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BALLANTYNE, R. .M: Post Haste. A Tale of Her Majesty's Mails. With Illustrations
BALLARD, J. G: The Day of Creation
BANERJEA, J.N: Religion in Art and Archaeology. Vaishnavism and Saivism. The Dr Radha Kumud Mookerji Endowment Lectures, University of Lucknow, 1961-62
BANERJI, Sures Chanra: Dharma-Sutras. A Study in Their Origin and Development
BANKS, Lynne Reid: The Dungeon. (SIGNED)
BANNISTER, J.T: A Survey of the Holy Land: Its Geography, History, and Destiny. Designed to Elucidate the Imagery of Scripture and Demonstrate The Fulfillment of Prophecy. With an Introduction By The Rev. W. Marsh. Embellished with Maps and Engravings
BARBER, D.F: Pornography and Society
BARKER, Howard. WESKER, Arnold: 13 Objects. Studies in Servitude
BARKER, K. F: Me and My Dog. The Pedigree Boxer and the Alley Kitten. Written and Illustrated by..
BARNES, Julia. CURTIS, George: George Curtis Training Greyhounds
BARNES, Melvyn: Root and Branch. A History of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners of London
BARNES, Stanley: Anglers' Knots In Gut and Nylon
BARNES, Walley: Captain of Wales. (SIGNED) With a Foreword by Tom Whittaker. With 18 Illustrations
BARNETT, J. R: Modern Motor-Lifeboats of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution
BARROS, Luis Aires: A Ilha Do Principe e a "Linha dos Camaroes". (Estudo Petrologico)
BARTH, Rev C: History of the World on Bible Principles. By Late Pastor of Mottlingen, in Wirtemberg. Translated by The Rev, R.F. Walker, Curate of Purleigh, Essex, and Formerly Chaplain of New College Oxford. A New and Revised Edition
BARTHELEMI, Abbe: The Travels of Anacharsis The Younger in Greece, During the Middle of the Fourth Century before the Christian Era. Abridged from the Original Work of the .... Illustrated with Plates Designed and Engraved by H Richter
BARTLET, J: The Gentleman's Farriery: Or, a Practical Treatise, on the Diseases of Horses: Wherein the beft Writers on that subject have been confulted, and M. La Fosse's Method of Trepanning Glander Horfes is Particularly Confider'd and Improved; Also A New Method of Nicking Horses is recommended; with a Copper-Plate and Defcription of the Machine. To Which is added an Appendix
BARTLETT, W. H: The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland. Three of the Divisions. I, II and IV
BARTOLLAS, Clemens and MILLER, Stuart J: The Juvenile Offender. Control, Correction, and Treatment
BARUK, Henri: Hebraic Civilization and the Science of Man The Second Mary Hemingway Ress Memorial Lecture, Edinburgh, 1960
BASELEY, Godfrey: The Archers. A Slice of My Life. (SIGNED)
[BASUTOLAND] Commonwealth Relations: Basutoland Medicing Murder. A Report on the Recent Outbreak of "Diretlo" Murders in Basutoland
BATEMAN, Thomas: Ten Years' Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave-hills (1861)
BATES, H. E: The Last Bread. A Play in One Act by.
BATES, Ione: Out of a Long Silence. (SIGNED)
BATTEN, Chris: NHS Ambulances. The First 25 Years 1948-1973. Famous Fleets Volume Two
BATTLEY, Harry: Single Finger Prints. A New and Practical Method of Classifying and Filing Single Finger Prints and Fragmentary Impressions
BAUSCH & LOMB: Certified-Precision Diffraction Gratings
BAWDEN, Edward: English as She is Drawn. Retrospective Exhibition 4-29 September 1989
(BAWDEN, Edward). HUGHES, Kate, PORAJ-WILCZYNSKI, Michael and WHITBREAD, Maurice: Edward Bawden: The Art of Design. An Exhibition initiated by the Herbert Read Gallery Kent Institute of Art and Design Canterbury College for the fifth Canterbury Arts Festival 1988. The Catalogue by...
