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D'ARBLAY, Madame [Fanny Burney]: Diary and Letters. Edited by Her Niece. A New Edition. In Seven Volumes d'AUVERGNE, Edmund B: The Prodigious Marshal. Being the life and extraordinary adventures of Maurice of Saxe, Marshal of France, son of the King of Poland, conqueror of the English, pretender to the Dukedom of Kurland, and universal lover D'ENSINGÈ, Jean: Wood Nuts from A Fairy Hazel Bush, Cracked for Little People
DAHL, Roald. WALT DISNEY: The Gremlins. From the Walt Disney Production. A Royal Airforce Story by Flight Lieutenant Roald Dahl. WITH APPROPRIATE SIGNED LETTER FROM DAHL (DAHL, Roald). WOOD, David: The BFG. Theatre Programme. James Woods & Justin Savage for Clarion Productions & Robert Cogo-Fawcett for Lyric Hammersmith Productions by arrangement with Theatre Royal Presentations Plc Present The BFG. (Big Friendly Giant) by Roald Dahl. Adapted and Directed by David Wood DAILY, Starr: Love Can Open Prison Doors
DALY, Kathleen N: Jingle Bells. Based on the Traditional Christmas Carol. Pictures by J. P. Miller DALZIEL, Hugh: The Greyhound. Its History, Points, Breeding, Rearing, Training, and Running DALZIEL, The Brothers. DULCKEN, H. W: Dalziels' Illustrated Arabian Nights' Entertainments. The Text Revised and Emendated Throughout by Dulcken. With Upwards of Two Hundred Illustrations by Eminent Artists. Engraved by The Brothers Dalziel. With an Original Frontispiece Designed and Painted by James Douglas
DAMHOVDER, Ioost de: Practycke in 'Civile Saeckery. Seer nut / profijtelijck ende nodigh Allen Schouten, Borghemeesteren. Magistraten ende andere Rechteven [DANTE]. TOYNBEE, Paget: A Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante DARLEY, George: The Complete Poetical Works of George Darley. Now First Collected. Reprinted from the Rare Original Editions in the Possession of the Darley Family and Edited with an Introduction by Ramsay Coles. The Muses Library
DARTON, F. J. Harvey: Dickens. Positively the First Appearance. A Centenary Review with a Bibliography of Sketches by Boz DARWIN, Bernard: Second Shots. Casual Talks About Golf DARWIN, Bernard. Intorduced by..: The Golfer's Manual. Being an Historic and Descriptive Account of the National Game of Scotland by 'A Keen Hand' Originally Published in 1857 and Now Reprinted with an Introduction by Bernard Darwin
DARWIN, Charles: The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex DARWIN, Charles: The Descent of Man. And Selection In Relation to Sex. With Illustrations DARWIN, John: The Triumphs of Big Ben
DAS, Bhagavan: Krshna. A Study in the Theory of Avataras DASGUPTA, Surendranath: Indian Idealism DAUDET, Alphonse: Tartarin sur les Alpes. Nouveaux Exploits du Heros Tarasconnais
DAVID-NEEL, Alexandra and YONGDEN, The Lama: The Superhuman Life of Gesar of Ling DAVIDS, T.W.Rhys and STEDE, William (Eds): The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary, Parts I-VIII DAVIDSON, J. Thain: Forewarned-Forearmed
DAVIDSON, Roy Weaver, collected, edited and arranged by: Documents on Contemporary Dervish Communities. A Symposium DAVIES, Bryn: A Gallipoli Diary. With additional Biographical Information by his son Peter B.S. Davies DAVIES, David: The Case of Labourers in Husbandry Stated and Considered with An Appendix containing A Collection of Accounts Shewing The Earnings and Expenses of Labouring Families in Different Parts of the Kingdom
DAVIES, Henry Rees: A Review of the Records of The Conway and the Menai Ferries DAVIES, Meirion: Glynogwr and Gilfach Goch. (SIGNED) A History DAVIES, Robertson: What's Bred In The Bone
[DAVY, Sir Humphery.]: Salmonia. Or Days of Fly Fishing in a series of conversations with some account of the habits of fishes belonging to the genus salmo By an Angler DAWKINS, Richard: The Blind Watchmaker DAWSON, Lawrence H: Nicknames and Pseudonyms. Including Sobriquets Of Persons In History, Literature, And The Arts Generally, Titles Given To Monarchs, And The Nicknames Of The British Regiments And The States Of North America
DAWSON, Sir J.W: Relics of Primeval Life. With sixty-five illustrations DAWSON, Sir J.W: The Story of the Earth and Man. Thirteenth edition DAY, Frederick T: Colour Paper Decoration; Coloured Paper Craft. For Infant Schools; Coloured Paper Craft. For Teachers and Handicraft Students. THREE VOLUMES
