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Neto, José Pereira: O Baixo Cunene. Subsídios para o seu desenvolvimento
North, Alfred J: Nests and Eggs of Birds Found Breeding in Australia and Tasmania. Volume IV., Part III
Reifenberg, Benno & Wilhelm Hausenstein: Max Beckmann; mit 81 Bildtafeln, 5 Farbtafeln und 8 Abbildungen im Text
Republic of South Africa, Department of Foreign Affairs, compilers: South West Africa: Basic Documents: 30 January 1976 to 2 May 1979
Rompel-Koopman, L: In het land van Piet Retief
Scotney, Pearl, and Charles Scott-Shaw: Lions River Division Agricultural Society 1884 - 1984
Sellers, W. E: From Aldershot to Pretoria. A Story of Christian Work among our Troops in South Africa
Spink & Son (editors and publishers): The War Medal Record (Including Orders of Knighthood.) To which is added a Complete Index to Tancred's "Historical Record of Medals."
Theron, Erika (editor) with Marius J. Swart: Die Kleurlingbevolking van Suid-Afrika. 'n Verslag van 'n komitee van die Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Rasse-Aangeleenthede (Sabra) insake die Kleurling
Wright, Owen E: Backveld Born
Maxwell, Sir Herbert: Scottish Gardens. Being A Representative Selection of different Types, Old and New
Walton, John: A Charge Delivered to the Newly-ordained Ministers at the Conference of the Wesleyan-Methodist Church of South Africa Held at Durban, Natal, April, 1885
[Various authors]: The African Monthly. A Magazine devoted to Literature, History, Exploration, Science, Art, Poetry, Fiction, &c. No. 13, Vol. III. December, 1907
Beater, B.E: Soils of the Sugar Belt (3 volumes)
Beecher, Henry Ward: Yale Lectures on Preaching. Second Series
Bosazza, V.L: The Petrography and Petrology of South African Clays
Doyle, A. Conan: Adventures of Gerard
Letcher, Owen: Medals and Decorations of the British Commonwealth of Nations / Medaljes en dekorasies van die Britse Gemenebes van Nasies
Waldman, Justin (editor): Together, Standing Tall. St Charles College 1875-2002
Ward, Rowland: The Sportsman's Handbook to Collecting, Preserving, and Setting-up Trophies & Specimens, together with A Guide to the Hunting Grounds of the World
Milne, A. A: The Christopher Robin Verses
Purkey, Malcolm and Pippa Stein (editors): Sophiatown. A Play created by Junction Avenue Theatre Company
Colenso, John William: The good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Norwich, on Sunday, August 13, 1854, on the occasion of ordaining Henry Callaway, M.D. as a missionary among the heathen in the Diocese of Natal
Frost, John: History of the State of California, from the Period of the Conquest by Spain, to Her Occupation by the United States of America
Russell, William Alison, and others (commissioners): Report of the Commission Appointed to Enquire into the Disturbances in the Copperbelt, Northern Rhodesia, together with The Governor's Despatch to the Secretary of State on the Report
Hitchon, Brian: The Geology of the Kariba Area
Horowitz, David, and Rita Hinden: Economic Survey of Palestine. With Special Reference to the Years 1936 and 1937
Ingram Brothers (printers and publishers): The Illustrated London News. No. 2405. Vol. LXXXVI. Saturday, May 23, 1885
Joubert, Elsa: Die Nuwe Afrikaan. 'n Reis deur Angola
Kannemeyer, J.C: Jan Rabie. Prosapionier en Politieke Padwyser
Kriel, C. J. (compiler): Die Eerste Eeu. Geskiedenis van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Sendingkerk in Suid-Afrika 5 Oktober 1881 - 5 October 1981
Potgieter, D. J, and others (compilers): Animal Life in Southern Africa
Redgrave, J. J: "A Century of Progress". The Story of the Divisional Council Port Elizabeth 1856-1956 / "'n Eeu van Vooruitgang". Die verhaal van die Afdelingsraad Port Elizabeth 1856-1956
Chapman, Michael: South African English Poetry: A Modern Perspective
Fall, John: Wisdom of Years
Greig, George, with Thomas Pringle and John Fairbairn (editors): The South African Commercial Advertiser. No 1 January 7 1824 to No 18 May 5 1824. Together with 'Facts Connected with the Stopping of the South African Commercial Advertiser'
