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ADAMS, Colonel R. M: Through to 1970. Royal Signals Golden Jubilee
ADAMS, Frank: The Story of The Frog who Would A-Wooing Go. Illustrated by..
ADAMS, Frank. Illustrated by: Old Mother Hubbard
ADAMS, W. H. Davenport: Beneath The Surface; or, the Wonders of the Underground World
AESOP: Select Fables of Esop and Other Fabulists. In Three Books
AGRAWALA, Vasudeva S: Ancient Indian Folk Cults. Indian Civilisation Series No. VII
AGRAWALA, Vasudeva S: Sparks From the Vedic Fire. [A New Approach to Vedic Symbolism]
AGRAWALA, Vasudeva S: Vamana Purana - A Study. An Exposition of the Ancient Purana-Vidya
AIKEN, Dr: Select Works of the British Poets, with Biographical and Critical Prefaces. A New Edition with a Supplement by Lucy Aiken
AIKIN, Dr. and BARBAULD, Mrs: Evenings at Home, or, The Juvenile Budget Opened. Illustrated with Fine Engravings after Harvey
[AIKIN, John]: England Delineated ; Or, A Geographical Description of Every County in England and Wales: With a Concise Account of Its Most Important Products, Natural and Artificial. For The Use of Young Persons. With Outline Maps of all the Counties
AINSWORTH DAVIES, J. R: The Natural History of Animals. The Animal Life of the World in its Various Aspects and Relations. Complete in 8 Volumes
AITKEN, Jonathan: Pride and Perjury
ALBERT, W. and HARVEY, D. A. (Eds.): Portsmouth & Sheet Turnpike Commissioners' Minute Book 1711-1754. Portsmouth Record Series. Volume 2
ALCOTT, Louisa M: Jo's Boys And How They Turned Out. LOVELY 1950's EDITION IN HARDBACK
ALCOTT, WM. A: The Young Mother, Or Management of Children In Regard to Health. By... the author of the Young Man's Guide, and Editor of the Moral Reformer
ALDIN, Cecil: Cathedrals and Abbey Churches of England. Illustrated by.
ALDIN, Cecil: Field Babies
ALDIN, Cecil: Sleeping Partners A Series of Episodes
ALDIN, Cecil: Zoo Babies. Pictured by.... With Short Interviews by G. E. Farrow
ALDISS, Brian: Remembrance Day. (SIGNED)
ALDISS, Brian W: The Airs of Earth. Science Fiction Stories
ALDRICH, Bess Streeter: Miss Bishop
ALEXANDER, Dorothy in collaboration with Walter L. Strauss: The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. 1600-1700. A Pictorial Catalogue in two volumes 1. A-N
ALEXANDER, J. J. G. and DE LA MARE, A. C: The Italian Manuscripts in the Library of Major J. R. Abbey
ALEXANDER, Lamar (Presented by): The Tennesseans. A People and Their Land. Photographed by Robin Hood. Text by Barry Parker
ALEXANDER, Sir Henry: The Cairngorms. Fourth Edition. A Major Revision by Adam Watson, with assistance from J.C.D Donaldson. I.H.M. Smart and G.S. Johnstone.Scottish Mountainerring Club District Guide Books
ALFIERI, Vittorio: Del Principe e Delle Lettere, con Altre Prose
ALFIERI, Vittorio: Satire e Poesie, Minori
ALI, Tariq: Pirates of the Caribbean. SIGNED Axis of Hope
ALLCHIN, F.R: Neolithic Cattle-Keepers Of South India. A Study of the Deccan Ashmounds
ALLDERIDGE, Patricia: Bethlem Hospital 1247-1997. A Pictorial Record. (SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY)
ALLEN, Glen: Night Raiders
ALLEN, Peter: Famous Fairways. A Look at the World of Championship Courses.