DAY, Lewis F: Ornament & its Application. A Book for Students Treating in A Practical Way of the Relation of Design to Material, Tools and Methods of Work DAYES, Edward: The Works of the Late Edward Dayes: Containing an Excursion through the Principle Parts of Derbyshire and Yorkshire, With Illustrative Notes by E.W. Brayley; Essays on Painting; Instructions for Drawing and Coloring Landscapes; and Professional Sketches of Modern Artists DE BORCHGRAVE, Helen: A Journey into Christian Art
DE BOSSCHERE, Jean: The House of Forsaken Hope. Translated by Donald MacAndrew. LIMITED EDITION DE FONVIELLE, Wilfrid: Adventures in the Air. Being Memorable Experiences of Great Aeronauts. From the French of.... Translated and Edited by John S. Keltie DE LA MARE, Walter: Told Again
DE LA PASTURE, Mrs. Henry: The Unlucky Family. A Book for Children. Illustrated by E. T. Reed DE QUINCEY, Thomas: The Uncollected Writings of Thomas De Quincey. With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg. In Two Volumes DE STAËL, Madame: Corinne, Ou L'Italie. Three Volumes Bound in Two
DEALE, Kenneth E. L: Memorable Irish Trials DEBENHAM, Frank: Exercises in Cartography DEBUSSY, Claude: Monsieur Croche the Dilettante Hater. From the French of..
DEFOE, Daniel: A Tour Through The Whole Island of Great Britain. Edited and with an Introduction by Pat Rogers Photographs by Simon McBride DELAFORCE, Patrick: Monty's Marauders. Black Rat and Red Fox: 4th & 8th Independent Armoured Brigades in WW2 DELAFORCE, Patrick. - BARCLAY, Brigadier C. N. - A.D.B: Red Crown and Dragon. 53rd Welsh Division in North-West Europe 1944-1945. by Patrick Delaforce. - Together with: The History of the 53rd (Welsh) Division in the Second World War by Brigadier C. N. Barclay, with a Foreword by Major-General C.F.C. Coleman. - Team Spirit by A.D.B. All 3 volumes sold together
DELUMEAU, Jean: History of Paradise. The Garden of Eden in Myth and Tradition. Translated by Matthew O'Connell DENNEY, Ronald C: The Truth about Breath Tests DENNISON MANUFACTURING: How to Make Crepe Paper Costumes
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, Headquarters: Army Regulation. Uniform and Insignia. Male Personnel. September 1966 DERCSENYI, Dezso: Historical Mouuments in Hungary. Restoration and Preservation. Translated by Elisabeth Hoch, translation revised by Lajos Dobos Derek Roberts Antiques: An Exhibition of Skeleton Clocks. November, 1987
DERRETT, J. Duncan M: The Hoysalas. A Medieval Indian Royal Family DESAI, Miss Nileshvari Y: Ancient Indian Society, Religion and Mythology as Depicted In The Marandeya-Purana. A Critical Study DIBDIN, Michael: Blood Rain. SIGNED
DICKENS, Charles: Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son. Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation. The Oxford 'Illustrated' Dickens. With forty original illustrations by Cruikshank,'Phiz', &c DICKENS, Charles: Dombey & Son. With illustrations by H. K. Browne (Phiz) DICKENS, Charles: The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. With illustrations by Phiz (H. K. Browne)
DICKENS, Charles: The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. With a Frontispiece by Frank Stone DICKENS, Charles: The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club With forty-three illustrations by R. Seymour and "Phiz" (H. K. Browne) DICKENS, Charles: Sketches by Boz Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People. With forty illustrations by George Cruikshank
DICKENS. Charles. SLATER, Michael: The Dent Uniform Edition of Dickens' Journalism. Edited by Michael Slater. Volume 3. Gone Astray and Other Papers from Household Words. 1851-59 DICKSON, Carter: Lord of the Sorcerers DICKSON, Carter. [John Dickson CARR]: Death in Five Boxes
DICKSON, Carter. [John Dickson CARR]: The White Priory Murders DILNOT, George: Rogues' March DILNOT, George: The Trial of Jim The Penman. (James Townsend Saward). Edited by..
DINA-NATHA: Sri-Krsnavatara-Lila Edited,Translated and Transcribed in the Roman Character by Sir George A Grierson DISHER, M. Willson: Melodrama. Plots that Thrilled. Illustrated from the Raymond Mander and Joe Mitchenson Theatre Collection DIXON, Edward T: The Guidance of Conduct. Psyche Monographs: No. 2