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Esterhuyse, Willie: Endgame : Secret Talks and the End of Apartheid
Heath, T.L: Diophantos of Alexandria : a Study in the History of Greek Algebra
Hopfinger, K.B: Beyond Expectation : the Volkswagen Story
Cabot, John: Strike Back at Terror
Sleigh, D: The Forts of the Liesbeeck Frontier
Eybers, Elisabeth: Rymdwang
de Wet, G.L.; Oosthuizen, A.G: First Principles of Economics
De Roubaix, E: Uit Boesmanland: Kykies in die Volkslewe
Brink, André P: Bagasie : Triptiek vir die toneel
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Long, Una (Ed.): The Journals of Elizabeth Lees Price, Written in Bechuanaland, Southern Africa 1854 - 1883
Malan, Jannie (Editor): Views and Visions of Coexistence in South Africa
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Urquhart, Colin : Klages: East to the Isles : The Story of the Bird Islands of Algoa Bay South Africa
Kelling, Fred: Fisherman of Faroe, William Gibson Sloan
Levyns, Dr M R B ; Levyns, J E P (Ed): Insnar'd with Flow'rs : The Memoirs of a Great South African Botanist
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Van Schoor, M.C.E; Malan, S.I; Oberholster, J.J: n Bloemlesing - Genl. C R de Wet
Blakemore, Stella: Die Meisies van Maasdorp
Vermeulen, H J H (Ed): Middleburg Kaap / Cape - 1852-1952 : Eeufeesgedenkboek / Centenary Book
Regulations (Under the Colonial Forces Act, 1902) for The Volunteer Force - 1903
Hilton-Barber, Brett; Berger, Lee R: The Official Field Guide to the Cradle of Humankind: Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, Kromdraai and Environs World Heritage Site
Swift, Penny; Szymanowski, Janek: Build Your Own Braai
Parkview Senior School Parent Teacher Association Education Is Not Free
Lord Dunsany: Tales of War
Nasson, Bill: De Boerenoorlog 1899-1902
Spiro, E: The General Principles of the Conflict of Laws
Howard, Elizabeth: Essential Harmony
Pityana, Barney & Villa-Vincencio, Charles: Being the Church in South Africa Today
van Weren, Luke: Keys for Effective Ministry
Scher, Marion: Business Manners in South Africa The Right Way!
Singh, Ashina: Releasing New Credit Energy in South Africa
Lewsen, Phyllis: John X Merriman
Lawrence, D H: Lady Chatterley's Lover The Only Original Edition Published in Sweden
Ferris, N S: Know Your Rhodesia and Know Your Nyasaland Volume I
Mbuya, John Chibaya: Drug Abuse in Southern Africa
Crompton, Richmal: William And The Space Animal
JDU Geldenhuys: Psyspy
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Johns, W E: Biggles Delivers the Goods
Landsberg, Christopher: The Quiet Diplomacy of Liberation
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Potgieter, Justus R: Sport Psychology Theory and Practice
Lagerkvist, Par: The Marriage Feast
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Davey, Arthur: The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking
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Macksey, Kenneth: Armoured Crusader
van den Heever, C M: Kultuurgeskiedenis van die Afrikaner Deel III
Ashtray marked "The Rhodesia Regiment 10th Battalion"
Bradbury, Malcolm: Eating People is Wrong
Crompton, Richmal: Jimmy Again
Everingham, G.K.; Kleynhans, J.E: Introductory GAAP
Gordimer, Nadine: Friday's Footprints
van Eeden, Johan: The South African Mountain Leadership Guide
Metrowich, F. R: Towards Dialogue and Detente
Harrison : Yates : Rushby ;Flamwell ; Jubb: Fresh - Water Fish And Fishing In Africa
Van Der Merwe, Elize: Rangskik Met Inheemse Blomme
Thieme, Sven: The Windhoek Story
Geraniaceae; Pelargonium; Geranium; Erodlum; SarcoCaulon & Monsonia Group News Winter 1997/8
HeitmanHelmoed-Romer: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Krygsmag
Broekhuysen, G. J: The Ostrich 4 Vol. Set The Journal of the South African Ornithological Society
Mace, Suzanne: Mesemb Study Group Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 3
The Redwing. Journal Of The ST. Andrew's College Natural History And Exploration Societies
Kahn, Ellison: Bloody Hand : Wills And Crime
Pretorius, J. T: Hahlo's South African Company Law Through the Cases
The Premier Dictionary Of English Synonyms & Antonyms
Nortje, P. H: Op die Sonpad
Who Owns Whom in South Africa 30th Edition
Faramus, Anthony Charles ; Owen, Frank: The Faramus Story
Whiting Spilhaus, M: Doorstep Baby ; An Autobiography
Biddle, Dana: n Brei-avontuur met Suid-Afrikaanse wol
Mansfield, Charlotte: The Green Ghost