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HOPE, Patrick Joseph: A Short History Of Patmos Tabernacle. No. 21, H. R. A. K. T. P HOPE, Robert Charles: The Legendary Lore of the Holy Wells of England. Incccluding Rivers, Lakes, Fountains and Springs. Copiusly Illustrated by Curious Original Woodcuts HOPKIN, Alannah: The Living Legend of St Patrick
HOPKINS, E.Washburn: The Great Epic of India. Its Character and Origin HOPKINS, J.C.F: Tobacco Diseases. With Special Reference to Africa HOPKINS, Tighe: The Romance of Escapes. Studies of some historic flights with a personal commentary. With illustrations
HOPWOOD, Derek: Tales of Empire. The British In The Middle East. 1880-1952 HORDER, W. Howard: Petrol Fumes. With illustrations by Wyndham Robinson HORNELL, James: British Coracles and Irish Curraghs. With a Note on the Quffah of Iraq. With an Introduction by Sir Geoffrey Callender. 23 plates and 23 figures and plans in text
HORNELL, James: Fishing in Many Waters HORNER, Gordon: For You the War is Over HORNER, I. B: The Book of Discipline. (Vinaya-Pitaks) Part II (Suttavibhanga) Vol XI of Sacred Books of the Buddhists
HORNER, I.B. [Trans.]: The Book of the Discipline (Vinaya-Pitaka). Part III (Suttavibhanga). Sacred Books of the Buddhists Volume XIII HORROCKS, Lieut.-General Sir Brian: A Full Life. (SIGNED) HORSLEY, Samuel. Lord Bishop of Rochester: Elementary Treatises on the Fundemental Principles of Practical Mathematics For the Use of Students
HORSLEY, Terence. TUNNICLIFFE, C. F: The Long Fight. Illustrated by C. F. Tunnicliffe HORTON, Richard: Tables for Planting and Valuing Underwood and Woodland. Also Lineal, Superficial, Cubical, Wages, Marketing, and Decimal tables HORTON VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE: Horton. A Gower Village. Designed and Produced by Annie Nicholas
HORWATH, Jan, edited by and LAWSON, Brian: Trust Betrayed. Munchausen syndrome by proxy, inter-agency child protection and partnership with families HORWOOD, Catherine: Keeping Up Appearances. Fashion and Class Between The Wars HOSPITAL, Janette Turner: The Ivory Swing
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HOWSE, W.H: Radnor Old and New. (SIGNED). With a Foreword by The Rt. Hon. The Lord Rennell of Rodd HOWSE, W. H: Radnorshire HOYLES, Martin: Bread and Roses. Gardening Books from 1560-1960. Volume 2
HUBBACK, Andrew: Prophets of Doom. The Security Threat of Religious Cults HUBBARD, P.M: The Causeway HUBBARD, P.M: The Custom of The Country
HUBLER, Richard: The Cristianis HUGGETT, Renée & BERRY, Paul: Daughters of Cain. The Story of Eight Women Executed Since Edith Thompson in 1923. Foreword by Margery Fry HUGGETT, Richard: The Curse of Macbeth and Other Theatrical Superstitions, an Investigation by..
HUGHES, Brenda: Folk Tales from Chile. Illustrated by Dick de Wilde HUGHES, Charles J: Igneous Petrology. Developments in Petrology 7 HUGHES, H: The Beauties of Cambria; Consisting of Sixty Views, in North and South Wales; Each View Accompanied by a Page of Letter-Press
HUGHES, Mark: The Unofficial Formula One Encyclopedia. The History, The Drivers, The Teams, The Tracks, The Cars, The Future. Foreword by Jenson Button HUGHES, Mary: Something New From Aunt Mary HUGHES, Ted: How The Whale Became. Illustrated by George Adamson
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HUMPHREYS, Christmas: Seven Murderers HUMPHRY, William Gilson: An Historical and Explanatory Treatise on the Book of Common Prayer HUNTER, Norman: Professor Branestawm's Great Revolution. With Illustrations by David Hughes
HUNTER, P. Hay: The Crime of Christmas Day HUNTER, Sir William Wilson: The Thackerays in India and Some Calcutta Graves HUSON, T: Round About Snowdon. Thirty Plates by T. Huson, R.I., R.P.E. With Notes by J. J. Hissey
HUTCHEON, Robert J: Humanism in Religion Explained HUTCHESON, Gilbert: Supplement to the First Edition of the Treatise on the Offices of Justice of the Peace etc.. HUTCHINSON, George G. (Edited by): The "Country Life" Library of Sport. Fishing. In Two Volumes
HUTCHINSON, William: The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 11, Numbers 2-3, June-September 2009 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 11, Number 1, March 2009
HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 10, Number 4, December 2008 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 10, Number 2, June 2008 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 10, Number 3, September 2008
HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 8, Number 1, March 2006 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 8, Number 3, September 2006 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 9, Number 2, June 2007
HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 9, Number 4, December 2007 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 9, Number 3, September 2007 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 8, Number 2, June 2006
HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 7, Number 4, December 2005 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 7, Number 3, September 2005 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. and ZIMMERER, Jurgen [Eds.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 9, Number 1, March 2007
HUTTENBACH, Henry R. [Ed.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 6, Number 4, December 2004 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. [Ed]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 6, Number 2, June 2004 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. [Ed.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 6, Number 1, March 2004
HUTTENBACH, Henry R. [Ed.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 4, Number 1, March 2002 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. [Ed.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 5, Number 2, June 2003 HUTTENBACH, Henry R. [Ed.]: Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 5, Number 3, September 2003