ALLEN, Philip Schuyler (Stories by). MOE, Louis. (Pictures by): Three Roly-Poly Piglets
ALLEN, Rosemary: Gargoyles
ALLFREE, P.S: Hawks of the Hadhramaut
ALY, Gotz and HEIM, Susanne: Architects of Annihilation. Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction
AMBLER, Eric: Intrigue. Four Great Spy Novels of ... With an Introduction by Alfred Hitchcock
AMEDEO, H. R. H. Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, Duke of the Abruzzi. DE FILIPPI, Filippo (Narrated by): The Ascent of Mount St. Elias. [Alaska]. Narrated by Filippo de Filippi. Illustrated by Vittorio Sella and Translated by Signora Linda Villari with The Author's Supervision
AMIN, Mohammed, WILLETTS, Duncan, FARROW, Bendan: Lahore
AMIS, Kingsley: A Frame of Mind. Eighteen Poems
AMIS, Kingsley, GOLDING, William, INGLIS, Brian et al: John Bull's Schooldays
AMMAN, Jost: Kunst und Lehrbuchlein. Notes and Introduction by Eric Quayle
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Prison Conditions in Paraguay. Conditions for Political Prisoners. A factual report compiled by Amnesty International
ANAND, Mulk Raj: Folk Tales of Punjab
ANAND, Mulk Raj. Introductory essay by Eric Gill: The Hindu View of Art
ANCEL, Marc: Social Defence. A Modern Approach to Criminal Problems. By... With a Foreword by Leon Radzinowicz, translated by J.Wilson
ANCESSI, V: Atlas Geographique et Archeologique pour l'etude de L'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament
ANDERSEN, Hans Christian: The Tinder Box. Retold By Joan Cherry. Illustrated by Lucien Lowen
ANDERSEN, Hans Christian: The Ugly Duckling. etc.etc. Illustrated by E. J. Andrews, Elsie Blomfield Etc., Etc
ANDERSEN, P. CHR: The Olympic Winter Games. Oslo 1952
ANDERSON, John: Catalogue and Handbook of the Archaeological Collections in the Indian Museum. Part II
ANDERSON, M. D: Animal Carvings in British Churches
ANDREE, S. A. STRINDBERG, Nils, FRAENKEL, Knut: Per Balono al la Poluso. La Polusekspedicio de Andree en 1897... El la Sveda Tradukis Stellan Engholm
ANDREWS, Jonathan, BRIGGS, Asa, PORTER, Roy, TUCKER, Penny and WADDINGTON, Keir: The History of Bethlem
ANDREWS, William: Curious Church Customs and Cognate Subjects. Edited by...
ANON: An Account of the Pleasure Tours in Scotland. Illustrated by Maps, Views of Remarkable Buildings, &c. With an Itinerary
ANON: Away From Home; or, Sights and Scenes in Other Lands. A Book for the Young
ANON: Baby Bosh By The Sea
ANON: Central Africa In Picture
ANON: A Collection of all the Statutes Now in Force Relating to the Duties upon Candles, Leather, Sope, Paper, Silks, Callocoes, &c. and upon Starch, and Gilt and Silver Wire, and Wrought Plate. With An Abridgment of the said Statutes, and a Table of the Rates upon the several Commodities shewing by what Acts they are Imposed
ANON: The Congregational Magazine, 1841. New Series. Vol. V
ANON: The Favourite Book of Alphabets. Alphabet of Beasts. Alphabet of Birds. Alphabet of Horses and Dogs.. Seaside Alphabet. Scripture Alphabet
ANON: Four Miles South of Kitty Hawk
Anon: Gentleman and Lady's Key to Polite Literature; or A Compendious Dictionary of Fabulous History, containing the characters, and principal actions, ascribed to the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes, &c. and the manner in which the ancients represented the deities & heroes, virtues and vices, in their paintings, statues and gems : together with some account of their poets, and references to the principal places mentioned in their works : intended for the assistance of those who would understand mythology, poetry, painting, statuary and theatrical entertainments, and particularly adapted to the use of Latin and French school
ANON: Gold Coast Timbers
ANON: An Invective against Drunkenness. Reprinted from the edition of c.1548
ANON: An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Caernarvonshire. Volume II: Central. The Cantref of Arfon and the Commote of Eifionydd
ANON: Jumblegrams. Toys in Book Form. (Books 1 and 2)
ANON: La Part Du Rêve. De La Montgolfiere Au Satellite 1783-1983
ANON: Letters on the Importance, Duty, and of Advantages Early Rising
ANON: Lincolnshire In 1836. Displayed in a series of Nearly One Hundred Engravings, on Steel and Wood; with Accompanying Descriptions, Statistical and Other Important Information, Maps etc
ANON: A Methodical Grammar, Without Points. Adapted to the use of Learners, and Even of those Who Have not the Benefit of a Master. To which is subjoined, The Hebrew Grammar at One View