BAWDEN, Nina: A Nice Change
BAWDEN, Nina: Ruffian on the Stair
BAYLEY, Harold: The Tragedy of Sir Francis Bacon. An Appeal for further Investigation and Research
Bayliss, Wyke: The Higher Life in Art. With a Chapter on Hobgoblins by the Great Masters. by... Author of the Witness of Art
'BB': Letters from Compton Deverell. Illustrated by Denys Watkins-Pitchford
"BB". WATKINS-PITCHFORD, Denys: The Little Grey Men. A Story for the Young in Heart. Illustrated by Denys Watkins-Pitchford. FIRST EDITION
BBC: BBC Year Book 1947
BEAMAN, S.G. Hulme. Written and Illustrated by: Tales of Toytown
BEAMISH, Tony: Aldabra Alone. (SIGNED) Foreword by Sir Julian Huxley
BEATTIE, James. BLAIR, Robert and William FALCONER: The Poetical Works of...With Lives, Critical Dissertations and Explanatory Notes by Rev. George Gilfillan
BEATTIE, John Watt: Tasmanian Photographer. From the John Watt Beattie Collection. Compiled by Margaret Tassell and David Wood. From the Collections of the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
BEAUMONT, V. B: The Wolverhampton Chamber of Commerce 1856-1956
BECKE, Louis: Rídan The Devil and Other Stories
(BECKETT, Samuel). ACKERLEY, C.J. AND GONTARSKI, S.E: The Faber Companion to Samuel Beckett. A Reader's Guide to His Works, Life and Thought
(BECKETT, Samuel). FRIEDMAN, Alan Warren. (Editor): Beckett in Black and Red. The Translations for Nancy Cunard's Negro (1934)
BEDFORD, Herbert: The Heroines of George Meredith. With Twenty Miniatures in Colour by.
BEDINI, Silvio A: The Pope's Elephnat
BEETON, Mrs. Isabella: The Book of Household Management Comprising Information for the Mistress, Housekeeper, Cook, Kitchen-Maid, Butler, Footman, Coachman, Valet, Lady's-Maid....Wet and Sick Nurses, etc. Also Sanitary, Medical and Legal Memoranda....Entirely New Edition, revised and Corrected With New Coloured Engravings
BEILBY, Lord Bishop of London: A Summary of the Principal Evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation. Designed chiefley for the use of young persons
BELCHEM, John: Irish, Catholic and Scouse. The History of the Liverpool-Irish, 1800-1939
BELCHER, The Rev. Joseph: The Sacred Star. Conducted by... January to June 1834
BELL, Josephine: The Catalyst
BELL, Josephine: Death of a Con Man
BELL, Josephine,: Death of a Poison-Tongue
BELL, Josephine: The Fennister Affair
BELL, Josephine: A Hole In The Ground
BELL, Josephine: A Hydra With Six Heads
BELL, Josephine: The Innocent
BELL, Josephine: A Pigeon Among the Cats
BELL, Josephine: The Trouble in Hunter Ward
BELL, Josephine: Victim
BELL, Josephine: The Wilberforce Legacy
BELL, Josephine: Wolf! Wolf!
BELLAIRE, A: Decorative Initial Letters Used in Atlases
BELLOC, Hilaire: The Postmaster-General. With Thirty Drawings by G. K. Chesterton
BELSKY, Franta: Franta Belsky. Sculpture
BEN-AMI, Issachar: Folklore Research Cener Studies. Volume III
BENEST, E. E: Inland Waterways of the Netherlands In Three Volumes
(BENISON) O'FLAHERTY, Mary Mozarello: Songs of an Irish Ballad Singer. With Piano Music and Guitar Chords. Volumes 1 and 2
BENNET, D.J. and STRANG, T: The Northwest Highlands. Scottish Mountaineering Club District Guidebooks
BENNET, Donald, edited by: The Munros. Scottish Mountaineering Club. Hillwalker's Guide. Volume One
BENNETT, James: Oral History and Delinquency. The Rhetoric of Criminology
BENNETT, Marjorie: The White Camel and Other Stories. With Illustrations by Joan Hall-Fletcher