Nyembezi, C. L. S: A Review of Zulu Literature
Pringle, Thomas, and John Fairbairn (editors): The South African Journal. No. II. March-April, 1824. Vol. I
Reitz, Hjalmar, and Harm Oost (editors), and I. M. Goodman (compiler): Die Nasionale Boek. 'n Geskiedenis van die ontstaan en groei van die Nasionale Party van Suid-Afrika en wat dit bereik het, tesaam met belangwekkende Artiekels in verband daarmee
South African Medical Congress: Transactions of the South African Medical Congress (Twelfth Meeting). Cape Town, 31st October to 5th November, 1910
Tarr, Wrex: The Poacher's Lament, and, Cocky Lobin
Van Jaarsveld, Dr. F.A: Die Eenheidstrewe van die Republikeinse Afrikaners. Deel 1. Pioniershartstogte (1836-1864)
Anonymous: An Historical and Descriptive Account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands: with Illustrations of their Natural History
Armitage, Ella S: A Key to English Antiquities: With Special Reference to the Sheffield and Rotherham District
Donovan, Dick: Eugéne Vidocq. Soldier, Thief, Spy, Detective. A Romance founded on facts
Esquemeling, John: The Buccaneers of America
Friedmann, Marion V: Olive Schreiner. A Study in Latent Meanings
Holbach, Maude M: In the Footsteps of Richard Coeur de Lion
Map Studio (publishers): Southern Africa Activity Atlas
Nienaber, G. S: Van Roem tot Selfmoord
van Wyk Smith, M: Grounds of Contest. A Survey of South African English Literature
Woolfson, Malcolm: The Long Road that led towards the Natal Playhouse
Hinchliff, Peter (editor): The Journal of John Ayliff. 1: 1821-1830
Central Head Committee of the United South African National Party: Die Vrug van Volkseenheid. Gaan jy daarop verder bou?
Central Head Committee of the United South African National Party: The Fruits of Fusion. Five Years of Wonderful Progress and National Reconstruction. The Case for an Extended Mandate
Horak, J. L. (compiler): Resistance to Folly. The Story of the United Party, Dr. Malan and The Cape Coloured Voters / Weerstand teen Dwaasheid. Die verhaal van die Vereenigde Party, Dr. Malan en Die Kaapse Kleurlingkiesers
Leys, Norman (Fulani bin Fulani): Kenya
Losambe, Lokangaka (editor): An Introduction to the African Prose Narrative
Ross, Major Ronald: The Campaign against Malaria
van der Wulp, Ray, and others: Landmacht Royal Netherlands Army. Military Doctrine
Pettman, Charles: Africanderisms. A Glossary of South African Colloquial Words and Phrases and of Place and Other Names
du Plessis, I. D: Baroen en ander Kaapse stories opgeteken en oorvertel deur I. D. du Plessis
Eybers, Elizabeth: Versamelde Gedigte
Grové, A.P. (compiler): D.J. Opperman - Dolosgooier van die woord. Saamgestel deur A.P. Grové by geleentheid van die digter se sestigste verjaardag op 29 September 1974
Bezuidenhout, W: Die skole-onrus in Thabong teen die agtergrond van die landswye politieke onrus in 1984
Bruwer, A. J: Kapitalisme, party-politiek en armoede
Chesterfield, Trevor, and Jackie McGlew: South Africa's Cricket Captains
Dlamini, C. R. M: The juridical analysis and critical evaluation of ilobolo in a changing Zulu society
Ferris, Ashley Louise: Terms of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange / Terme van die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs
La Rivière & Voorhoeve (publishers): Gedenkboek ter gelegenheid van het Zilveren Regeerings-Jubileum van H.M. Koningin Wilhelmina der Nederlanden
Oltmans, Willem: Apartheid USA 1988
Spoelstra, B: Ons Volkslewe: kultuur-historiese leesboek; met 'n voorwoord deur G. S. Preller
Cape of Good Hope. Department of Native Affairs: Blue Book on Native Affairs, 1905. Compiled in compliance with a resolution of the Honourable the House of Assembly dated the 10th June, 1873. [G. 46-1906.]
Cape of Good Hope. Department of Native Affairs: Blue Book on Native Affairs, 1908. Compiled in compliance with a resolution of the Honourable the House of Assembly dated the 10th June, 1873. [G. 19-1909.]
Cape of Good Hope. Department of Native Affairs: Blue-book on Native Affairs, 1902. Compiled in compliance with a resolution of the Honourable the House of Assembly dated the 10th June, 1873. [G. 25-1902.]