W: International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, Volume 313
Socie, Gerard; Blazar, Bruce R: Immune Biology of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Models in Discovery and Translation
Fingas, Mervin: Oil Spill Science and Technology
Shepard's New Jersey Case Names Citator, 2014 Volume 1 (A-Ezz), Third Edition
Orlando, Giuseppe: Regenerative Medicine Applications in Organ Transplantation
Ahmed, Tarek: Working Guide to Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibria Calculations
Michael Piggott: Prime Ministers at the Australian National University: An Archival Guide
McIntosh, Paul: Action Research and Reflective Practice: Creative and Visual Methods to Facilitate Reflection and Learning
Camuffo, D: Microclimate for Cultural Heritage: Conservation, Restoration, and Maintenance of Indoor and Outdoor Monuments, Second Edition
Webb, Steve: Corridors to Extinction and the Australian Megafauna (Elsevier Insights)
Perez, Franck; Stephens, David: Methods for Analysis of Golgi Complex Function (Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 118)
Li, Songjun; Ge, Yi; Piletsky, Sergey A.; Lunec, Joe: Molecularly Imprinted Sensors: Overview and Applications
Dincer, Ibrahim; Zamfirescu, Calin: Advanced Power Generation Systems
Wilson, Barry: The Biogeography of the Australian North West Shelf: Environmental Change and Life's Response
Meurant, Gerard: Corrosion Handbook, Part 5: Corrosive Agents and Their Interaction with Materials, CD-ROM ONLY
Cleveland, Cutler J.; Morris, Christopher G: Handbook of Energy, Volume II: Chronologies, Top Ten Lists, and Word Clouds
Ebrahimi, Masood; Keshavarz, Ali: Combined Cooling, Heating and Power: Decision-Making, Design and Optimization
Kubba, Sam: Handbook of Green Building Design and Construction: Leed, Breeam, and Green Globes
RSMeans: RSMeans Building Construction Cost Data, Chicago Edition 2014
Barrington, Jack; Mylius, Dieter; Arden, Stuart: Practical Australian Carpentry - Framing and Construction, Book 1
Look, Burt G: Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables (Balkema: Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences)