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EMETT: Sidings and Suchlike. Explored by.. EMTAGE, J. B: Ski Fever. Pictures by Lewis Baumer ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA: Encyclopaedia Britannica. In Three Volumes
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EVELYN, John: Silva: Or a Discourse of Forest-Trees, and the Propagation of Timber in his Majesty's Dominions: As it was delivered in the Royal Society on the 15th day of October, 1662. ...... An Historical Account of the Sacredness and Use of Standing Groves. With Notes by A. Hunter EWING, Juliana Horatia, written by: Mother's Birthday Review and Seven other Tales in Verse. Depicted by R. André EYE WITNESSES: The Reign of Terror. A Collection of Authentic Narratives of the Horrors Committed by the Revolutionary Government of France under Marat and Robespierre. Written by Eye-witnesses of the Scenes. Translated From the French interspered with Biographical Notices of Prominent Characters and Curious Anecdotes. Illustrative of a Period Without its Parallel in History. With two frontispieces: being photogravure portraits of the Princess De Lamballe and M. De Beaumarchais
EYLES, Desmond & DENNIS, Richard: Royal Doulton Figures. Produced at Burslem c1890-1978 FABIAN, A. C: Origins. The Darwin College Lectures. |Edited by A. C. Fabian FABRE-VASSAS, Claudine: The Singular Beast. Jews, Christians and the Pig. Translated by Carol Volk
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FARMER, Hugh: An Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament FARQUAR, J.N: An Outline of the Religious Literature of India (FARQUHARSON, Martha). FINLEY, Martha: Mildred and Elsie
FASSETT, James H: The Pancake. Illustrated by Ernest Shepard. The Beacon Readers. Book Three FATE, Vincent Di and SUMMERS, Ian: Di Fate's Catalogue of Science Fiction Hardware. Illustrated by Vincent Di Fate. Written with Beth Meacham. Diagrams by Gregory Elkin and David Harper. Art Directed and Designed by Sally Bass and Ian Summers FATTAH, Ezzat A. (Edited by): The Plight of Crime Victims in Modern Society
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FELTENBURG, Edgar: Western Asiatic Antiquities. The Burrell Collection FENTON, Richard: A Historical Tour Through Pembrokeshire. With a Portrait of the Author, and a Biography written by Ferrar Fenton. To Which are now Added the Notes Made for Second Edition by Richard and John Fenton FERGUSON, James: Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, And Made Easy to Those Who Have Not Studied Mathematics. To Which are Added, A Plain Method of Finding The Distances of All the Planets from the Sun, By the Transit of Venus over the Sun's Disc, in the Year 1761. An Account of Mr. Horrox's Observation of the Transit of Venus in the Year 1639: And, Of the Distances of All the Planets from the Sun, as Deduced from Observations of the Transit in the Year 1761. The Eighth Edition
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FERREIRA, John V: Totemism in India FFRENCH, Canon J.F.M: Prehistoric Faith and Worship Glimpses of Ancient Irish Life FIELD, J.V. & WRIGHT, M.T: Early Gearing. Geared Mechanisms in the Ancient and Mediaeval World
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FINKELHOR, David: A Sourcebook on child sexual abuse. with Sharon Arajy, Larry Baron, Angela Browne, Stefanie Doyle Peters, Gail Elizabeth Wyatt FINLEY (FARQUHARSON), Martha: Elsie's Children FINLEY (FARQUHARSON), Martha : Elsie's Widowhood. A Sequal to Elsie's Children
FIRSOFF, George: 1968, Spring of Youth. SIGNED FISCHER, Dr. Alois: Vienna. The Town and its Buildings. Remember Austria Committee. Text... Artistic Design: Gunther v. Baszel FISHER, Major Payne: Catalogue of the Tombs In the Churches of the City of London A.D. 1666. Revised and Edited by G. Blacker Morgan
FISHER, Vardis: Suicide or Murder? The Strange Death of Governor Meriwether Lewis FITCHEN, John: The New World Dutch Barn. A Study of Its Characteristics, Its Structural System, and Its Probable Erectional Procedures FITCHETT, W. H: Fights for the Flag. With Portraits and Plans
FITZGERALD, Edward. (Rubaiyat): Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Translated into English Verse [FITZGIBBON, Edward]. EPHEMERA: Handbook of Angling : Teaching Fly-Fishing, Trolling, Bottom-Fishing, and Salmon-Fishing ; with the Natural History of River Fish, and The Best Modes of Catching Them FLEMING, Joan: Two Lovers Too Many
FLEMING, Stuart J: Authenticity in Art. The Scientific Detection of Forgery FLETCHER, S. Geoffrey: Old City Churches FLEURE, H.J: A Natural History of Man in Britain. Conceived as a Study of Changing Relations between Men and Environments
FOLLMI, Olivier: Zanskar. A Himalayan Kingdom FOOTE, G. W: Infidel Death Beds FORSTER, T. F: The Pocket Encyclopaedia of Natural Phenomena; For the use of Mariners, Shepherds, Gardeners, Husbandmen and Others; Being a Compendium of Prognostications of the Weather, Signs of the Seasons, Periods of Plants, and other Phenomena in Natural History and Philosophy ....
FORTE, Maurizio and SILIOTTI, Alberto (Eds): Virtual Archaeology. Recreating Ancient Worlds FORTESCUE, Winifred: "There's Rosemary... There's Rue..." FORTY, George: Patton's Third Army at War
FOSS, Hannen [Ed.]: The Riches of Christmas FOSTER, Michael: Hornby Dublo Trains. With a Compendium Compiled by Alan F. Ellis FOTHERGILL, George A: Notes From the Diary of a Doctor, Sketch Artist & Sportsman. With 220 Illustrations by The Author